August 14, 200921:21 カテゴリイントラブログより PubSubHubbub で最速に更新を通知しつつ,舌をかまないためのテスト (先週 subscriber 対応したLDRに続いて) livedoor ブログも PubSubHubbub に publisher 対応しました。 PubSubHubbub は分散型の更新ping のようなものです。Publisher は Hub に更新を通知し,Subscriber は Hub から更新通知を受け取ります。Publisher は Hub にだけ更新を通知すれば済みます。複数の Subscriber へ通知する処理は Hub が肩代わりしてくれるし,Subscriber は自分が選んだ更新通知だけを受け取れるのでスパムの被害を抑えられるといった利点があります。 現在,
Recently, I've been studying ways of reducing the download size of Javascript applications produced by Google Web Toolkit, while preserving or improving startup time. There are a number of ways to do this, the first of which is to transform Javascript code into a form that is naturally more succinct, while eliminating unused code, or deferring the load of some code until later. Unfortunately, ther
Jill Bolte Taylor’s stroke led her to euphoria.Credit...AJ Mast for The New York Times JILL BOLTE TAYLOR was a neuroscientist working at Harvard’s brain research center when she experienced nirvana. But she did it by having a stroke. On Dec. 10, 1996, Dr. Taylor, then 37, woke up in her apartment near Boston with a piercing pain behind her eye. A blood vessel in her brain had popped. Within minute