This is what every (ish?) html5 form element looks like on your current operating system and browser. by Joshua Jenkins
jQuery.html5Loader Description jQuery.html5Loader can preload images, html5 video and audio sources, script and text files. This plugin needs a JSON file to get the files that it has to preload, and it provides an easy API to communicate the state of loading. Demos Big counter Circular default preloader Append file when it is loaded Line preloader Features smart : it loads just the sources that ar
FINDJOB! 終了のお知らせ 2023年9月29日にFINDJOB!を終了いたしました。 これまでFINDJOB!をご利用いただいた企業様、求職者様、様々なご関係者様。 大変長らくFINDJOB!をご愛顧いただき、誠にありがとうございました。 IT/Web系の仕事や求人がまだ広く普及していない頃にFind Job!をリリースしてから 約26年間、多くの方々に支えていただき、運営を続けてまいりました。 転職成功のお声、採用成功のお声など、嬉しい言葉もたくさんいただきました。 またFINDJOB!経由で入社された方が人事担当になり、 FINDJOB!を通じて、新たな人材に出会うことができたなど、 たくさんのご縁をつくることができたのではないかと思っております。 2023年9月29日をもって、FINDJOB!はその歴史の幕を下ろすこととなりましたが、 今後も、IT/Web業界やクリエイティブ
A tutorial on how to create a off-canvas icon navigation with an animated border effect. The menu effect is inspired by CreativeDash’s bounce menu for mobile apps. The other day I saw a really nice concept of a menu on the UI8 site. CreativeDash implemented that gorgeous concept and I instantly had some ideas for more effects involving border transitions but also with the desktop in mind. So today
A system that allows everyone to freely create and edit RSS aggregators View project onGitHub This is a web service for RSS aggregators that is to combine several RSS feeds to one feed. The main feature of this service is that filters of aggregators are written in JavaScript, just like a Wiki system. How to use Visit: and you will see a list of RSS agg
Icon fonts are great because they are flexible and fast loading. Using a single font and CSS, you can create countless graphical variations that would normally require the use of an equally countless collection of bulky and non-scalable images. Combined with HTML elements, these icons can even turn into beautiful buttons like the download link above! How to Use the Elegant Icon Font on Your Websit
A Markdown editor with live HTML preview View the Project on GitHub cloose/CuteMarkEd Home Features Changelog Roadmap Mailing List Blog Download ZIP File Download TAR Ball View On GitHub DESCRIPTION A Qt-based, free and open source Markdown editor with live HTML preview, math expressions, code and markdown syntax highlighting. See the features page for more information. DOWNLOAD Sources MS Windows
As a user, the browser back button is one of the most handy features of a web client. As developers, we wish it never existed. Using the back button, in it's simplest definition, means to go back to the page we visited before the one we are currently on. But what exactly does this mean? Should the browser request the previous page from the server? Should it be loaded from the cache? Or, should we