Build beautiful, usable products faster. Material Design is an adaptable system—backed by open-source code—that helps teams build high quality digital experiences.

The code /* To be used in combination with a base border class i.e something like .border { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; } */ .border--aqua { border-color:#7FDBFF;} .border--black { border-color:#000000;} .border--blue { border-color:#0074D9;} .border--fuchsia { border-color:#F012BE;} .border--green { border-color:#2ECC40;} .border--lime { border-color:#01FF70;} .border--maroon { border
337,872 COLOURlovers viewed this page and think lunalein is totally awesome.
X Terms Updated We’d like to inform you that we have updated our Terms of Use. The most substantive changes are: This platform was acquired by a joint venture in Israel. changes have been made to the relevant jurisdiction for disputes which may arise out of your use of the platform. Changes made to the monetization of users’ creations and the ability to opt out from your account settings. Please v
118,667 COLOURlovers viewed this page and think ruecian knows all the tricks.
Rubyで色を扱うColorable gemをアップデートして大幅に機能強化しましたので、改めて紹介します。versionは0.2.0です。 colorable | | your community gem host melborne/colorable · GitHub Colorableとは Colorableは、Rubyで色を取り扱うためのライブラリで、次の機能を備えています。 1. 色変換: X11カラー名, HEX, RGBおよびHSB値の間での出力フォーマットの変換ができます。 2. 色合成: 算術演算子を使った色合成ができます。 3. 色列挙: X11カラーにおける列挙操作ができます。 4. 色モード: 各Colorオブジェクトは出力状態を表すモードを持っていて、その状態に応じてメソッドの挙動を変更できます。 使い方 上記各機能の使い方を順に説明しま
I poured over palettes here and Leatherbound ended up the obvious choice for a design project I worked on involving sockeye salmon habitat conservation. The greens are subtle yet elegant and the red rich enough to infer "sockeye salmon" without being garish or flashy. Thank you for this brilliant palette!
Circle Controller HUE/360 Ver.0.1.3 © 2012 SAUCER.JP
Note: SITE RESTORATION IN PROGRESS Solarized Precision colors for machines and people Solarized is a sixteen color palette (eight monotones, eight accent colors) designed for use with terminal and gui applications. It has several unique properties. I designed this colorscheme with both precise CIELAB lightness relationships and a refined set of hues based on fixed color wheel relationships. It has