0378670262349830223410831524171164143863230459918294802975857781347598099375296153651799125548420545697064834880718435183074666099648798835485414244067991342731 5024585943244587021576496105977720958429808516577375370032655838916555905055761833460770923628085126255011924788708268316372656922628621815217594043387723432539 82335667422378100113754860039690539317281283488071843518307466609964879883
Coloured Smoke These pictures are of smoke released by a burning incense stick. Smoke is grey to the human eye, but with a little post processing in Photoshop or similar editor the underlying colour can be revealed. For the technically minded, change the colour temperature and increase the saturation to see what I mean. Smoke photography is tricky, not least because it is hard for the camera to fo
This webpage was generated by the domain owner using Sedo Domain Parking. Disclaimer: Sedo maintains no relationship with third party advertisers. Reference to any specific service or trade mark is not controlled by Sedo nor does it constitute or imply its association, endorsement or recommendation.
Now, coming upon this post as you are, unawares, I feel I ought to clarify the title (which was alternately going to be sex libris) straight away by telling you what this post is not, in fact, about. By “library smut” I am in no way referring to the photo books on native peoples, or the illustrated health manuals, or any of the other volumes which, in your childhood, you lurked about the library a
Neave Light An audio-visual animation of orbs of light moving to your music. To view this page properly please make sure JavaScript is enabled and the latest Flash Player is installed.
2020年6月よりFlashを使った測定からHTML5へ移行させていただきました。 このサイトは、皆様のご要望によって随時更新をおこなっております。ご要望等がございましたら、お気軽にご連絡下さい。
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