Tokyo Perspective: Chronicle of a Death Foretold regarding a respected American Art Dealer 奈良美智や村上隆を巡って:「FUCK YOU」や「お前、授乳中なんだから、俺のビジネスパートナーにはなれない」
This time I really don’t feel like writing about a gallery. It makes me uncomfortable because the overall perspective is lost if you only focus on critical points.
Today, my dear ART+CULTURE readers will excuse me for putting off my velvet gloves to take a closer look at a respected art dealer.
Besides, I would like to admit, during this long period between January 21st and August 28th, writing about an art dealer is depressing. It hurts, and I shed a tear. But I, as a Japanese artist veteran, must not withhold this text from the public and future Japanese art historians.
The art dealer in question is Tim Blum, Los Angeles, whose gallery has now been renamed from Blum & Poe to BLUM.
Why have I taken off my kid gloves? Because Tim Blum has usurped MISHIMA Yukio 三島由紀夫.
The exhibition title in January 2024 “THIRTY YEARS: WRITTEN WITH A SPLASH OF BLOOD” provokes media attention and reaction.
Quote from the interview with Tim Blum in Los Angeles (Ocula, 10 January 2024):
Journalist’s question:
“BLUM’s anniversary exhibition is a survey of Japanese art from the 1960s to today. How does the title, taken from Yukio Mishima’s 1969 novel “Runaway Horses”(奔馬), relate to the show?
Answer by Tim Blum:
I was pondering my relationship to Japan, which is far from exclusive to art—it’s also literature, music, film, architecture, and design. Mishima has always been an important figure for me—early on in my life, his writing inspired an interest in Japan, an interest that resulted in my move there. The quote feels apropos to this transformative juncture for me and the gallery: ‘Perfect purity is possible if you turn your life into a line of poetry written with a splash of blood.’ The reference to Mishima is critical, and further interpretation of the line I will leave open.”
MISHIMA Yukio, the big liar, the worst, uptight sociopath Japan has ever produced.
Now watch out, as these words are NOT my words, they are coming out from the gay community in Tokyo, Shinjuku’s 2-chome: Mishima is being named “a monkey, with short legs and small cock”. To make it clear, NOT my words, they are from the Japanese Queer community.
Ultra right wing, fascist MISHIMA Yukio, a chauvinist idiot, a coward for not coming out as a homosexual, who mocked women and played the ridiculous, laughable Japanese showman.
Mishima IS a joke. Compare Mishima with James Baldwin, check:
三島由紀夫のホモエロティシズム写真作品 © 細江英公
MISHIMA Yukio’s homoerotic photoworks © Eikoh Hosoe
The fact that Patti Smith, who made American art history with Robert Mapplethorpe,
actually shows interest in MISHIMA Yukio is also food for thought. WTF.
Japanese speaking Blum, responsible for the career of the Japanese art workers NARA Yoshitomo 奈良美智, who calls everyone who criticises him motherfucker ウンコ野郎 + FUCK YOU,…
For fuck’s sake, Jeez! Not 5, neither 10… a whole bunch of 30 “Fuck” art pieces by Yoshitomo!
That’s fucking insane! Our extremely busy art worker really LOVES to use the word “fuck ya!” as artistic masturbation practice. 🤣
…and pathetic MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆, who shouts, rages childishly loud for attention, always puking in his paintings, complaining constantly about his self-inflicted miseries.
Japanese art museums are always struggling with raising the cost of running exhibitions, but this time, I invented this (…) But I saw the Horiemon channel and got the idea. (But!) I don’t have any money, so I can’t do anything other than a small exhibition, so I have no choice! I want you to help me escape! is. Art lovers! Please give it a try!
Thank you for your support!
Twitter 2011/11/12 takashipom takashi murakami
I hate subculture. They fabricate and criticize the system, but do nothing themselves. I feel like there are a lot of people who are anti-nuclear. Nothing changes. I can’t change it.
Contemporary art is still expensive. There is no progress in the logic of a unequal society. Living in Japan, under the protection of the United States, we enjoy a pseudo-capitalist system, and everything is built on that leeway. It’s okay to be surprised because the value is beyond your imagination, but it’s okay to be criticized.
三潴末雄@mizumaart フォローする
返信 リツイート いいね 2010.10.11 12:58
There are no critics, no investors, no world-class biennales, no art museums, no art galleries, no idea of an art industry, and there are only a handful of Japanese art people who are taking risks. There are also few collectors. Auction houses in Japan earn commissions and lack ambition. But I like Japan and I like Japanese artists.
takashi murakami@takashipom フォローする
俺嫌い。そんな日本の業界、なのです。三瀦さんは優しいし、反目する人物ではないのですが、甘やかされて『当然』と思ってる阿呆も湧いて来てるのでその辺に苦言をばらまいとる訳です。 RT @mizumaart: でも日本が好き、日本の作家が好き
返信 リツイート いいね 2010.10.11 13:03
I hate it. Such is the Japanese industry. Mizuma-san is kind and not the type of person to antagonize, but there is also a spoiled idiot who thinks it’s “natural”, so that’s why I’m complaining about it.
takashi murakami @takashipom
2010-10-11 11:23:29
I’ll say it again. It is better not to invest in the Japanese contemporary art industry. It’s meaningless. You can’t profit from it, and you can’t share the concept. The basis for pricing is also weak. ,,, what? Me? Us? yeah yeah. If you don’t like it after hearing this story, it’s better not to invest. However, we are looking at the problems and taking measures.

takashi murakami @takashipom
2010-10-11 11:26:19
Distribution reform. Review of prices. Building standards for setting values. The area will be redone from the basic construction. After 10 years of GEISAI, the land reclamation project is half completed. There is still so much to do.

takashi murakami @takashipom
If you’re one of those stupid young people who declared that the one who started a boom and debuted will win, I hope you survive by following that logic. Yeah. It’s you!
takashi murakami @takashipom
2010-10-11 11:35:49
Whether art sells or not depends only on trust.

