
Author Number of edits Total length
Stefs 50 437 933
Hoa binh 2 29 894
Lowdown 1 14 762
Bulwersator: bot 1 14 113
Karol007 1 14 068
Braniewiak 1 14 031
Іоахимъ 1 14 029
PG 1 14 029
Paweł Ziemian 1 13 970
Mathiasrex 1 13 902
Fiszka 1 13 603

Note! The edits that were marked as minor were not taken into account.

Authors list: Stefs, Hoa binh, Lowdown, Bulwersator: bot, Karol007, Braniewiak, Іоахимъ, PG, Paweł Ziemian, Mathiasrex, Fiszka.