Researchers outside Google are testing the software that the company uses to add artificial intelligence to many of its products. An artificial intelligence engine that Google uses in many of its products, and that it made freely available last month, is now being used by others to perform some neat tricks, including translating English into Chinese, reading handwritten text, and even generating o
小俣泰明(TAIMEI)@taimeidrive NTTコミュニケーションズなどの大手ITベンダーでシステム運用やネットワーク構築の技術を磨いた後、面白法人カヤックでディレクターを担当。その後、2009年4月に上場企業の取締役に就任。2012年8月にトライフォートを共同設立、代表取締役Co-Founder/CTOに就任。スマートフォンアプリ・ソーシャル領域に特化した開発・運営を展開している 今回もエンジニアtypeの連載にお付き合いいただきありがとうございます。 先日、CTO忘年会という各社の最高技術責任者が集まる会に参加しました。 ここでは採用技術の話や組織論といった多岐にわたるテーマを、素晴らしいCTOの方々から聞くことができます。 CTO会は長く続いていますが、今回は5~60もの人が集まりました。つまり、「5~60社の技術トップ」が集まったことになります。ITベンチャーの勢いを改めて
Results of the APCERT Steering Committee (SC) Election 2023 - Chair: KrCERT/CC (2023-2024) - Deputy Chair: CyberSecurity Malaysia (2023-2024) - Secretariat: JPCERT/CC (2023-2025) - SC: CyberSecurity Malaysia, JPCERT/CC, and Sri Lanka CERT|CC (2023-2025) (ACSC, CNCERT/CC, KrCERT/CC, and TWNCERT remain until 2024.)
FIRST is the global Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams FIRST is the premier organization and recognized global leader in incident response. Membership in FIRST enables incident response teams to more effectively respond to security incidents - reactive as well as proactive. FIRST brings together a variety of computer security incident response teams from government, commercial, and educ
What We Do CERT experts are a diverse group of researchers, software engineers, security analysts, and digital intelligence specialists working together to research security vulnerabilities in software products, contribute to long-term changes in networked systems, and develop cutting-edge information and training to improve the practice of cybersecurity. Our connection to the internationally know
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