上海リンダ/Shanghai Linda @tenquito
Sorry for the sudden question.
What do you think is the best part of Japanese painting, Murakami?
RT @takashipom 彼は今、どこにいるんだろうか?このツィッターでもみて、反撃して欲しいもんだよ!
where is he now? I want you to take a look at this tweet and fight back!
2010-10-11 11:36:15

takashi murakami @takashipom
@R_zwillings @westmtt 誰でもいいの。本人は分かるはずです。
Anyone is fine. The person himself should know.
2010-10-11 11:36:41

takashi murakami @takashipom
無い。日本画はもう死んでいる。 RT @tenquito: 突然の質問ですみません。
None. Japanese painting (NIHON-GA) is already dead. RT @tenquito: Sorry for the sudden question.
What do you think is the best part of Japanese painting, Murakami?
RT @takashipom 彼は今、どこにいるんだろうか?このツィッターでもみて、反撃して欲しいもんだよ!
takashi murakami @takashipom
2014/10/31 Facebook
それを批判するマンガが賞賛を受けるこの時代は、その意味でも、日本美術史に刻印されるであろうし、遠い未来、細野不二彦 VS 村上隆の論点の移動にも、興味深いモノになってゆくであろうと思います。
English translation:
When I was 36 years old.
I was exhibiting “My Lonesome Cowboy” at the Tomio Koyama Gallery.
The work did not sell at all.
It was about 2 million yen, I think. I don’t know how much it was.
Anyway, I thought it was going to be below the cost of production, so I thought, “it would be good (let’s hope) if it’s sells…”
. But it didn’t sell.
Then it sold in New York and Los Angeles.
The exhibition in which “My Lonesome Cowboy” was shown was selected by Paul Schimmel, who later organized “©MURAKAMI,” as one of Art Forum’s “My Top 10 Exhibitions of the Year.
The work of Big Tits, made as a counterpart to “HIROPON”.
It had been two years since “HIROPON” was released, and only one had been sold before “My Lonesome Cowboy” appeared.
In other words, there was absolutely no reaction at all, but thanks to some gallerists who believed in it and repeatedly presented it, it continued to be exhibited in the Western art scene several times.
And that work,…….. In less than 10 years, it was worth 1.6 billion yen.
That infamous incident.
Price gouging at Sotheby’s auctions.
The infamous argument
Don’t expose the shame of Japan!
Don’t mistake OTAKU for people from other countries!
Don’t exploit OTAKU!
And how can such prices mean anything?
is the point of criticism in Japan.
A piece about me in Fujihiko Hosono’s “Gallery Fake” was published to the applause of the otaku who criticized Murakami.
However, the root of the criticism must be a distrust of the art industry.
Well, the very existence of “Gallery Fake” is a hero who deals in forgeries. The story progresses based on this distrust.
Art is a symbol of the greed of the rich.
Money is evil.
This is the fundamental structure of consciousness in postwar Japan.
What is art?
Money, greed, capitalism.
It is the real reflection of people’s world.
Takashi Murakami continues to vividly depict the structure of Japan’s postwar deception and is subject to criticism.
In that sense, this period in which a manga that criticizes it is praised will be stamped in the history of Japanese art, and in the distant future, it will become an interesting point of contention in the debate between Fujihiko Hosono and Takashi Murakami.
Right now, 90% of the public opinion is in favor of Fujihiko Hosono.
Whether or not that will remain the case remains to be seen.
We will have to wait and see.
But despite the present state of things, I hate the current Japanese art scene. I see no progress in young artist’s works. The negative attitude held by many toward the wider contemporary art world, born of ignorance, that I observed when I was a student is still prevalent. I feel irate at the low level of understanding and that there are few works being made that are capable of competing on the world stage. How are we ever to cultivate artists who can create strong works? Like sports, science or like a devotee of Zen training alone in the mountains, we need discipline. We must become aware of our faults, learn temperance, and know our place within society. Despite this, the Japanese art scene is composed of lenience, irresponsibility, and unstudied ignorance; it’s a hotbed of people who remain in a state of idiocy. If we were idiots, then we must accept that and decide how we will deal with it and yet, when I think of how art students today are getting their information, the only thing that comes to mind are the small columns like this one in Bijutsu Techo. I’m pretty certain they never read primary sources. These things are essential communication tools which enable us to have a dialog about art. Essential! As an industry, Japanese fine art
has not changed in the 20 years since I first learned its ways. Students are preyed on by the art universities and after learning the politics of the system, either lose hope or become teachers themselves, climbing to the top of this carnivorous food chain. The mere survival of this system prevents further change. Thus, my goal is to edify the world of Japanese art universities and the art scene and send, on my own, artists of quality out into the world.
– Takashi Murakami
Murakami on Twitter 2015, January 3rd to 5th:
There are a lot of people I don’t like, and I have a lot of insults and abuse for them, so I can totally understand what people say to Murakami. They start by saying he has no class, is vulgar, has an ugly face, or just says they don’t like him, and then go on to give detailed alibis. All I can say to those people is that I’m sorry.
2:12 AM · Jan 5, 2015

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 5

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 5
takashi murakami retweeted

林ライス @h_rice
Jan 5
@yurivsky 村上隆氏、その件をロマンさんに指摘されて、完全にすっとぼけてるのを見てると何だか盗んだバイクで走りだしたくなります(イミフ
nomori_nomori @nomr_nm
Jan 5
takashi murakami retweeted

nomori_nomori @nomr_nm
Jan 5
takashi murakami retweeted

竹熊健太郎《編集家》 @kentaro666
Jan 4
@takashipom これは失礼しました。しかし村上さん、ここに来て映画を作り、次にテレビアニメ放映に手をつけられますね。いよいよ表現者として正念場ではないですか。
takashi murakami retweeted

竹熊健太郎《編集家》 @kentaro666
Jan 4
@takashipom ディズニーも「自分のブランド化」に成功した稀有な人物ですね。それはある意味、世界中のアーティストの目標ですよね。ルーカスもそれをやっている。おそらくスティーブ・ジョブズも。ジョブズは「実業家アーティスト」と言えますよね。
takashi murakami retweeted

竹熊健太郎《編集家》 @kentaro666
Jan 4
@takashipom 村上さんが今、「辛い時期」に身を置いているとすれば、もしかすると外野からの批判に晒されていることだけではなくて、表現者としてある種の「守り」に入ってしまったからではないですかね。早く成功しすぎたと言うか…。
takashi murakami retweeted

竹熊健太郎《編集家》 @kentaro666
Jan 4
.@pukuyama 手塚治虫にだって「商売人」という批判があったんですよ。漫画家として史上初めて長者番付に名前が載ったときから、マスコミにそう呼ばれました。
takashi murakami retweeted

竹熊健太郎《編集家》 @kentaro666
Jan 4
@takashipom やはり「ブランドビジネス」が村上さんの中核にあるというわけですね。でも芸術をビジネスにするというのは、畢竟、そうですよね。
takashi murakami retweeted

竹熊健太郎《編集家》 @kentaro666
Jan 4
@takashipom つまり錬金術士の怪しさが、画商にも出版社にも付きまとっていると思うんですよ。
takashi murakami retweeted

竹熊健太郎《編集家》 @kentaro666
Jan 4
@takashipom 言葉としていいかはわからないですが、表現ビジネスは、一種の錬金術でしょう。無価値から価値を創造する。
takashi murakami retweeted

竹熊健太郎《編集家》 @kentaro666
Jan 4
@takashipom 「表現ビジネス」には不透明な部分が付きまといます。小説家や漫画家も同じです。村上さんはご自分でそれを発見されたわけですよね。
takashi murakami retweeted

竹熊健太郎《編集家》 @kentaro666
Jan 4
@takashipom そうなんですか。でも、それでも普通のアーティストはそこまではやらないというか、やれませんよね。
takashi murakami retweeted

