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rmコマンドで大量のファイルを削除しようとするとjournaldがめっちゃリソース持っていく件— bokko (@cubicdaiya) 2017年8月3日 今時のファイルシステムはみんなジャーナルもってて何かあったときにそこからリカバリする仕組みになってるので、当たり前といえばそうなんだけども。 (TODO: ここにファイルシステムのツリー+ジャーナルのポンチ絵を手描きでも何でも描く) ご本尊のデータのツリーと何らかのWALを1セットで持っておくのはRDBだろうがファイルシステムだろうがそうは変わらない、で、削除についても並行制御をうまくやるために削除フラグをログに入れておいてあとで本尊のデータを整理するというのが基本的な設計になる。そこで私は立ち上がった(TL;DR: 特にオチとかはないです)。 rm -rf が遅いのは人類にとって損失ではないか。もっと速く完了するようにすれば、 rm
[RubyML | RubyDataScience | RubyInterop] Awesome NLP with Ruby Useful resources for text processing in Ruby This curated list comprises awesome resources, libraries, information sources about computational processing of texts in human languages with the Ruby programming language. That field is often referred to as NLP, Computational Linguistics, HLT (Human Language Technology) and can be brought i
Show navigation Proxies have been an integral part of JavaScript since ES2015. They allow intercepting fundamental operations on objects and customizing their behavior. Proxies form a core part of projects like jsdom and the Comlink RPC library. Recently, we put a lot of effort into improving the performance of proxies in V8. This article sheds some light on general performance improvement pattern
Home Home Getting started Guides (Android) Guides (iOS) Guides (React Native) Guides (Cordova) API reference F.A.Q. Community License Node.js for Mobile Apps¶ The power of Node.js inside your mobile apps¶ Node.js for Mobile Apps is a toolkit for integrating Node.js into mobile applications. Its core component is a library - available for Android and iOS - that lets you add a Node.js background wor
Announcing Node.js for Mobile Apps: a full-fledged Node.js runtime for Android and iOS October 02, 2017 By Alexis Campailla Android, iOS, Node Chakra Core, Nodejs, Nodejsmobile Earlier this year we published a demo app showcasing our port of Node.js with ChakraCore to iOS. In the accompanying blog article, we talked about how Node-ChakraCore opened a unique opportunity for Node.js to work on iOS,
Earlier this year, we shared an update on some key milestones achieved for Node-ChakraCore like cross-platform support, community participation for N-API, Node-ChakraCore on iOS and more. Today, as Node.js enthusiasts from all over the world gather in Vancouver, Canada for Node.js Interactive, we’d like to share an update on Node-ChakraCore – from its progress in handling production workloads and
Safari Technology Preview Release 41 is now available for download for macOS Sierra and macOS High Sierra. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update from the Mac App Store’s Updates tab. This release covers WebKit revisions 221968-222556. File and Directory Entries API Enabled File and Directory Entries API (r222412) CSS Added support for min() and max() in calc() (r2