Google Desktop has been discontinued Google Desktop has been discontinued. Please see the desktop blog
Introduction iScroll2 is a modified trackpad driver that adds two-finger scrolling capabilities to supported pre-2005 PowerBooks and iBooks on OS X 10.3 and up. Supported models include most aluminum PowerBooks introduced from 2003 to 2004 as well as most G4 iBooks. Note: Models that have two-finger scrolling already built-in are not supported! These use a completely different, USB-based trackpad,
Overview This little program enables users of older iPod shuffle models to finally get rid of all that iTunes or other complicated playlist management stuff. Due to the simple structure of the shuffle (compared to the »big« iPods), it is possible to use the player almost like any other USB flash MP3 player: You simply copy MP3 files onto it. You only need to run the rebuild_db program after you ad
家電の情報が満載のYahoo!家電ナビ。価格比較、ユーザーレビューやランキングなど家電製品の比較検討に役立つ情報を掲載しています。高山 都さん インタビュー (2008年9月24日) Yahoo! JAPANとTBSのコラボレーション企画「ROOKIES」出演オーディションで1位を獲得したことが記憶に新しい高山都さん。女優業の活躍も目覚しい高山さんのお気に入りは、ドラム式洗濯乾燥機。家電量販店の店員さんと話すのが大好きという都流家電選びとは? 芳賀優里亜さん インタビュー (2008年9月9日) 「仮面ライダーキバ」で運命にほんろうされるヒロインを演じる優里亜さんのお気に入り家電は、液晶テレビ。リアルタイムでのテレビ鑑賞が基本という優里亜さんのデジタル家電ライフに迫ってみた。
My new album ''Tempo'' is out on my website! It will also be available on all popular streaming platforms and online stores within the next few weeks. The tabs are done but needs some reviewing but they will be out soon'ish :) If you can't wait just email me: Streaming on twitch/youtube to resume eventually this fall-winter too , stay tuned! Music: