Download Cinder is available under the BSD License for macOS and Windows. The latest version is 0.9.2 Cinder for macOS Visual C++ 2015 All Cinder Versions Github To keep up-to-date with Cinder’s development, consider working from the github repository directly. This guide walks you through getting setup with Cinder and Github. Cinder on GitHub Sponsors Cinder is developed by the generous contribut
If you're not in the position to photograph your work, product mockups can be a great alternative to showcase your designs. They're inexpensive, easy to use and relatively hassle-free. The only problem is that finding quality resources takes time. Luckily for you guys, we've decided to do the hard work for you and put together a collection of the best templates, both free and premium, that we coul
iOS Design Themes As an app designer, you have the opportunity to deliver an extraordinary product that rises to the top of the App Store charts. To do so, you'll need to meet high expectations for quality and functionality. Three primary themes differentiate iOS from other platforms: Clarity. Throughout the system, text is legible at every size, icons are precise and lucid, adornments are subtle