Badge Statistics
- Created on 2013-09-04.
- Awarded 287 times.
- 0.7% of people have earned this badge.
- First earned by notting on 2013-10-23.
- Last awarded to carlwgeorge on 2021-06-02.
Badge Holders
orion sdake notting jwboyer besser82 thias xavierb kkofler bcl galileo pbrobinson ktdreyer goldmann till jgrulich psabata msrb ablu gil leamas eseyman mizdebsk volter stevetraylen spot ralph kkeithle msivak siwinski lnykryn rdieter oget mrunge vicodan nushio rhughes ciupicri raveit65 anishpatil robert remi kevin pbrady asrob epienbro leigh123linux fmuellner moceap mcepl ppisar petersen puiterwijk jsynacek peter pnemade brummbq slaanesh mimccune churchyard nb lbazan gerd dchen pghmcfc tjikkun s4504kr rathann potty jcollie mbooth jamielinux mhayden ausil tibbs limb cdamian akurtakov adev pingou apevec jbernard silas corsepiu dhowells jeckersb mooninite rohara pravins mdbooth sgallagh mdomsch luya vcrhonek jlieskov devos sbose juergh jjames kumarpraveen msimacek tmraz vpavlin than glisse airlied mjg eharney thm jortel jfilak olea timfenn mcpierce zbyszek jskarvad mattia vbatts pwu bubeck xhorak mharmsen delete jwrdegoede stbenjam berrange irina adamwill jpopelka bochecha cheeselee wwoods lmacken stransky jvanek kdudka tomh piotrp timj pfrields llagendijk itamarjp hguemar lupinix fabbione bbbush trown davidcl bsjones ilgrad ... and 138 other people.