Search for diphoton resonances in the 66 to 110 GeV mass range using $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search is performed for light, spin-0 bosons decaying into two photons in the 66 to 110 GeV mass range, using 140 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV produced by the Large Hadron Collider and collected by the ATLAS detector. Multivariate analysis techniques are used to define event categories that improve the sensitivity to new resonances beyond the Standard Model. A model-independent search for a generic spin-0 particle and a model-dependent search for an additional low-mass Higgs boson are performed in the diphoton invariant mass spectrum. No significant excess is observed in either search. Mass-dependent upper limits at the $95\%$ confidence level are set in the model-independent scenario on the fiducial cross-section times branching ratio into two photons in the range of 8 fb to 53 fb. Similarly, in the model-dependent scenario upper limits are set on the total cross-section times branching ratio into two photons as a function of the Higgs boson mass in the range of 19 fb to 102 fb.
10 July 2024
Table 01
The selection requirements and names of each category in the model-independent and model-dependent analyses.
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Table 02
The expected number of signal events, fractions of each Higgs boson production mode, and the number of background events per GeV at m
γγ = 90 GeV for each BDT category, and for all three photon conversion categories together.
The per GeV binning corresponds to approximately 1σ of the mass resolution at m
γγ = 90 GeV.
The background events are extracted from the background-only fit to the data and the "Total" category includes the number of Drell-Yan events (DY) that are also shown separately.
The BDT categories are defined as follows: events with category BDT scores below -0.2 are in BDT category 1, events with category BDT scores between -0.2 and 0 are in BDT category 2, and events with category BDT scores above 0 are in BDT category 3.
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Table 03
The number of data events (N
data), the expected fraction of γγ, γj, jj events determined with the two dimensional side band method, and the fraction of Drell-Yan events in each category.
The uncertainties in the fractions of γγ, γj, jj arise from the statistical uncertainty varying the identification requirements.
The BDT categories are defined as follows: events with category BDT scores below -0.2 are in BDT Category 1, events with category BDT scores between -0.2 and 0 are in BDT Category 2, and events with category BDT scores above 0 are in BDT Category 3.
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Table 04
Summary of the systematic uncertainties considered in this analysis.
In general, the values correspond to the uncertainties associated to the fit nuisance parameters.
The DY uncertainty is the percent error on the nominal peak position, peak width, and normalisation.
The spurious signal uncertainty is expressed as a number of events and relative to the expected statistical uncertainty (δS) of a fitted signal.
The "Remarks" column indicates specific information about the systematic uncertainty, including whether or not the uncertainty varies as a function of resonance mass or analysis category.
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Figure 01a
Distribution of electron–photon ambiguity BDT scores for the leading (x-axis) and subleading (y-axis) photon candidates in simulated (a) m
X = 100 GeV ggF signal events, (b) QCD-initiated continuum diphoton background events, and (c) Z → ee events.
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Figure 01b
Distribution of electron–photon ambiguity BDT scores for the leading (x-axis) and subleading (y-axis) photon candidates in simulated (a) m
X = 100 GeV ggF signal events, (b) QCD-initiated continuum diphoton background events, and (c) Z → ee events.
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Figure 01c
Distribution of electron–photon ambiguity BDT scores for the leading (x-axis) and subleading (y-axis) photon candidates in simulated (a) m
X = 100 GeV ggF signal events, (b) QCD-initiated continuum diphoton background events, and (c) Z → ee events.
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Figure 02a
Drell-Yan invariant mass templates derived from fully simulated Z/γ
*→ ee events reconstructed as ee (dashed), reconstructed as γγ events (square points), and reconstructed as ee after applying the Smirnov transform (circle points) in the (a) UU and (b) CC categories.
The error bars on the simulated data points indicate the statistical uncertainties of each event sample.
The envelopes determined by shifting the Drell-Yan background model by the uncertainties of its peak position and width are added in quadrature and indicated by the grey band.
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Figure 02b
Drell-Yan invariant mass templates derived from fully simulated Z/γ
*→ ee events reconstructed as ee (dashed), reconstructed as γγ events (square points), and reconstructed as ee after applying the Smirnov transform (circle points) in the (a) UU and (b) CC categories.
The error bars on the simulated data points indicate the statistical uncertainties of each event sample.
The envelopes determined by shifting the Drell-Yan background model by the uncertainties of its peak position and width are added in quadrature and indicated by the grey band.
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Figure 03a
Background-only fit to the data (black markers) as a function of the diphoton invariant mass m
γγ for each of the model-dependent BDT 1 categories: (a) UU1, (b) UC1, and (c) CC1.
