ICDE2012のAccepted Papersが公開されたみたいなので,タイトルだけ見て気になる論文をメモ. 面倒なので著者は省略. 25. Iterative Graph Feature Mining for Graph Indexing 74. Leveraging P2P Structure for Large-scale Data Processing 82. Effective Data Density Estimation in Ring-based P2P Networks 105. Physically Independent Stream Merging 106. Lookup Tables: Fine-Grained Partitioning for Distributed Databases 121. Effective and Robust Pruning for
Minimize Your A/B Test Losses Due to Low-Performing Variations VWO’s Bayesian-based MAB algorithm enables you to dynamically increase the visitor allocation in favor of better-performing variations. Most readers of this blog would be familiar with A/B Testing. Just as a quick reminder, A/B Testing is an experiment where a random visitor to your digital property is shown a different version than th
Stunnel is a proxy designed to add TLS encryption functionality to existing clients and servers without any changes in the programs' code. Its architecture is optimized for security, portability, and scalability (including load-balancing), making it suitable for large deployments. Stunnel uses the OpenSSL library for cryptography, so it supports whatever cryptographic algorithms are compiled into