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I don't really use the boost mechanic at all. Only at the beginning of the missions to get to the enemies quicker. I also completed level 1 without getting hit (once, it took a few tries, I'm not the best at video games), but I didn't really sue the boost to escape enemies or similar actions.

As I previously said, the rule of cool is a cornerstone of (nearly) every sci-fi story. But I think an interplanetary civilisation would be keen on being efficient (if it actually is is another conversation entirely).

Tungsten rods have been use in multiple sci-fi stories already, in my opinion they're no more unique than a space laser. I'm not really sure what other options there are, but I would definitely like at least some kind of bombardment ability, regardless of if it's an orbital bombardment or aerial bombardment. I'm sure Mezz can come up with an idea that satisfies him.

I don't know about the overdrive. I really like this idea, but as the boost is currently basically useless you would just always relegate the power to that different system. If it would be implemented this way, that ought to be accompanied by changes to the enemies, etc, to make the boost more useful. Then it would be a real decision between running around guns blazing or carefully ambushing enemies.

While cool, the tungsten rods would be really uneconomical in-universe. They provide no more explosive power than regular bombs/missiles (delivered via plane or missile) and cost a metric ton of money (tungsten is hella expensive), so in-universe they'd probably just use regular air to surface missiles (unless, for some reason, tungsten costs like 5 dollars per ton or something). At least, that's my opinion, but Mezz is always open to do what he wants, it's his game, and after all, the rule of  cool is the only one that matters.

I downloaded the game again and that seems to magically have fixed it??? I don't know how, but they do now function as described. Now that they actually react they are fearsome opponents.

I do have one question: Will there ever be plans for modding? Like, in 3 years, when the game is on version V.4.2.7? Or do you plan to not make it modable at all? Or is that hard to say at the moment, because it could change in the future?

Thanks, hope you have a good day!

Thank you for replying! I can (for the most part) totally understand why or why you did not decide to include something. I guess the only two things I'm "disappointed" (not really, I'm too happy that this game even exists to be truly disappointed) about is the artillery cannon, but I think the grenades are a neat replacement/stand-in, and the engine overdrive system. If there aren't going to be real consequences for emptying the boost, I would at least add a bit of screen shake or something like that, so it at least feels like that isn't too good for the mech. Though that of course could confuse players into thinking it actually damages their mech, because I definitely would think that if the screen shakes.

They actually do move, but only if the player is not visible to them. Once they spot them they'll open fire, but if they can't see them they'll proceed to the last known position.

When I approached them from behind cover they seemed to not move at all. This becomes a problem because the tanks are never able to see you. I managed to ambush them and I didn't get hit by a tank once. It's probably something broken on my game though, I'll download it again and see if that fixes it.

Well, all in all I have to say (again) that this game is really awesome, and I wish there was more of it/like it. I can't wait to see what the future holds for this game. Thanks for reading.

I've been reading the suggestions in the comments and thought I'd also throw in my two cents, as I've really come to like the game over the few hours I've played it. In general, this supposed to be a compendium of some ideas I like, taken from the comments along with some of my own ideas. I hope I'm not too overbearing, and that I don't come across as someone who demands you do what I want, I just like to put forth my ideas as food for thought.

I'll try to structure it a bit, but I'm the worst at writing, so forgive me for that.

1. Weapons:

I've read in the comments you plan to implement some new weapons, notably a railgun and laser weapons. I've given it some thought and I've come up with a few ideas.

The laser weaponry goes first:

The Sunbeam: A laser weapon with a continuous beam. My idea was to make you keep the beam on the enemy for a few seconds before they die, but that of course leaves you open to attacks. Maybe a way to balance the weapon, especially considering the ideas I have for the ammo, I don't know.

The Energy Repeater: A laser with a non-continuous beam, akin to "laser bolts". I imagine it as a slow firing (slower than the auto cannon but faster than the railgun) heavy machine gun of sorts, which does more damage than the auto cannon.

I see three ways of making an ammo system. One way would be to say they use batteries, which would make it compatible with the existing ammo system, but the second idea is a thermal management system. This will be something I expand on when I get to the engine overdrive. The last option would be to give them infinite ammo, though that'd be a bit OP without proper balancing.