The solid lines show the sum of the Drell-Yan and the continuum background components and the dashed lines show only the continuum background components.
The difference between the data and the total background component divided by the uncertainty, with σ
data denoting only the statistical error of the data, is shown at the bottom panel separately for each category.
The green (yellow) bands denote the total uncertainty in the background model at one (two) standard deviation.
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Figure 03b
Background-only fit to the data (black markers) as a function of the diphoton invariant mass m
γγ for each of the model-dependent BDT 1 categories: (a) UU1, (b) UC1, and (c) CC1.
The solid lines show the sum of the Drell-Yan and the continuum background components and the dashed lines show only the continuum background components.
The difference between the data and the total background component divided by the uncertainty, with σ
data denoting only the statistical error of the data, is shown at the bottom panel separately for each category.
The green (yellow) bands denote the total uncertainty in the background model at one (two) standard deviation.
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Figure 03c
Background-only fit to the data (black markers) as a function of the diphoton invariant mass m
γγ for each of the model-dependent BDT 1 categories: (a) UU1, (b) UC1, and (c) CC1.
The solid lines show the sum of the Drell-Yan and the continuum background components and the dashed lines show only the continuum background components.
The difference between the data and the total background component divided by the uncertainty, with σ
data denoting only the statistical error of the data, is shown at the bottom panel separately for each category.
The green (yellow) bands denote the total uncertainty in the background model at one (two) standard deviation.
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Figure 04a
Background-only fit to the data (black markers) as a function of the diphoton invariant mass m
γγ for each of the model-dependent BDT 2 categories: (a) UU2, (b) UC2, and (c) CC2.
The solid lines show the sum of the Drell-Yan and the continuum background components and the dashed lines show only the continuum background components.
The difference between the data and the total background component divided by the uncertainty, with σ
data denoting only the statistical error of the data, is shown at the bottom panel separately for each category.
The green (yellow) bands denote the total uncertainty in the background model at one (two) standard deviation.
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Figure 04b
Background-only fit to the data (black markers) as a function of the diphoton invariant mass m
γγ for each of the model-dependent BDT 2 categories: (a) UU2, (b) UC2, and (c) CC2.
The solid lines show the sum of the Drell-Yan and the continuum background components and the dashed lines show only the continuum background components.
The difference between the data and the total background component divided by the uncertainty, with σ
data denoting only the statistical error of the data, is shown at the bottom panel separately for each category.
The green (yellow) bands denote the total uncertainty in the background model at one (two) standard deviation.
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Figure 04c
Background-only fit to the data (black markers) as a function of the diphoton invariant mass m
γγ for each of the model-dependent BDT 2 categories: (a) UU2, (b) UC2, and (c) CC2.
The solid lines show the sum of the Drell-Yan and the continuum background components and the dashed lines show only the continuum background components.
The difference between the data and the total background component divided by the uncertainty, with σ
data denoting only the statistical error of the data, is shown at the bottom panel separately for each category.
The green (yellow) bands denote the total uncertainty in the background model at one (two) standard deviation.
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Figure 05a
(a) The acceptance A
X in the fiducial volume as a function of the assumed signal mass m
X for different production modes. The dashed line in (a) represents the parameterisation of the acceptance for the nominal ggF production mode assumed in the model independent analysis.
In (b) to (d), the correction factors are split between the different conversion categories used in the model dependent analysis. The parameterisation of the correction factor as a function of signal mass is shown for the (b) UU, (c) UC, and (d) CC conversion categories.
The dashed lines in figures (b) to (d) correspond to the parameterisation of the nominal ggF production mode and the dashed-dotted lines correspond to the parameterisation of the maximal deviation from the nominal values.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 05b
(a) The acceptance A
X in the fiducial volume as a function of the assumed signal mass m
X for different production modes. The dashed line in (a) represents the parameterisation of the acceptance for the nominal ggF production mode assumed in the model independent analysis.
In (b) to (d), the correction factors are split between the different conversion categories used in the model dependent analysis. The parameterisation of the correction factor as a function of signal mass is shown for the (b) UU, (c) UC, and (d) CC conversion categories.
The dashed lines in figures (b) to (d) correspond to the parameterisation of the nominal ggF production mode and the dashed-dotted lines correspond to the parameterisation of the maximal deviation from the nominal values.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 05c
(a) The acceptance A
X in the fiducial volume as a function of the assumed signal mass m
X for different production modes. The dashed line in (a) represents the parameterisation of the acceptance for the nominal ggF production mode assumed in the model independent analysis.
In (b) to (d), the correction factors are split between the different conversion categories used in the model dependent analysis. The parameterisation of the correction factor as a function of signal mass is shown for the (b) UU, (c) UC, and (d) CC conversion categories.
The dashed lines in figures (b) to (d) correspond to the parameterisation of the nominal ggF production mode and the dashed-dotted lines correspond to the parameterisation of the maximal deviation from the nominal values.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 05d
(a) The acceptance A
X in the fiducial volume as a function of the assumed signal mass m
X for different production modes. The dashed line in (a) represents the parameterisation of the acceptance for the nominal ggF production mode assumed in the model independent analysis.
In (b) to (d), the correction factors are split between the different conversion categories used in the model dependent analysis. The parameterisation of the correction factor as a function of signal mass is shown for the (b) UU, (c) UC, and (d) CC conversion categories.
The dashed lines in figures (b) to (d) correspond to the parameterisation of the nominal ggF production mode and the dashed-dotted lines correspond to the parameterisation of the maximal deviation from the nominal values.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 06a
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) UU BDT category 1, (b) UU BDT category 2, and (c) UU BDT category 3 for several Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 06b
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) UU BDT category 1, (b) UU BDT category 2, and (c) UU BDT category 3 for several Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 06c
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) UU BDT category 1, (b) UU BDT category 2, and (c) UU BDT category 3 for several Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 07a
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) UC BDT category 1, (b) UC BDT category 2, and (c) UC BDT category 3 for several Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 07b
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) UC BDT category 1, (b) UC BDT category 2, and (c) UC BDT category 3 for several Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 07c
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) UC BDT category 1, (b) UC BDT category 2, and (c) UC BDT category 3 for several Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 08a
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) CC BDT category 1, (b) CC BDT category 2, and (c) CC BDT category 3 for several Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 08b
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) CC BDT category 1, (b) CC BDT category 2, and (c) CC BDT category 3 for several Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 08c
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) CC BDT category 1, (b) CC BDT category 2, and (c) CC BDT category 3 for several Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 09a
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) UU BDT category 1, (b) UU BDT category 2, and (c) UU BDT category 3 for the VBF+VH, ggF+ttH, and all Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 09b
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) UU BDT category 1, (b) UU BDT category 2, and (c) UU BDT category 3 for the VBF+VH, ggF+ttH, and all Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 09c
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) UU BDT category 1, (b) UU BDT category 2, and (c) UU BDT category 3 for the VBF+VH, ggF+ttH, and all Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 10a
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) UC BDT category 1, (b) UC BDT category 2, and (c) UC BDT category 3 for the VBF+VH, ggF+ttH, and all Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 10b
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) UC BDT category 1, (b) UC BDT category 2, and (c) UC BDT category 3 for the VBF+VH, ggF+ttH, and all Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 10c
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) UC BDT category 1, (b) UC BDT category 2, and (c) UC BDT category 3 for the VBF+VH, ggF+ttH, and all Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 11a
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) CC BDT category 1, (b) CC BDT category 2, and (c) CC BDT category 3 for the VBF+VH, ggF+ttH, and all Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 11b
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) CC BDT category 1, (b) CC BDT category 2, and (c) CC BDT category 3 for the VBF+VH, ggF+ttH, and all Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 11c
The acceptance times correction factors used in the model dependent analysis are given for (a) CC BDT category 1, (b) CC BDT category 2, and (c) CC BDT category 3 for the VBF+VH, ggF+ttH, and all Higgs boson production modes as a function of the assumed signal mass m
The dashed line represents the parameterisation of the acceptance times correction factor for the nominal SM-like Higgs boson signal.
The error bars on the data points indicate the statistical uncertainties.
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Figure 12
Compatibility of the data with the background-only hypothesis as quantified by the local p-value as a function of the assumed signal mass m
X for the model-independent analysis.
The compatibility is computed for the combined analysis including all three categories (black solid line), only considering the UU category (solid blue line), only considering the UC category (solid red line), and only considering the CC category (solid green line). The dotted-dashed lines correspond to the standard deviation quantification σ.
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Figure 13a
Compatibility of the data with the background-only hypothesis as quantified by the local p-value as a function of the assumed signal mass m
H for the model-dependent analysis.
The compatibility is computed by splitting the analysis categories into BDT Category 1 (dotted line), BDT Category 2 (dashed line) and BDT Category 3 (solid line) for the (a) UU diphoton events (b) UC diphoton events and (c) CC diphoton events.
The dotted-dashed lines correspond to the standard deviation quantification σ.
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Figure 13b
Compatibility of the data with the background-only hypothesis as quantified by the local p-value as a function of the assumed signal mass m
H for the model-dependent analysis.
The compatibility is computed by splitting the analysis categories into BDT Category 1 (dotted line), BDT Category 2 (dashed line) and BDT Category 3 (solid line) for the (a) UU diphoton events (b) UC diphoton events and (c) CC diphoton events.
The dotted-dashed lines correspond to the standard deviation quantification σ.
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Figure 13c
Compatibility of the data with the background-only hypothesis as quantified by the local p-value as a function of the assumed signal mass m
H for the model-dependent analysis.
The compatibility is computed by splitting the analysis categories into BDT Category 1 (dotted line), BDT Category 2 (dashed line) and BDT Category 3 (solid line) for the (a) UU diphoton events (b) UC diphoton events and (c) CC diphoton events.
The dotted-dashed lines correspond to the standard deviation quantification σ.
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Figure 14
The density distribution of the category BDT scores for the merged SM-like Higgs boson, separated into the distinct production modes considered in the analysis (ggF, VBF, ttH, VH).
The merged signal is comprised of signals generated for m
H = 60, 80, 100, and 120 GeV and each MC sample is weighted according to the SM-like Higgs boson cross-section.
Each signal production mode is separately normalised to unity.
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Figure 15a
95% CL upper limits on the total cross-section times branching ratio B(H→γγ) as a function of m
H, assuming production of the new additional Higgs boson via (a) the ggF and ttH processes,
(b) the VH and VBF processes,
(c) 100% VBF process,
and (d) 100% VH process.
The solid (dashed) line corresponds to the observed (expected) limit and
the green (yellow) band corresponds to one (two) standard deviation from the expectation.
The most significant excess is seen using the 100% VBF production hypothesis at a mass m
H=77.2 GeV, corresponding to a local significance of 2.5σ.
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Figure 15b
95% CL upper limits on the total cross-section times branching ratio B(H→γγ) as a function of m
H, assuming production of the new additional Higgs boson via (a) the ggF and ttH processes,
(b) the VH and VBF processes,
(c) 100% VBF process,
and (d) 100% VH process.
The solid (dashed) line corresponds to the observed (expected) limit and
the green (yellow) band corresponds to one (two) standard deviation from the expectation.
The most significant excess is seen using the 100% VBF production hypothesis at a mass m
H=77.2 GeV, corresponding to a local significance of 2.5σ.
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Figure 15c
95% CL upper limits on the total cross-section times branching ratio B(H→γγ) as a function of m
H, assuming production of the new additional Higgs boson via (a) the ggF and ttH processes,
(b) the VH and VBF processes,
(c) 100% VBF process,
and (d) 100% VH process.
The solid (dashed) line corresponds to the observed (expected) limit and
the green (yellow) band corresponds to one (two) standard deviation from the expectation.
The most significant excess is seen using the 100% VBF production hypothesis at a mass m
H=77.2 GeV, corresponding to a local significance of 2.5σ.
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Figure 15d
95% CL upper limits on the total cross-section times branching ratio B(H→γγ) as a function of m
H, assuming production of the new additional Higgs boson via (a) the ggF and ttH processes,
(b) the VH and VBF processes,
(c) 100% VBF process,
and (d) 100% VH process.
The solid (dashed) line corresponds to the observed (expected) limit and
the green (yellow) band corresponds to one (two) standard deviation from the expectation.
The most significant excess is seen using the 100% VBF production hypothesis at a mass m
H=77.2 GeV, corresponding to a local significance of 2.5σ.
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Table 01
Description of the input variables for the ambiguity BDT to discriminate between electrons and photons.
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Table 02
Dependence of the DSCB parameters describing the narrow-width model-independent scalar mass resolution model as a function of m
X [GeV] for the unconverted-unconverted category.
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Table 03
Dependence of the DSCB parameters describing the narrow-width model-independent scalar mass resolution model as a function of m
X [GeV] for the unconverted-converted category.
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Table 04
Dependence of the DSCB parameters describing the narrow-width model-independent scalar mass resolution model as a function of m
X [GeV] for the converted-converted category.
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Table 05
Dependence of the DSCB parameters describing the narrow-width model-dependent Higgs boson mass resolution model as a function of m
X [GeV] for the three BDT categories in the unconverted-unconverted conversion category.
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Table 06
Dependence of the DSCB parameters describing the narrow-width model-dependent Higgs boson mass resolution model as a function of m
X [GeV] for the three BDT categories in the unconverted-converted conversion category.
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Table 07
Dependence of the DSCB parameters describing the narrow-width model-dependent Higgs boson mass resolution model as a function of m
X [GeV] for the three BDT categories in the converted-converted conversion category.
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