This is Doug Hoyer’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Doug Hoyer

  1. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
  2. Alternative
  1. collection 219
  2. wishlist 215
  3. followers 26
  4. following 249
  1. It's Thunder
    by Talismanic Episode Assembly
  2. Glass Heart Cattle Drive
    by The Flea Market Pharmacy
    appears in 1 other collection
  3. Numb Feeling
    by The Colorful Quiet
  4. Succeeder
    by Michael Cloud Duguay
  5. All Wild Things Are Shy
    by Richard Laviolette
  6. One Real Reveal
    by Joel Plaskett
  7. Postcards from France
    by Robin Mitchell
  8. A Struggle Not A Thought
    by Chuck Johnson
  9. Masks & Mirrors
    by Robert Leslie
  10. Amelia
    by Laurie Anderson
  11. Chroma Console
    by Emily Hopkins
  12. Microcosm
    by Emily Hopkins
  13. Nature's Got Away
    by Karl Blau
  14. Elegant Rhythms
    by Teen Daze
  15. Music For Horses
    by Christo Graham
  16. Out of View
    by Len O'Neill
  17. Sad Forever
    by Success 5000
  18. Glade
    by Courtney Hartman
  19. yoshologie
    by Louie Zong
  20. Sun Suite
    by Louie Zong