竹熊健太郎《編集家》 @kentaro666
Jan 4
takashi murakami retweeted

竹熊健太郎《編集家》 @kentaro666
Jan 4
takashi murakami retweeted

竹熊健太郎《編集家》 @kentaro666
Jan 4

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4
takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4
takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4
事、美術 ARTに関する論文に関してして言わせてもらうと、日本国内で信頼をおけると言われていたり、ご自身もそう思ってたりしている論識者に含蓄のある人は絶無である。少ない、のではなく、ほぼ居ない。僕が信頼できるのは日本美術に関して、数名、歴史的なモノに関しても超少数、
takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4
takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4 … 村上隆のマーケットのあれこれが書かれてる記事のこっちが Part 1。キャルルボーゲルさんというNYTのアート関連の記者がいて、この前NYTを退社したのですが、彼女とか、アート界のマーケット、パワーゲーム、ゴシップ、学術的な

takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 4 … 村上隆作品マーケットの検証。「こういうの嫌い!」「アートは金の為にあるものじゃない!」「儲けりゃ勝ちかよ」とか、、、言われる訳ですが、事実としてこういう世界もある訳で、その中での闘い方ってのも、ある訳なのです。
あきまん @akiman7
Jan 3

あきまん @akiman7
Jan 3
takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 3
takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 3
Jan 3
takashi murakami @takashipom
Jan 3
takashi murakami @takashipom

takashi murakami @takashipom
takashi murakami @takashipom
takashi murakami @takashipom
takashi murakami @takashipom
takashi murakami @takashipom
takashi murakami @takashipom
takashi murakami @takashipom
takashi murakami @takashipom
takashi murakami @takashipom
takashi murakami @takashipom

takashi murakami @takashipom
takashi murakami @takashipom
takashi murakami @takashipom
今、ワシ、若干弱ってるんで、dis見て憂鬱な気持ちになっておる。後、いろんな ああ言ったりこう言ったりなネットの話題みて、これ又憂鬱に!
satoshi shimada @maruomaruo
まあ、村上隆さんを認めろというのは無理な話でしょう。ファンもいますが、むしろニッチな部類に向けたアートだと思いますよ。あくまで個人的意見ですが。一つの真実は世界で見ると、大金をかけてオークションで競り合うお金持ちのファンが二人はいたということでしょう。 #Eテレ
FACEBOOK, Murakami 2015/5/17
で、ワシの「ココ」はなにか、ちゅーと、日本の若手の現代美術作家のムードが嫌い、大大大 大嫌い!ちゅ~こっちゃ。
そういうのが嫌で、実力試しのコンペ GEISAIを企画してたが、出展者が減り、常連出展者はなんかいけてない公募展みたくなってきて、出展者達との意識のズレを決定的に感じて、やめた。
For some reason, my idea of ”here” is too small to be a common language in Japan. The reason why I am so popular in the U. S., outside Japan, is because people in the “Japanese category” are minorities in the first place, so trivial differences don’t matter, and it’s all about whether or not it’s interesting. So, what does this “here” mean for me? I hate the mood of young Japanese contemporary artists, and I absolutely hate it! Fuck-ya.
There’s a kind of community-like thing that’s prevalent in the contemporary art world of young Japanese people (well, around 30 years old), like friends who have stuck with LOHAS (lifestyles of health and sustainability), like schools, things like that. It’s art that has a warm atmosphere of “menhera” (Mental Health) in the place set up, and I hate that kind of thing.
Well, if you ask me, is there an atmosphere that flows around the ○○ Biennale and ○○ Triennale that are held in various parts of Japan? It feels like we’re all friends. It’s like a continuation of art school. . .
However, when I look at what they say, I find that they end up being selfish and petty authoritarian, and they go out of their way to sing things like XX at XX University, and how about at the Venice Biennale. . And now the octopus is eating his own leg. I feel like I can understand how you feel, but when you look at it from a bird’s-eye view, I think that both the work and the logic are too weak to survive even into the next generation. Well, there is a theory that the ephemeral part is beautiful as youth, but putting that part aside, it is weak as an art, as an art theory, as a way of life. Even if we are weak, we are all together! That’s why it’s beautiful to help each other, thoughts, preferences, etc. . .
I didn’t like that kind of thing, so I planned a competition called GEISAI to test the skills, but as the number of exhibitors decreased and the regular exhibitors started to feel like it was a public exhibition where they weren’t doing well, I realized that there was a definite rift in consciousness with the exhibitors. I felt that way and stopped. GEISAI was not accepted at all in Japan… . .
We’re screwed. So it may seem like I’m just cursing, but it can’t be helped. My feelings could not be understood in Japan. My thoughts are on how I can create art with a solid body.
I have a philosophy that art is all about the contemporary, weak aspects of art, so I always think that I should shit on people who say that.
I don’t really care because they will probably disappear as soon as the trend changes, but I wrote this because I wanted to complain about them now when I am doing well.
That’s what I say, I’m a disgusting old man.
2016/2/8 on Facebook
Takashi Murakami
Yoshitomo Nara
English translation:
Superflat Collection Exhibition at Yokohama Museum of Art
(Semi-National TV Channel) NHK’s “Sunday Museum of Art” did not introduce this concurrent exhibition when it introduced the solo exhibition at the Mori Art Museum.
With a sense of balance unique to the Japanese media, they said, “We can only introduce things that are part of the program,” or something like that.
If it were in the U.S., they would have simply said, “We are also holding an exhibition of Mr. Murakami’s collection”.
However, it seems that even in the U.S., Japanese people nowadays dislike the American media so much that they would not feel any sympathy when compared to them.
It is really difficult to engage in pure art activities in Japan.
The standard is based on the viewpoints of uneducated and illiterate people.
Why should we have to look at them?
Is NHK scared of narrow-minded minority claimers?
Eriko Osaka, the director of the museum, was also disappointed.
We have told them (NHK) many times, but NHK insisted (replied) that “it was not allowed, so please understand”.
Personally, I don’t expect to mobilize an audience, or rather, I don’t think they will come because I am not popular in Japan to begin with and they don’t like me, but everyone at the Yokohama Museum of Art went out of their way to have their exhibition coincide with mine at the Mori Art Museum in hopes of mobilizing an audience, and I am sorry for that.
Yoshitomo Nara
That program is terrible! They focus on the policy of the program without respecting the artists and the exhibition itself.
2016/3/10 on Facebook
Takashi Murakami
March 10 at 7:27pm ·
Facebook / Instagram 2020/6/30 – 7/3
I’m a silly human being
This spring, I streamed a series of cooking show of a sort on Instagram Live. I’m sure those who watched them were utterly confused, but I was trying to buoy my own thoroughly sunken feelings through these streamings.
With the sudden swoop of COVID-19 pandemic, my company faced bankruptcy and I had to give up on a number of projects, the most symbolic of which being the production of my sci-fi feature film, Jellyfish Eyes Part 2: Mahashankh.
For nine long years, I had persevered! It was a film that was to realize my childish dreams! The enormous budget I poured into this project, as well as my tenacious persistence, put a constant and tremendous stress on my company’s operation for the past nine years. But at the same time, I was able to endure various hardships because I had this project.
Faced with the current predicament, however, I was persuaded by both my business consultant and tax attorney that I must, simply must try and drastically reduce our business tax by filing the film’s production cost as tax-exempt expenditure. To that end, I am going to produce and release a series of videos to publicly announce the discontinuation of the film’s production. (To be clear, this is an entirely legitimate procedure—I’m not trying to evade tax!)
These videos will be released against the backdrop of our struggle to avoid an economic catastrophe, but perhaps it may have a cathartic effect on the viewers/my followers to see the story of stupid Murakami’s failure. Long story short, I’m a silly human being for whom the moment of bliss is when I am thinking my truly childish sci-fi thoughts.
I don’t know how many episodes the series will end up being, but a series it will be, so please come along with me on this journey for a little while.
Facebook 森下泰輔 MORISHITA Taisuke 2020/7/3
12 hrs
村上は彼のInstagramに投稿されたビデオで、彼のスタジオ内から直接200万人以上のファンに「悲痛な話」を詳しく説明しています。アシスタントは彼の後ろで働いているようです。ラベルは、撮影日が1か月以上前の5月23日であることを示し、字幕は、Hypebeastによって最初に報告され た15分のビデオに付属しています。
村上氏は、彼のギャラリーとアート会社のカイカイキキが破産に直面していること、そして彼のペットプロジェクトを含む彼の現在のベンチャーの多くで突然生産を停止せざるを得なかったと 説明します。」
English translation:
Murakami declared bankruptcy. How much of this is serious is unclear. The Corona disaster and the failure of his animation production?
He declared bankruptcy once on the radio right after the Lehman Brothers collapse, too. According to him, ‘I can’t go through the year like this’ Immediately afterwards, a big order came in from Qatar and it was connected.
Well, an artist can continue with just one brush. They won’t have any trouble making it.
‘Takashi Murakami revealed today that he is on the brink of bankruptcy.
In a video posted on his Instagram, Murakami details his ‘heartbreaking story’ to over two million fans directly from inside his studio. His assistants appear to be working behind him. Labels indicate the date of filming is 23 May, over a month ago, and subtitles accompany the 15-minute video, first reported by Hypebeast.
Murakami explains that his gallery and art company Kaikai Kiki is facing bankruptcy and has had to abruptly stop production on many of his current ventures, including his pet project.’
My comment: Mario Ambrosius