Now the kinetic weaponry:

The Railgun: I imagine the Railgun shooting metal slugs that don't explode on impact. It would be able to shoot through buildings, just like you already hinted at in the comments, and I've thought about maybe making you able to see further than normal in a small cone of vision, though I think that coupled with the fact it can shoot through buildings would make it pretty OP. Maybe an option would be to balance it out with a low amount of ammo, long reload times and a max amount of buildings it can shoot through (maybe like 3 to 5?). Additionally, it would be pretty cool if you could shoot through multiple mechs when they're lined up.

The Tank/Artillery cannon: Another idea I've seen in the comments. I've thought about how to differentiate it from the Railgun and the missiles, and my idea was to make it have a firing arc. So instead of hitting whatever is in the way of the shells, it requires precise aiming so the shells hit. This could also encourage a stealth playstyle, considering the fact you can fire upon enemies from behind buildings and you can't just spray and pray once a huge horde of enemies comes your way (like I did more than I'd like to admit).

I also read some suggestions on a third weapon/gadget, and I had some ideas for that as well:

Mine layer: A simple device to lay mines. Detonate once a mech drives on top of them.

Bomb layer: Lays/shoots bombs which can be activated by the player.

EMP Grenade Launcher: Launches EMPs in an arc (like the artillery cannon) which can disable mechs so you can ambush them.

A laser designator: Obviously inspired by Tripsyy, calling in an orbital/aerial bombardment, NPC reinforcements, supply drops, etc. Could also function as a main weapon if the cooldown is short/if using the laser designator to give the NPC reinforcements commands.

2. The Mech

As some commentors have already suggested, being able to customise the mech (even if it's just for looks) would be really cool. An idea I've read somewhere is to make you able to make trade-offs, for example getting more armour for less speed. This may be implemented in a "space" mechanic, where each upgrade takes "space" on the mech. For example, thick armour would take up a lot more physical space than thinner armour, thus allowing you less ammunition storage and smaller engines. This would also not require any more art, so it's basically a win-win (I forgot about the coding required, ignore that.

My main issue is the engine overdrive system. I barely use it and, additionally, even when you completely empty the bar, nothing happens. When I tried it out I expected I would explode the mech or at least take some damage. But this didn't happen. I'd like to suggest adding such a system. This could then also tie into the laser weaponry. The laser weaponry heats up the engines, and once the engines are too hot, you are unable to fire for some time and take some damage (1 to 3, you'd need to test what feels most balanced). Not firing for a while will cool down the engines.

To make the overdrive more useful, I'd maybe also add faster enemies which would catch up to you if you don't use the overdrive. That's the only idea I could come up.

I'd love it if the player mech dropped in using a dropship (like you already hinted at in the comments) or like a drop from orbit à la Titanfall.

3. Enemies

I know you are thinking about attack helicopters, and I have some questions:

How will we be able to fight the helicopters? If using bullets, what about if the helicopter hovers above a building, which bullets cannot pass? Will we need to specifically lock onto the helicopter using missiles, or will we be just able to blind fire and take them out using the radius of the explosion?

The tanks do not seem to move at all. This may just be a problem with my version, but they remain stationary until I shoot at them. Then they start moving. This made Level 3 way too easy.

I'd also love to see more variety in biological enemies? Maybe some huge arachnoids, or even plants that have overtaken old decrepit mechs!

4. Missions

I'd love to see some more variety in levels:

- Megastructure (A huge building on Mars, not something in space) Construction site

- Industrial District

- Maybe even a finished Megastructure?

- Forest/Jungle

- Skyscraper? (Depending on the size of it)

- A Venice-inspired map using the assets from Mission 3

5. Name

This part is just my opinion, to be honest. But I really love the name "project Landsword". Now that it's engrained in my mind I can't imagine any other name. I'd definitely keep it.

I definitely forgot something, so I may expand this, but I'd be really interested what you think about some of these ideas. They're definitely not all original, but maybe you've made some progress since the last time you talked about them. I really do love this game, and I really want it to succeed. More people need to know this exists!