The Eclipse Ceylon™ project encompasses development of the language itself (the language specification), the compiler frontend (typechecker), the compiler backends for Java and JavaScript, the module system, the command-line tooling, the SDK, and the Eclipse-based IDE. A future direction is tooling for Eclipse Che. The project also maintains the website and documentation for the language. Eclipse
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The Eclipse Ceylon™ project encompasses development of the language itself (the language specification), the compiler frontend (typechecker), the compiler backends for Java and JavaScript, the module system, the command-line tooling, the SDK, and the Eclipse-based IDE. A future direction is tooling for Eclipse Che. The project also maintains the website and documentation for the language. Eclipse
A platform for building rich UIs in ClojureScript. Quick Start Version 2.1.0 What's New! From optimizations and new features to improved semantics, there were significant changes in Enfocus from 1.x to 2.x releases. To see a complete list of what Enfocus2 brings to the table, click below. View details » Finding Help Enfocus has online forum where users can post questions, share informtion and and
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Web アプリを仕事ではほとんど書いたことが無かったのですが、Flask を仕事で使う事にしたので、書いてて感じた Flask の使いどころを。 追記 コメントに色々な意見を頂いておりますので、是非そちらも。 がっつり使われた方の感想 Flaskを1年仕事で使った感想 - kawaken’s blog 結論 とりあえず箇条書きで ... データベースサーバとの接続が前提なら、 Flask を使うのはやめる Flask-* という Flask の拡張を使う時点で、Flask を使うのはやめる 大規模で Blueprints を使う前提なら、Flask を使うのはやめる 小さなアプリでプラガブルな仕組みを自分で作るには良い パーミッションは Flask-Principal が良さそ
ernie/squeel - GitHub Sequelと紛らわしい名前のSqueelは、ActiveRecord (Arel) を拡張して、よりベタ書きのSQLを減らそう、という試み。 Arelは "=", "IN", "BETWEEN" まではいいように抽象化しているけど、たとえば "LIKE" や ">=" といった演算はSQLをベタ書きしてプレースホルダを使わないといけなくなる。これは非常にイケていないな、と思っていたのだけど、やっぱりそう感じる人が他にもいたみたい。 Symbol#>= とかを定義したり、whereがブロックをとれるようになったりして、SQLのベタ書きがほとんど抑えられている。 solnic/virtus - GitHub 次期DataMapperで使われる予定の汎用的なProperty APIライブラリ。型やデフォルト値などを持つプロパティをPORO (Plai
15:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2012/01/13(金) 23:47:15.14ID:AKbhe+hR0 今日はこのスレで一夜を過ごそう 8:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2012/01/13(金) 23:39:57.66ID:VKaHvbTW0 なお、本書のスペックは以下の通り。 著:仮名垣 魯文(戯作者) 画:歌川 芳虎(歌川国芳 門弟) 文久元年(1861年)刊行 本書の序文によれば、魏源が大成した「海国図志」などをもとにして、 その他「亜墨利加一統志」を参考に本書を戯作して、内容は婦女子にも 解り易く絵を入れ仮名書にして仕上げた等と述べている。 なお、魯文は幕末から明治初期に戯作者として活躍した著名な人物で、本名は野崎文蔵。 江戸の出身で、本書の他に「西洋道中膝栗毛」「安愚楽鍋(あぐらなべ)」などの作品がある。 仮名垣魯文 - Wikipe
This is yet another JavaScript reference manual viewer. The source document was taken from MDN wiki. The keys are working if the search field has focus or your mouse cursor is in the navigation area. ESC key is global. UP - Previous category / Previous item DOWN - Next category / Next item ENTER - Open category / Load selected item ESC - Clear search field and set focus
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Kippt is a bookmarking service founded in 2011 which has helped hundreds of thousands of people store and share knowledge, ideas and inspiration from around the web. Since 2014 we have moved work on other projects and decided to keep Kippt running for people still using it. You can read more from our blog post. As time has gone by, our energy towards maintaining Kippt has gone down and the cost of
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From zero to app in minutes Mulberry gives you powerful tools to create native mobile applications using familiar web technologies and a si...From zero to app in minutes Mulberry gives you powerful tools to create native mobile applications using familiar web technologies and a simple command-line interface. Use it out of the box to rapidly create, customize, and compile content-rich applications
ABOUT SIEGE Siege is an http load testing and benchmarking utility. It was designed to let web developers measure their code under duress, to see how it will stand up to load on the internet. Siege supports basic authentication, cookies, HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. It lets its user hit a server with a configurable number of simulated clients. Those clients place the server “under siege.” PLATFO
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MongoDB on AWS Guidelines and Best Practices Rahul Bhartia May 2015 Amazon Web Services – MongoDB on AWS May 2015 Page 2 of 30 © 2015, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Notices This document is provided for informational purposes only. It represents AWS’s current product offerings and practices as of the date of issue of this document, which are subject to change wi
Programming style is where opinion and reason collide, often leading to endless arguments with no clear winner. The real secret to style is to be consistent, and respect other people: if you’re working on a project by another author, then follow their style. Some companies and open source projects may have their own in-house style guide, but it’s generally fairly easy to pick up the style of a pro
Finagle is an extensible RPC system for the JVM, used to construct high-concurrency servers. Finagle implements uniform client and server APIs for several protocols, and is designed for high performance and concurrency. Most of Finagle’s code is protocol agnostic, simplifying the implementation of new protocols. Finagle is written in Scala, but provides both Scala and Java idiomatic APIs. GitHub p
Tumblr uses redis as a cache/store for a number of our internal applications. Some of the things that depend on redis include: dashboard notifications (via staircar)Tiny URL's (via gob)gearman persistent storage (via george)note counts (also via staircar, coming soon)dashboard data (coming soon via ira) Over the past six months we've started shifting internal services from being C/libevent based t