Thank you Morishita-san for your opinion on this big, global arty news, as everyone else here on Facebook (your, our FB-friends) is quite, incl. Murakami himself on his fb page. Interesting comments, which are all right, but also wrong. The only artist of the Top 3 (Hirst, Koons, Murakami), who works successfully (see last year’s Hong Kong solo exhibition), is Murakami. Art practice’s critical acclaim in the global scene became obsolete, as every year the number of eclectic artists doubles. Gagosian just recently offered one of his sculptures openly for 800.000 US$ and Sotheby’s evening auction last Saturday hammered down another Murakami piece for 1.400.000 US$. If we can just objectively agree, that besides the boring, repetitive art by respected Kusama on the art market, Murakami is doing much better than any other artist from Japan. It doesn’t matter, what bullshit and wrong statements/texts Murakami said/proclaimed in the past 30 years. Everybody knows that. My view, – even he’s scaling down with his company, he alone has still every possibility to continue to play the contemporary arty game. The “Just do it”- concept. The Mori Museum “Star”-show, this month, proves again, that the Japanese curators are not willing to ignore him. In this regard, the “responsibility” remains here, in Tokyo, in the heart of the Japanese art scene, and his artists’ colleagues and art dealers. (The objective perspective.)
Disclaimer: I retreated temporarily my harsh article on colleague Murakami (and his brother) @ ART+CULTURE, out of concern, because I regard Murakami’s family (wife + son ?) in not a stable, mental situation. We should be careful. Art history is actually being written.
Let’s switch to NARA Yoshitomo.
Nara on 2017/3/28
Question, Paul Laster
You’ve said that you aren’t an artist. If that’s the case, what are you?
I put that down as my profession when I have to, but there are so many other versions of me: Traveler, farmer, writer, teacher, student, photographer and music critic. Rather than being an artist, I’m striving to be a full-fledged human being. The probability of having nonart resonances in my work is quite high, and isn’t that what being human is all about?
I heard that it would be displayed in a nursing home, so I painted it for that purpose. I think it costs about the same size as a light car. Apparently it was there at first, but before I knew it, it was sold overseas, and now it’s in the house of a rich man I’ve never met.
For me, there is a huge difference between good pictures and not-so-good pictures, so I have to improve my average! That’s what I think…
There was a time when Nara argued on TV that his art dealer KOYAMA Tomio 小山登美夫 did not transferred his earned money. The only critic Nara trusted had been MATSUI Midori 松井みどり, as she was responsible for his first seriously written English ‘paid’ reviews. However, the situation changed when she categorised him as a HIKI-KOMORI 引きこもり art worker. Japanese people who withdraw completely from society and seek an extreme degree of social isolation and confinement. In Nara’s case, this ‘analytical box’ of Matsui is simply wrong and Nara became furious.
In another instance, Nara used ウンコ野郎 ‘motherfucker’ several times and couldn’t take any criticism. Here, too, you can clearly see how some people, in this case Nara, feel ‘higher, privileged, elite’ than the general art scene. Nara’s discriminating, chauvinist character comes to light.
It was a chapter in the book “Before and After Superflat: A Short History of Japanese Contemporary Art 1990-2011” (2012) in which Nara was presented from a social-analytical (not art-critic) perspective, mixed with the author’s personal, British witty humour written impressions. Nara didn’t like the chapter and publicly insulted renown sociologist Professor Adrian Favell as a ウンコ野郎 motherfucker.
Nara insults all foreigner in Japan by calling them “外人” GAIJIN, not in the proper way: GAIKOKU-JIN 外国人 or GAIKOKU NO KATA 外国の方.
yoshitomo nara @michinara3
会ったこともない外人が、事実関係の下調べ無しに、想像で書いている文章。こういうふうに思う人は、その人自体がそういう人なんだと思う。かなり頭にきていて、訴えようかと思い中・・・困るよなぁ・・・! 奈良: ビジネスマンとしての奈良美智 …
This is a text written by a foreigner whom I have never met, based on his imagination, without researching the facts. I think people who think this way are themselves like that. I’m really pissed off and am thinking of suing…I’m in trouble…! Nara: Nara Yoshitomo as Businessman
AIDA Makoto, who called his solo show in the MORI ART MUSEUM 「会田誠展:天才でごめんなさい」”AIDA Makoto: Excuse me for being a Genius” (2012-2013), at that time replied to Nara:
会田誠 @makotoaida
エイドリアン氏の奈良さん記事、やっと読みました。どこに事実誤認があるか正確に分からないので、ノーコメント。ただ僕も書かれたことがあるから分かるけど、辛口や皮肉は彼の毎度のスタイルで、特に相手が奈良さんだったからではない気がし…。 …”
I finally read Adrian’s article about Nara. I don’t know exactly where the factual error is, so no comment. However, I know this because he has written also about me, and I think the scathing criticism and sarcasm is his usual style, and not because it was Nara in particular….
Yoshitomo Nara as Businessman ビジネスマンとしての奈良美智
To put it bluntly: both art workers, personating pathetic guys from Japan, don’t enjoy themselves as successful, famous guys and mostly dislike the art world.
Said that, as in any other professional context too, the older you become, the more you can get an overview of the world.
I may confirm now, both art workers got mature and see the “art thing” more relaxed than when young.
They became adult, finally.
So as not to confuse and to prevent any misunderstandings…,
there’s no doubt that through Blum’s very hard work and belief in the two young art workers, his risk-taking together with his business partner Jeff Poe, he can proudly claim to have brought Japanese contemporary art into the global spotlight.
We are very grateful to him for his commitment and his gallery work.
I want to make this unmistakably clear.
Let me quote Jeff Poe:
“A month later, I was watching this movie Black Rain,” Poe said.
“It’s a great movie about the Japanese mob with Michael Douglas,” Blum added.
“And I was stoned, of course—I smoked pot all day every day at this point in my life,” Poe said. “And I was like, what am I gonna do? And then I was watching, and they’re in Tokyo, and I was like, ‘Oh yeah, that fucking Blum—that dumbshit from Japan wanted to open a gallery. Well, he must have money!
“I moved back in August of ‘94 and we opened September of ‘94,” Blum said.
Let me now refer to a few anecdotes, my personal memories.
Nara and Murakami, two FAILED Japanese “Manga/Anime ILLUSTRATORS” with ABSOLUTELY NO artistic talent.
MURAKAMI Takashi admits publicly that he was/is too dumb for oil painting.
He entered the “easy” Nihonga-painting 日本画 department at the university, as he couldn’t understand the practice of oil painting.
He openly declared that he can NOT paint, neither with oil and that he is ashamed of his acrylic paintings at the beginning of his career.
When he was 34 years old, he painted the following piece:
Takashi Murakami (B. 1962)
Miss ko2
Price realised
HKD 5,500,000
HKD 2,000,000 – HKD 3,000,000
USD 260.000-390.000
Takashi Murakami (B. 1962)
Miss ko2
signed and dated ‘TAKASHI 1996’ (on the reverse)
acrylic on canvas mounted on wood
48 x 48 in. (122 x 122 cm.)
Painted in 1996.
Feature, Inc., New York
Acquired from the above by the present owner, 1998
A painting I made about 30 years ago with my own hands is coming up in an auction @christiesinc in Hong Kong. The work must be on display at the auction house, as several people have shot and posted the details on social media. As I captured and looked at some of those images, the painful feelings I had endured back around the time I painted the work vividly came back to me. As you can see from the photos, my techniques were totally crude and the work is poorly executed. It’s embarrassing to see my bewilderment laid bare on the surface, apparent in each brushstroke I made as I fumbled through my way, having never had seen a painting done in anime style in the art world. When I painted this piece, I hadn’t yet come up with the Superflat theory, and had never even dreamed that I would become an artist who paints lots of flowers. All I can remember feeling was pain and struggle.
more at Instagram:
Both Japanese art workers have managed to break into the American art market based primarily on the American “Art Flipper Methodology”, the concept of tax evasion through gifts to museums, incl. MoMA, and the American way of capitalist BOOM & BUST spirit.
To get an idea, what kind of person Murakami is, keep this sentence in mind:
“You’re lactating, you can’t be my business partner”
Murakami to Boesky (2006)
Once upon a time, in April 1999, as I attended the opening ceremony of DOB-kun’s adventures @ PARCO, Tokyo, Tim Blum fell into a trap.
The trap had been “set” by MURAKAMI Takashi.
The tool of the trap was AZUMA Hiroki 東浩紀, a prepotent social ANALyst and ex-slim-now-fat-alcoholic wannabe philosopher joke, who became Japan’s No.1 slander idiot on X.
東浩紀 氏:「ぼくにはひとを見る目がないし、人望がないようです。」
Mr. AZUMA Hiroki: “I lack analytical skills towards people, it seems, I enjoy no popularity.”東浩紀/
Young Azuma, who had no idea about contemporary art, copied the sentences of other Japanese and Foreign Otaku オタク -researchers and wrote a paid, corrupting equivocal text for Murakami’s exhibition catalogue.
Since Mr. Blum had no expert knowledge about the genre of painting or the art history of painting, he was surprised to see a bright tableaux by Murakami, executed with cheap acrylic colours.
As everyone knows, there are almost no brushstrokes in acrylic, quick-drying, painting.
Blum, who had the thick brushstrokes of oil painting in mind, obviously called the tableaux, created as illustration, “super flat”.
Murakami liked Blum’s cool, catchy remark: “super flat”.
Blum hadn’t realized that the real, much more important, exhibition, quickly, in a hurry, curated by Murakami, was taking place in the basement of the Parco building, B1F. Nothing shallow or flat, but amateurish, kitsch Otaku オタク stuff by then un-known young creators. Azuma’s text mainly referred to this tiny exhibition. I watched the nervous Murakami from the side as he gave the last instructions to his people in the small rental space “LOGOS Gallery” just before the opening. Looking back, I can say that Japanese art history was made that day. I have to give Murakami Takashi credit for that.
Years passed and Murakami gradually constructed a theory that his practice as a Japanese art worker belonged directly in the lineage of the older Japanese painters. He called this fictitious, false theory the “SUPER FLAT” genre.
The rest is history, because Non-Japanese art journalists’ writings about Murakami can be analysed as lazy + ignorant, plus, they didn’t notice that SUPER FLAT is a joke.
“You’re lactating, you can’t be my business partner”
Blum & Poe cleverly managed to put Murakami in the media spotlight during Art Basel by issuing a press release announcing that Murakami’s work had been sold for US$ 1 million. The announcement was published on the front page of the daily edition of The Art Newspaper during Art Basel. The collector David Teiger from L.A. can be described as partner in crime, as he was able to claim Murakami’s works for tax purposes and apparently succeeded in donating Murakami’s work to the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Takashi Murakami “727” 1996; Credit: Gift of David Teiger, Object number: 251.2003.a-c
From Sarah Thornton “Seven Days In The Art World” 2008:
Another reason why David Teiger was able to realize this kind of speculative art flipper method lies in the analysis by President and CEO Christie’s Japan YAMAGUCHI Katsura 山口 桂: “After all, it is ‘ethnic’ to Westerners. It is only a work of art from some Far Eastern country. In such a situation, Takashi Murakami uses pop culture techniques such as ANIME, which is easy for Westerners to understand.”
山口 「やっぱり欧米人にとっては “エスニック” なわけですよ。どこか極東の国の一作品でしかない。そんな中で村上隆はアニメなどポップカルチャー的な手法を用いているので、欧米人にもわかりやすい。…」
ニュー・令和コレクターズ・オン・ザ・ホライゾン New Reiwa-Collectors On The Horizonニュー令和-コレクターズ-現代アート/
My impression of the personal and business relationship between Tim Blum and MURAKAMI Takashi could be described as Love+Hate. There is no question that Murakami’s strategic plan “how to conquer America”, with what kind of works American collectors would buy his creations, and the willingness to take risks to achieve his goal of success in America had been appreciated and valued by all sides. Tim Blum has paved the way for him. However, Realsatire opened up as my collector OKAWARA Arishige 大川原 有重 explained me the following: during dinner in Ginza, Tim Blum told him in Japanese that he didn’t particularly like Murakami’s works.
Murakami, at the adult age of 29, created this childish BS for boys, which Tim Blum saw in real-time. Actually these kind of works are now in the collection of MOMAT, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. One wonders, WTF.
Art critic ICHIHARA Kentaro, artist Mario A, MIZUMA ART GALLERY owner MIZUMA Sueo, Tokyo, Aoyama, 10th of August 2001
For the non-initiates, for my esteemed ART+CULTURE readers, I see it as my duty as a Japanese artist to do some recapitulating educational work so that future Japanese art historians can also analyse the overall context to the best of their knowledge and belief.
My manifestos are published and were created during my symposiums with my then art dealer MIZUMA Sueo 三潴末雄 and art critic ICHIHARA Kentaro 市原研太郎.
When Murakami tries to fool foreigners with work titles that include “FUJIYAMA”, I of course get upset. He has to use “Mount Fuji” or “Fuji-san”.
Over the last 40 years, I have finally been able to tirelessly enforce the correct spelling of Japanese artists’ names in the Western language.
It’s not Takashi Murakami but MURAKAMI Takashi.
In this sense, my efforts and commitment have borne fruit, see the actual Japanese museums’ practice.
NARA Yoshitomo and me are the same age and have Germany as a reference point in our artistic lives. While I was creating socially committed artworks in the ’90s, Nara’s paintings showed childlike motifs. No social consciousness of the contemporary (fall of the Berlin Wall, Tiananmen Square, Feminism etc.) at his age of 30.
more @
Yoshitomo und ich 美智と僕
Please keep in mind, that I am talking about two adult men from Japan.
The following pic refers to a “Nara-Murakami” two-person exhibition. As you can see, Nara’s work “Space Cat” 1991 (left) and Murakami’s work “ポリリズム (レッド) (Polyrhythm , red) 1989 (right) reflect their childish art practices.
Nara in 1991 was 32 years old.
Murakami in 1989 was 27 years old.
In 1992 I went to see Murakami’s solo show at the legendary Roentgen Kunst Institut レントゲン藝術研究所, Omori, Tokyo. Attached are some materials from Murakami’s, art historically important, newsletters and a review in the Asahi Newspaper.
Years passed, Murakami failed with his childish “art fair” GEISAI and let’s have a look what kind of art workers he chose for his art dealing office, Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd..
List taken from
Murakami: “on my own, artists of quality out into the world”
Mr. = Japanese pedo art worker
青島 千穂 AOSHIMA Chiho = Wife of MURAKAMI Takashi
ob = Mediocre Japanese BS art worker
くらやえみ KURAYA Emi = Mediocre Japanese BS art worker
MADSAKI = Mediocre Japanese BS art worker
タカノ 綾 AYA TAKANO = Mediocre Japanese BS art worker
大谷工作室 Otani Workshop = Mediocre Japanese BS art worker
村田森 MURATA Shin = Mediocre Japanese BS art worker
TENGAone = Mediocre Japanese BS art worker
The many lies from Murakami. He “promised” to put the Japanese art workers onto the global auction arena. See below Japanese text.
“GEISAI から世界のオークションへ” “From GEISAI to the Global Auctions”
Cultivate your Branding and Narrative as a Japanese art worker.
Hi, I’m Takashi Murakami from Japan! I’m a funny clown and famous artist who creates big sculptures about JAPANESE WOMEN WITH BIG BOOBS (Hiropon 1997) and JAPANESE MEN WITH HUGE PENIS (Lonesome Cowboy 1998)! やらしく!
鳥山明・村上隆 TORIYAMA Akira ・MURAKAMI Takashi
In Front of The Mori Art Museum, NOW! Japan’s No.1 Artist, Genius MURAKAMI Takashi’s, Made in America, Golden Bullshit Self-Portrait Sucks! ROFL!!天才村上隆/
As Concepts, I take pride in being the founder of the art world, incorporating childish and toy-like logic.
The ripples are getting bigger and bigger, and as the acceptance zone of art becomes huge in Asia, its childhood is endless, and we are entering an era where anything can be art.
I created this work as a work that seems to be the center of such ripples Takashi Murakami
Nevertheless, although his artistic work is primarily about works relevant to OTAKU オタク (i.e. predominantly single, maladaptive, suicidal 自殺願望のある Japanese men, who were NOT well loved, without any warm ‘skinship’ by their parents), it should be stated in all seriousness that he is married to attractive AOSHIMA Chiho 青島千穂. Murakami attaches importance to the fact that as a responsible father of two children, son Shinnosuke (approx. 14 years old) and daughter Natsuko (approx. 11 years old), he simultaneously creates child-friendly works, including kid’s films.
