wireover.com is coming soon This domain is managed at
wireover.com is coming soon This domain is managed at
Creating, testing and maintaining a large JavaScript code base is not easy — especially since great resources on how to do this are hard to find. This page is a collection of the best articles, videos and presentations we've found on the topic. Follow us on Twitter, GitHub, or check out our newsletter. We'd love to hear your suggestions via e-mail or as Github Issues. We come across a lot of great
In a former life I served as Editor of Seattle 2.0, and one of the most popular pieces of content we produced was the Seattle 2.0 Index – a monthly ranked list of all the local startups. It was a labor of love by Marcelo Calbucci and I was never a part of making it, but I always loved seeing how my favorite companies were doing and discovering new ones. I always thought it would be fun to make som
Here is a tribute to one of the earliest robot/spaceman characters in video games - the player character from the Commodore 64 version of "Chimera" by Shahid Ahmad. As the player, you explore a mysterious and threatening space ship, attempt to destroy it and escape. Chimera was one of the first games to include digital voice samples, not just the typical bleeps and bloops of games of the mid-80s.