LONDON 223 Metal Box Factory 30 Great Guildford St London, SE1 0HS – +44 20 8065 5490 [email protected]
Horizontal websites are a great new way to create unique web experiences. Instead of the usual vertical scrolling with the majority of websites, designers have been looking at new ways for the user to view content. Mostly horizontal websites have been apparent in designer portfolios. With wide screen monitors becoming more and more popular, this experience could be a great new way of interacting o
Nous sommes une agence de création à l'ADN digital. Découvrez nos réalisations Marier créativité, technologie et (éco)responsabilité n'est pas seulement notre méthode, mais notre engagement. Nous sommes passionnés par la marque et croyons fermement que la plateforme de marque est la condition de survie à l'ère de l'IA. Nous sommes fascinés par les possibilités infinies de la technologie au service
It’s easy to go with the grain, stick within the category codes and make your brand as frictionless as possible. It feels safe. And in an uncertain world, safety feels like a sensible strategy. But we believe the greatest risk is to stand still and fail to stand out. It’s only the bold that get noticed and the brave that get loved today. From your purpose to your point of sale, it’s difference tha
3 Pings & Trackbacks Pingback: 22 Fresh High-Quality Fonts for Your Designs | Freebies Pingback: The Best E-Commerce Icons All In One Place | Freebies Pingback: 11 Fresh High-Quality Free Fonts | Freebies 40 Comments Some really great textures. Thanks for sharing. Thank you too! Very nice set. I liked especially the grunge textures. nice textures thanks.. Very nice 🙂 Much Appreciated 🙂 Thanks fo
The Importance of Building Strong Relationships At FAUB, we believe that community engagement is not just a nicety, but a necessity. By building strong relationships with our members and the broader community, we can create a more supportive and inclusive environment for everyone. This approach has been shown to have numerous benefits, from improved mental health outcomes to increased social conne
15 Free Functionality And Load Testing Tools For Web Applications WEBアプリ開発に便利な機能&負荷テストツール集。 プログラム変更後の品質チェックを行える機能テスト・ユニットテスト、負荷に耐えられるか確認するために負荷テストツール、で品質向上に役立てられます。 Selenium等の定番以外にも沢山の機能テストツールや負荷テストツールがあるみたいです。 機能テストツール集 Seleniumのようなブラウザを自動で直接動作させて表示結果を確認するツール うまく運用すれば、機能を変更した際の正常動作確認に神経をすり減らすことがなくなります SeleniumHQ おなじみのテスト自動化ツール テストケース定義で自動でブラウザ上でテストしてくれます Watir Rubyのブラウザ自動化ライブラリだそう。 Windowsだと、IE、F
スクリーンショットをプロダクトの写真などと一緒に300dpiで出力する際にぼやけてしまう場合、スクリーンショットがシャープになるようにする方法をTurbo Photoから紹介します。 ビフォーとアフター Step 1: Capture the screen スクリーンをキャプチャします [Ctrl]キーを押しながら、[PrtSc](プリントスクリーン)キーを押します。 アクティブなウインドウだけをキャプチャしたい場合は、[Ctrl]+[Alt]と[PrtSc]キーを押します。 Step 2: Paste in Photoshop Photoshopにペーストします Photoshopを起動し、新規ドキュメントを開きます([Ctrl]+[N])。Photoshopはキャプチャに合わせたサイズで開きます。 スクリーンショットをペースト([Ctrl]+[V])します。 Step 3: Chang
Photoshop actions can be extremely helpful for experimenting with different effects and for saving time during the photo editing process. Of course, the ideal situation would be to take photographs effectively in the first place. However, as a designer you are likely to find yourself in situations where you won’t be the one taking the photos, and you’ll need to work with something that isn’t exact
You have probably seen these forms of advertisings where you can peel a corner of a website and see a message underneath. It seems most are flash driven, but I decided to try it out using some simple lines of jQuery. View Demo 1. HTML - Page Peel Wireframe The “pageflip” div will act as the container, mainly used to establish the relative positioning. Then nest the image and the span class of “msg