幕末の英雄・高杉晋作。意外に知られてないその生涯をまとめてみたのですが、あまりに格好よすぎてまるでリアリティがありません。 まず高杉晋作はこんな人です。 イケメンですね。サッカー日本代表の本田圭佑にどことなく似ている気がします。 この人、まず決断力と行動力が尋常じゃない。 たとえば、自分は一文も持ってなかったのに、藩の後払いということで、無断で軍艦を購入したことがあります。 スケール感、ハンパない。 長州藩は、身に覚えのない数億円の請求が来たときに絶句したそうです。そんな高杉晋作の生涯をまとめてみました。 ときは幕末。 高杉はかの有名な松下村塾で広く学問を修め、将来有望な逸材として、「松下村塾四天王」の一人に数えられます。 さて、この“将来有望”、というのが曲者。 師匠はといえば、「おまえら、どこまで狂えるの?俺はやるよ」が信条、衝撃の狂人・吉田松陰です。 黒船来航以来、日本中がピリピリし
John Deo (6) 06:58 PM Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's ... Jane Deo (6) 06:58 PM Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's ... Mr Deo (6) 06:58 PM Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the i
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README.md Bootstrap 3.x Admin's Theme Details: An admin theme built with Bootstrap 3.x. Free for personal and commercial use Inspired by and based on Bootstrap-Admin-Theme Demo http://github.meritoo.pl/Bootstrap-3-Admin-Theme Pages Login Dashboard Calendar (not implemented yet) Statistics (Charts) (not implemented yet) Forms Tables Buttons & Icons WYSIWYG Editors UI & Interface Available sizes No
Charisma free, premium quality, responsive, multiple skin admin template. It's a live demo of the template. I have created Charisma to ease the repeat work I have to do on my projects. Now I re-use Charisma as a base for my admin panel work and I am sharing it with you :) All pages in the menu are functional, take a look at all, please share this with your followers. Back to article Download Page
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AIを使っていらすとや風の画像が生成できるサービスです。 Eテレのショートアニメです。 いらすとやが更新されたらお知らせするX(ツイッター)アカウントです。 いらすとやのLINEスタンプに関する情報をお知らせするLINEアカウントです。 ▼ 2024 (63) ▼ 11月 (5) お風呂のキャラクター お風呂キャンセル界隈のイラスト(女性) お風呂キャンセル界隈のイラスト(男性) スマホを見ていて寝落ちした人のイラスト(女性) スマホを見ていて寝落ちした人のイラスト(男性) ► 10月 (12) ► 7月 (2) ► 6月 (14) ► 5月 (6) ► 4月 (11) ► 3月 (12) ► 1月 (1) ► 2023 (24) ► 12月 (1) ► 10月 (11) ► 7月 (1) ► 6月 (3) ► 4月 (4) ► 1月 (4) ► 2022 (65) ► 10月 (9) ►
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A light-weight job scheduling library for Node.js This was originally a fork of agenda.js, it differs from the original version in following points: Complete rewrite in Typescript (fully typed!) mongodb4 driver (supports mongodb 5.x) Supports mongoDB sharding by name touch() can have an optional progress parameter (0-100) Bugfixes and improvements for locking & job processing (concurrency, lockLim
Chain’s suite of Web3 software services are essential for modern businesses. Sequence provides a fully customizable and immutable ledger to balance business transactions, while streamlining ledger management. Chain Cloud enables organic brand refinement and growth with real-time analytics and maintains the selected blockchain network of your choice. Chain NFTs offers a comprehensive one-on-one NFT
Network neutrality—the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all data that travels over their networks fairly, without improper discrimination in favor of particular apps, sites or services—is a principle that must be upheld to protect the future of our open Internet. It's a principle that's faced many threats over the years, such as ISPs forging packets to tamper with certain k
Today I switched over completely from GNU Screen to the more modern BSD-licensed alternative, tmux. After making sure that tmux had replacements for all Screen’s key features, I took the plunge, and haven’t looked back. The project’s webpage has a complete list of features available under tmux, but as an everyday user of Screen, here are the major reasons I switched: Better redraw model: I use Awe
The team at Venture Videos is excited to announce the acquisition of the Videohance.com domain, which has served as the digital hub for a pioneer in video editing software for over 7 years. This acquisition marks a pivotal moment in Venture Videos journey, symbolizing not just the expansion of our digital footprint but also our commitment to embracing the legacy of innovation that Videohance.com d
A web based audio/video streaming application and file manager. Allowing you to access your music & videos from anywhere, using almost any internet enabled device. Music collection Browse and manage your music collection through a simple web interface. Synchronize local and remote catalogs to an unique consistent collection. read more Music streaming Stream your music to your preferred player, con