Ruby 逆引きレシピ すぐに美味しいサンプル&テクニック 232 (PROGRAMMER’S RECIPE) (2009/07/25) 島田 浩二設樂 洋爾 商品詳細を見る 著者の大半がRuby札幌の関係者みたいです、札幌在住者 としては、近親感が・・ 久しぶりにRuby本を買いました(笑) 数日前に日記に書いた、クオカードが使えない書店だったので、買うのを躊躇 した書籍です。 「メールから添付ファイルを取り出したい」ちゅうタイトルで紹介していたのは 自分が見つけた、TMail ライブラリーを使う方法でした(笑) まぁ、Ruby-postgres が ruby-pg ちゅうライブラリー名に変わったちゅうのが 既定路線らしいちゅうことが確認できたりしたんで、実質2千円弱(残りは貰いも んのクオカード)分の価値はあったかなと・・・ まぁ、自分にとっては、未知なる分野も色々書いてあったので、少
これはすごいイベント!!!Ruby逆引きレシピの著者大集合!!!ぁーー行きたいけど・・・無理・・・ LOCALのページには画像しかないテキストがない!!!!って@bokusamaに言ったら、@snoozer05(てか島田さんw)がRuby札幌のページにテキストがあるよ!って教えてくれた! [告知] 8/22(土)にジュンク堂書店札幌店にてRuby逆引きレシピ刊行記念トークセッション † LOCAL | Leading Organization of Community Activity for LOCAL ということで、Ruby札幌のページにテキスト版でBlogを書いてみる。正直この5名が一堂に会すること自体がすごいことじゃないか! 5名が誰かわからんよなぁ・・っていったら、@snoozer05が以下だ!ってつぶやいたので書いてみるテスツw @snoozer05 @darashi @mrk
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This video focuses on taking an already existing idea and code and turning it into a jQuery plugin. In this case, it helps keep our code as semantic as it canThis video focuses on taking an already existing idea and code and turning it into a jQuery plugin. In this case, it helps keep our code as semantic as it can be, and with JavaScript off, degrades nicely. We cover the syntax of creating a plu
Get affordable and hassle-free WordPress hosting plans with Cloudways — start your free trial today. Just what the world needs, another jQuery slider. YAWN. I know, check this one out though, it’s got lots of cool features. Here on CSS-Tricks, I’ve created a number of different sliders. Three, in fact. A “featured content” slider, a “start/stop slider“, and “moving boxes“. Each of them had some co
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the language of Web design, and the next generation of CSS design properties are just chomping at the bit to be released. Are you eager to start using them, but don’t know where to start? Although many of the new properties are not yet “official”, some browsers have already implemented many of the features of the coming CSS Level 3 specifications. The problem is tha
CSS is the second-most-important thing you can master when it comes to web design, right after HTML. And the capabilities of CSS can be staggering (especially with the new CSS3 standard already making appearances in some browsers). If you can imagine it, it's likely someone has already figured out how to do it with CSS. Below are more than 250 resources for mastering CSS. While they're not likely
HTML5 and CSS3 have just arrived (kinda), and with them a whole new battle for the ‘best markup’ trophy has begun. Truth to be told, all these technologies are mere tools waiting for a skilled developer to work on the right project. As developers we shouldn’t get into pointless discussions of which markup is the best. They all lead to nowhere. Rather, we must get a brand new ideology and modify ou is the Ruby community’s gem hosting service. Instantly publish your gems and then install them. Use the API to find out more about available gems. Become a contributor and improve the site yourself. is made possible through a partnership with the greater Ruby community. Fastly provides bandwidth and CDN support, Ruby Central covers infrastructure costs, and funds ongoing
Color Scheme This color scheme is based off of my popular IR_Black theme for TextMate. When thinking of vim or vi, visually appealing UI doesn't normally enter your mind. But that isn't due to a lack of features, because its support for syntax coloring is one the best I've seen; the only thing slightly better is TextMate. It's due to the poor color schemes many people use. In gVim or MacVim you
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今週8/22(土)に、レシピ先輩が故郷の札幌にてイベントを。 ジュンク堂書店 札幌店にて『Ruby逆引きレシピ』刊行記念トークセッション、"ぼくらの「レシピ先輩」とRubyのある楽しい生活を"が開催されます。著者総出演という豪華っぷり。 ホントに「レシピ先輩」て書いてある! Ruby 逆引きレシピ すぐに美味しいサンプル&テクニック 232 (PROGRAMMER’S RECIPE) 作者: 島田浩二,設樂洋爾,村田賢太,前田智樹,谷口文威出版社/メーカー: 翔泳社発売日: 2009/07/25メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)購入: 16人 クリック: