キャリア、転職、人材育成のヒントを提供してきた「リスキリング」チャンネルは新生「NIKKEIリスキリング」としてスタート。 ビジネスパーソンのためのファッション情報を集めた「Men’s Fashion」チャンネルは「THE NIKKEI MAGAZINE」デジタル版に進化しました。 その他のチャンネルはお休みし、公開コンテンツのほとんどは「日経電子版」ならびに課題解決型サイト「日経BizGate」で引き続きご覧いただけます。
In this iDevBlogADay post, I’m going to kick off a new tutorial series that’s aimed at making a 2D sprite-based game in Unity3D using only freely available tools, scripts and plugins. This isn’t the first 2D in Unity3D tutorial series I’ve done here – I previously did a 5 part series that used Sprite Manager 2 for the sprite display and animation duties. This time around, I want to show you how to
So Many Me (Pre-Alpha version) from Nenin Ananbanchachai on Vimeo.パッと見、完全に2Dにしか見えませんがUnity製なのでもちろん、3Dで作られたものを2Dっぽく見せています。Unityでこれだけ2Dライクなゲーム作れるんですね。 こちらの動画を観るとちゃんとUnityで作っているのが分かります。 "So Many Me" Development Diary EP.1 from Nenin Ananbanchachai on Vimeo. So Many Me PC, Mac game - Indie DB http://www.indiedb.com/games/so-many-me
One of my goals for 2011 is to write at least one new blog post every week. I’m going to kick off that goal this week by starting a multi-part series on creating 2D games with Unity3D. Please feel free to add comments below, especially if you have insight or questions about making 2D games with Unity3D. Part 2 of the series is now available here. Introduction There are tons of different ways to ha
Puzzle-Platforming Fun With a Brand New Twist! "So Many Me" is a 2D puzzle platformer starring Filo and his band of misfit clones as they attempt to save a world threatened by an ancient, malevolent evil. Using their combined powers, Filo and his fellow Me must puzzle their way through a land of exotic creatures, devious traps, and evil minions. For more info please visit: x10interactive.com/soman