![[FT] 独政治家の欧州中銀批判は無用(社説) - 日本経済新聞](https://cdn-ak-scissors.b.st-hatena.com/image/square/0e3c5e614e8acdad43d69cde8f3e93836e869a85/height=288;version=1;width=512/https%3A%2F%2Ffanyv88.com%3A443%2Fhttps%2Fwww.nikkei.com%2F.resources%2Fk-components%2Frectangle.rev-d54ea30.png)
ノアピニオン氏が、経済学入門で習うような基本原理の正しさを過大に評価する傾向を「101ism」と呼んだ*1。それを受けてクルーグマンが、「101 Boosterism」というブログエントリを書いている。そこで彼は、仮に経済学基本原理が正しいとしても、それが重要であるとは限らない、という点を指摘している。その例としてクルーグマンは、自分のホームグラウンドである国際貿易の分野から、かつてサミュエルソンが明白ではないが真実である経済学の洞察の好例、と称した比較優位を挙げている。 Now, there are a variety of reasons why, despite this big insight, free trade may not be the right policy – that’s Noah’s 101ism. But I want to make a different
We are only four months in, but it's already been a dark, dark 2016. It now seems rare for a week to pass without a significant celebrity death being reported - from David Bowie in the second week of January, to actor Alan Rickman a week later, to comedian Victoria Wood and Prince this week. "Enough, 2016" and a more vulgar alternative are phrases people are uttering more and more regularly. So is
The latest setback comes less than a week after the French economy minister, Emmanuel Macron, told the BBC that the project would be given the go-ahead in the “coming week or month”. EDF was itself aiming to be able to give the green light at the company’s annual general meeting on 12 May but has bowed to pressure from employees to consult an internal union-management council. The company said in