Tekna is the leading union for academics with an MBA in the field of science and technology. We've worked with Tekna on the long term vision and strategy for their ambitious focus on career and competency development, as well as developing digital membership services to meet these goals. Karrierekompasset ("The career compass") is on the front line of this new initiative, seeking to guide members
sea.level [ -mts ] The brands that evolve are the ones that reach people ( Yours shouldn't be the exception ) Nowadays, there's so much information that you don't have enough time to see everything. We all feel the same. When there are too many options, we prefer the practical and the original. People compare. And a good image makes a product or service stand out from the rest. That's why, as a
Client: OHA Music Project: Website Service: Web Design, Web DevelopmentClient: OHA Music Project: Website Service: Web Design, Web DevelopmentClient: OHA Music Project: Website Service: Web Design, Web DevelopmentClient: OHA Music Project: Website Service: Web Design, Web DevelopmentClient: OHA Music Project: Website Service: Web Design, Web Development Client: TONALISTEN Service: Brand Design, We
Adieu, mes amis. Taking care of your secrets was an exciting assignment. But times have changed and today, with new systems approaching, I'm no longer needed. As I always say, security begins with your attitude, so please stay alert and don't rely on technology only. Enough said. Let's not get sentimental, but I will miss you somehow. À bientôt, Benoît
これはかなり重宝するのではないでしょうか。 日本の人物写真素材が無料で商用OK,更に クレジット表記やリンクも不要のサイト・モデル ピース。人物写真は基本的にどれも有料か、 あっても日本人ではなかったりですが、こちら は無料ですし、国産のサービスなのでモデル さんはみんな日本人です。 お友達のまさとさん(@makavelicom)に教えてもらいました。ご紹介するモデルピース以外にもいろいろまとめられてるのでチェックしてみてください [note]激安で日本的な写真素材、レンポジサイト一覧[/note] 無料・商用OK・リンクもクレジット表記も不要で解像度も高いです。こんないいサイトがあったとは知りませんでした。足成とは別の選択肢としてかなり重宝しそうです。 日本人の人物写真を専門に扱っていて、無料ながら商用OK、リンクもクレジットも不要とのこと。ありがたい。 数もかなり豊富 数が少ないかと思