This is Ellis Ray’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Ellis Ray

  1. Martinez, California
  2. Metal
  1. collection 468
  2. wishlist 39
  3. followers 26
  4. following 518
  1. VI
    by Fief
  2. Cyclical Sentient Struggle
    by Exulansis
  3. Enchantment of the Ring (1999 version)
    by Matthew P. Davis
  4. Harmonium 2
    by Greet
  5. Gnarled Staff
    by Gnarled Staff
  6. Bàs no Beatha
    by Lochdraoidh
  7. Hymne To A Dismal Starre
    by Winter Lantern
  8. Arcane Overspill
    by Iron Firmament
  9. Demo
    by Unsheather
  10. Queen of a New Age: An Enya Tribute
    by Fiadh Productions
  11. Harmonium 1
    by Greet
  12. Boreal Tactics
    by Lander
  13. Cascadian Tactics
    by Iron Firmament
    Legendry of Starlight Fen Legendry of Starlight Fen
    They don’t miss
  14. Serpent Moon
    by ARIDUS
  15. Lich Lament
    by Wrought Iron Rood
  16. Demo
    by Black Hurst
  17. LRDXN90 - He​á​fodb​á​n - Bl​ó​dwracu
    by Dale Of Shadows
  18. Apex Predator
    by HÄSSLIG
    by Nythgraph
    Sun Glow Sun Glow
    Dungeon Synth meets DSBM with an almost pop seniment on this release. Songs invoke day dream worlds with the nightmare situation of running with legs feeling underwater. Sunset smoke session soundtrack as the world burns.
  20. Apocrypha
    by Fugitive Wizard