
2011年11月2日のブックマーク (3件)

  • Route 477(2009-05-22)

    ■ [ruby][git] gemspecの作り方がわからない?ならばjewelerだ githubなりrubyforgeなりでgemを公開するときに必要となるのがgemspecファイルですけれども、 これは手書きするのははっきりいってめんどい。それをなんとかしてくれるgithubおすすめの ツールができたらしい。 その名もjeweler。 technicalpickles's jeweler at master - GitHub 使い方は上のページに書いてあるけど、Rakefileに begin require 'jeweler' Jeweler::Tasks.new do |gemspec| gemspec.name = "the-perfect-gem" gemspec.summary = "TODO" gemspec.email = "josh@technicalpickles.c

    Route 477(2009-05-22)
    ita-wasa 2011/11/02
    githubなりrubyforgeなりでgemを公開するときに必要となるのがgemspecファイルですけれども、これは手書きするのははっきりいってめんどい。それをなんとかしてくれるgithubおすすめの ツールができたらしい。 その名もjeweler。
  • GitHub - ahobson/ruby-pcap: Ruby interface to LBL Packet Capture library.

    * Introduction ruby-pcap is a ruby extension to LBL libpcap (Packet Capture library). This library also includes classes to access TCP/IP header. * Installation Requirements: - ruby-1.8.x or ruby-1.9.2 - libpcap (http://www.tcpdump.org/) Compile: If ruby supports dynamic link of extension module on your OS, following commands will install ruby-pcap. rake build sudo gem install pkg/pcap*.gem * Usag

    GitHub - ahobson/ruby-pcap: Ruby interface to LBL Packet Capture library.
    ita-wasa 2011/11/02
    * Introduction ruby-pcap is a ruby extension to LBL libpcap (Packet Capture library). This library also includes classes to access TCP/IP header.
  • Development/LibpcapFileFormat - Wireshark Wiki

    Libpcap File Format The libpcap file format is the main capture file format used in TcpDump / WinDump, snort, and many other networking tools. It is fully supported by Wireshark/TShark, but they now generate pcapng files by default. Libpcap File Format Overview File Format Global Header Record (Packet) Header Packet Data Variants Nanosecond pcap "Modified" pcap Nokia pcap AIX IXIA Libraries Drawba

    ita-wasa 2011/11/02
    This file format is a very basic format to save captured network data. As the libpcap library became the "de facto" standard of network capturing on UN*X, it became the "common denominator" for network capture files in the open source world (there seems to be no such thing as a "common denominator"