Murakami constantly emphasises that he is unhappy.
But he is lying, as he so often does.
I would even contextually putting him into a frame of “Japanese pathological liar”.
And there exists many of them in Japan.
In reality, Murakami has had an exciting, eventful life as an art worker. With all the ups and downs that every person experiences in their life. He can currently call himself the happiest and successful art worker in Japan. To date, around 440.000 visitors (Murakami publicly set the target of 600.000) have come to his solo exhibition “Takashi Murakami Mononoke Kyoto” (Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art, February 3 through September 1, 2024). The previous record at this museum was 240.000 visitors for the Warhol exhibition (September 17, 2022 through February 12, 2023), so the General Manager, TAKAHASHI Shinya 高橋信也(京都市京セラ美術館事業企画推進室 ゼネラルマネージャー), who comes from Kyoto, has to take pride, as it was his idea, project.
He experienced a scary, bumpy start.
MURAKAMI Takashi Show and Freezing Mother with Baby. Kyoto’s Problematic Image. Minor, B-Class Exhibitions @ Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art
村上隆個展と凍える母親と赤ちゃん。問題のある京都のイメージ。マイナー、Bクラスの展覧会 @ 京都市京セラ美術館
However, manoeuvring through rough, stormy sea like an experienced captain of a large cargo ship, he cleverly got the people from Kyoto and the foreign visitors with advertisements at the Tokyo Airport a.o. to see the child-friendly show, even without world famous Murakami’s masterpieces “Hiropon”, “Lonesome Cowboy” and “Miss Ko2”.
I assume, that Takahashi-san will in the near future receive several awards in Kyoto for his engaging work and accomplishments.
If Murakami gets similar awards will be watched with great interest from my side, because his erotic sculptures with sperm and breast milk may hinder the conservative, highly discriminating selection committee to consider. As is the case of world famous artist ARAKI Nobuyoshi 荒木経惟.
As side effect, Murakami just sold a huge work from this exhibition for several million dollars to the Pinault Collection in France.
In this regard, everybody involved seems to be very happy.
François Pinault Collection with Murakami’s work:
現代美術コレクター、兼オークションハウス・クリスティーズ社長フランソワ・ピノー氏のコレクション展 in モナコ公国
Contemporary Art Collector, Christie’s Auction House Owner François Pinault Shows His Collection In The Principality of Monacoピノー・コレクション/
Actual youtube stuff:
I noticed that Murakami recently is laughing, singing a lot, having fun during talk shows, concerts, interviews, events. A happy father who can play now with his kawaii children at his home in Kyoto and enjoys married life with his beloved wife Chiho.
In Front of The Mori Art Museum, NOW! Japan’s No.1 Artist, Genius MURAKAMI Takashi’s, Made in America, Golden Bullshit Self-Portrait Sucks! ROFL!!天才村上隆/
Leaving aside the problem of the various, divergent, official titles about this sculpture, we are witnessing a revival of the CGSSP (Chauvinist-Goldish-Self-Sucking-Practice) in the endogenous context of contemporary art. Maurizio Cattelan, Damien Hirst and MURAKAMI Takashi (similar bling-bling concept by Jeff Koons) create works made of fake gold.
The intentions of these art workers may be different, but they certainly reveal an interpretation of irony bundled in megalomania. Fake madness, fake egotism, sarcastic grandioseness and a fooling of the mass audience. To fuck things up for the pure pleasure to fuck things up. And the curators stand nearby and applaud.
Looking back, since I had strongly criticised this sculpture in front of the Mori Museum in Roppongi, “Flower Parent and Child”, made in America 2019/2020, suddenly makes sense in Kyoto.
For what reason? Because actually, without Murakami knowing this 5-6 years ago, (see his show GUATEI @ Gagosian Beverly Hills, 2019)
he as a father holds his kid by the hand and says: “Well, do you like this golden sculpture of the two of us? Near our home here in Kyoto? And the whole world admires, envies us.” And the child replies: “Thank you Papa. I love you”.
Hi, I’m Yoshitomo Nara, a cool guy from Japan! I LOVE L.A., American Rock Music and Dorothy in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s “The Wizard of Oz”! ヨロシク!
Yoshitomo Nara: Blum & Poe is now a big gallery in California, but at first, they were in a tiny space— like five meters by five meters. Tim had seen my show at SCAI The Bathhouse, and he reached out to me. He saw something in me that wasn’t limited to Japan, something international that went beyond words, and wanted to do something with me. So that first show in America was titled Pacific Babies because I went over the Pacific Ocean. I think that’s where my history as an artist, as perceived by everyone else, started. For the first time I went to a place where I had no footing, a place not in Europe nor in Japan. Because of this, I was able to feel like I could live the rest of my life as an artist on the faraway West Coast—perhaps because there wasn’t as much of the class to establish what constituted mainstream culture, underground, and subculture. Things just danced out in the open. I think that the underground culture gained more and more popularity and became pop culture there. That kind of history of the West Coast has a lot in common with the process of how I became an artist. That was the first place I was able to feel accepted. On the West Coast, art journals gave me coverage even though I was new, and there were other artists in California who liked my work, and I remember being very happy.
full text:
To recap, these following art dealers can be listed, who have worked with Murakami as a business partner so far:
Tomio Koyama
Gavin Brown’s Enterprise
Blum & Poe
Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd.
No real Asian, Latin American, German, Italian, Swiss or British business partners. Which gives food for thought.
Nor did Murakami receive an invitation to the Documenta in Kassel or the real Venice Biennale.
What remained are: Perrotin, Gagosian, Kaikai Kiki.
In my opinion, Marianne Boesky was Murakami’s most important art dealer. Despite all her efforts and the success she brought him, Murakami left Boesky. He said, he needed more money for film ( = a catastrophic failure by untalented Murakami) production, and switched therefore to Gagosian.
Murakami’s harsh words towards Marianne Boesky manifests the true state of mind and unpleasant, quite shocking character of this art worker from Japan:
“You’re lactating, you can’t be my business partner”
The Japanese Murakami showed no GIRI-NINJO 義理人情, no loyalty, no gratitude, and moral debt towards Marianne Boesky.
Let’s read some quotes about Marianne Boesky talking about Murakami, published in English art news articles:
Dealer Marianne Boesky on Remaking Her Gallery, and Learning From the Last Art-Market Crash
artspace 2014/5/3, Andrew M. Goldstein
How did Murakami catch fire?
It was a combination of things. He’s brilliant, and he’s rigorous, and every part of his plan is ruthless. We would train each other. He would come here or I would go to Japan and he would throw questions at me about the art world and art market. He was a ruthless information-seeker because his first goal was to create an art market in Japan for his generation—it wasn’t about and still isn’t about making money and being famous. He was trying to legitimize the art that was being made in his country in his time. In Japan back then, you were an artist if you made nihonga paintings and wore a suit to your studio and made $100,000 a year—then you were approved. His brother is that kind of artist. Murakami wanted the otaku and the manga artists and the people who were being creative in that field to be acknowledged as artists, and in the West that was happening.
So he purely came to show with me here on so that he could launch himself in America, because the Japanese are always glomming onto what the West is doing and always trying to appropriate it and ultimately catch up culturally with the West. He knew that if the West embraced him, they would have to. So he came out with his first show with me and Blum and Poe in America, and he had his version of the St. Pauli Girl with her big bursting breasts and the cowboy and the splash paintings, and it was brilliant.
Why was that first show such an important statement?
Because if you took the sculptures away, the splash paintings were a perfect combination of Pop Minimalism, gestural abstraction, and Hokusai wave paintings—he was capturing 100 years of painting history in these paintings and then putting them in the context of these ridiculously over-the-top sculptures, which were meant to be a commentary on how in the same way that we have stereotypes about the Japanese, they also have stereotypes of us, that we’re all cowboys and St. Pauli Girls. Beer and boobs! [Laughs]
So he just handed it to the audience, and it worked. So that was the beginning, and then the strategic projects he did in Grand Central Station and Rockefeller Center and with Marc Jacobs were all part of a really considered plan. The nos and the yeses of what an artist does is a really important part of their trajectory, and he was like a military strategist.
You also did fantastically well at auction yourself, when you sold Murakami’s My Lonesome Cowboy at Sotheby’s for $15.5 million in 2008, after he was poached by Gagosian, fetching five times his previous record.
Oh yeah, I did do great. I had a partner on that piece, and the timing was spectacular and Alex Rotter did an incredible deal. It was that culminating time in ’08—it was nuts. But I hadn’t represented Murakami for years and I had a partner who wanted out, so the timing was right. I have no qualms. I don’t feel sad. [Laughs]
full text:
Michael Shnayerson, May 28, 2019, artnet
“By now, Murakami had begun asking his dealers to underwrite production costs—not for Vuitton bags, but for much of the rest of his work. Blum and Poe knew that Murakami was no spendthrift. He slept in a converted crate in his office, just outside Tokyo, and worked every waking hour, making all design decisions, no matter how small.
The problem was his ambition: it was just so sweeping. They underwrote as much as they could, as did the artist’s other dealers, but when Murakami announced that his next project would be a 19-foot-high platinum and aluminum Buddha, his dealers balked. Boesky was pregnant in 2006, and Murakami, she recalled, didn’t like the timing of that at all. “You’re lactating, you can’t be my business partner,” she recalled him saying.”
more at:
In order to discuss another zone of these two art workers, it is important to know that they always relate to each other, Japan and the ‘Western art world’.
A typical, unnecessary, old-fashioned insularism, island‐nation mentality SHIMAGUNI-KONJO 島国根性 by Nara and Murakami.
For example, art worker MORIMURA Yasumasa 森村泰昌 vehemently counter-attacks Murakami’s “nationalistic manoeuvres”, which are wrong, misleading the existing, eclectic, vivid, highly sophisticated and successful local art scene.
See also the TOP 20 artists’ list from 2023:
日本の現代アーティスト・トップ 20 (2023年)
Contemporary artists from Japan, Top 20 (2023)日本の現代アーティスト・トップ-20-2023年/
While Nara harbours a sense of gratitude towards Germany, Murakami practices a certain aggressiveness in his attitude towards non-Japanese countries, including Asian countries.
It is very important to understand that unlike me (coming from Berlin in the 80s with bi-sexual girlfriends), both have ZERO influence of feminism.
Even AIDA Makoto 会田誠 (Japan’s No.1 artist) consciously acts in the spirit of feminism.
Nota bene: AIDA is Japan’s No.1 ARTIST (and not an art worker).
In Nara and Murakami, on the contrary, there is an arrogant, subliminal basic frame of mind, a persistent underlying tone of discriminating behaviour.
This chauvinistic, equivocada attitude may result from a NON-feminist upbringing on the part of the parents or the influences of male, narrow-minded friends and non-existing, close (sexual) relationships with girls or women in their youth.
Both have influences from OTAKU within them, which defines the ‘outside world’ = the majority of people as PAMPI パンピー. Thus, the OTAKU intuitively discriminates against ordinary people because they seem to be too stupid to understand their (fetish) world.
To recapitulate, OTAKU guys, who per se are dumb, create super dumb 超ダサい crap.
Der Ton macht die Musik.
In this overall context, it’s okay to criticise in a “nonjudgmental” way the fact that Tim Blum, Jeff Poe, NARA Yoshitomo and MURAKAMI Takashi suggest or actually practice an underlying chauvinism.
I can state with a clear conscience that Nara and Murakami were the “cash cows” of the commercial art dealers Blum & Poe. Several million dollars were realized and the art scene in Los Angeles was refreshed along the way. I can also assume that Blum and Poe made a lot of money by skillfully buying and selling their real estate / properties.
The following problematic conclusions (unanswered questions) now arise in the context of the 30th anniversary. Mika Yoshitake said it was difficult to secure desired Murakami loans in their planning period of under a year. “We were trying to get works the gallery had shown in the past, but those owners had sold them.”
1. It shows Blum & Poe didn’t practice any support purchases at auctions for Nara and Murakami. Which is normally done by Gagosian, Zwirner and Hauser & Wirth.
2. It manifests the presumption that Blum & Poe willingly and predominantly sold to American art flippers.
3. In the local context, it also reveals that even these people sold their Murakami works: Paul Schimmel, Tim Blum, Jeff Poe and perhaps Mika Yoshitake?
4. Neither were business colleagues Boesky, Larry Gagosian, Perrotin or any U.S. collectors willing to lend Murakami works to Blum & Poe.
“You’re lactating, you can’t be my business partner”
「そんなんじゃねえだろ!Fuck You!」
The Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1).
In April 2019, Murakami left Blum & Poe. The separation was already looming in December 2018. If I adopt the linguistic ductus of Jeff Poe, who describes his colleague as “that fucking Blum―that dumbshit from Japan” in 2020 (see above), then Murakami’s expulsion would be ‘pronounced’ as follows by Jeff: “Takashi, fuck ya, you’re fired. Piss off with your dump, crappy stuff!”
Naturally, Blum & Poe presented the sacking in an officially diplomatic manner. Murakami, who is already lying when he opens his mouth, kept his lips closed. On Instagram, Twitter/X and Facebook he didn’t say / write a single sentence about the expulsion, and hereby confirms and proves: MURAKAMI Takashi is a hypocrite.
Let’s read some quotes from April 2019:
Several sources told artnet News that Blum & Poe had been losing money with the artist’s practice for some time, though opinions differed about whether the artist himself or the gallery’s management was to blame.
“That’s why he started doing collaborations, like that with [fashion designer] Virgil Abloh, so that he could start selling again because the other stuff wasn’t moving,” one collector told artnet News.
An art advisor familiar with the Murakami market argued that galleries representing the artist bore responsibility for his shaky performance by releasing too much work over the years, some of which he described as “poorly edited and over-produced.”
Refer to, check:
米国ギャラリー Blum&Poeのアーティスト・リストから外された村上隆
Takashi Murakami Had Been Erased From American Gallery Blum & Poe’s Artists’ List村上隆/
“You’re lactating, you can’t be my business partner”
「そんなんじゃねえだろ!Fuck You!」
The Chronicle of a Death Foretold (2).
Shortly before their 30th anniversary as art dealers, co-partner Jeff Poe said goodbye. On TBF Podcast he publicly explained the reasons, see the link.
Losing his business partner just at this point of the celebration mood must have been a painful, sad experience for Tim Blum.
Blum (see above mentioned quote): ‘Perfect purity is possible if you turn your life into a line of poetry written with a splash of blood.’ The reference to Mishima is critical, and further interpretation of the line I will leave open.”
Jeff Poe, September 2023:
“People don’t sell art anymore, they place it.
You get a list, you throw out a pdf, fifteen people come back for the same fucking thing and then you just going through the list and you okay, well then who are gonna place this with?”
The summary of the interview with Jeff Poe was published as follows:
September 14, 2023
“All the rules are gone.” -Jeff Poe
In our new podcast episode (link in bio), Blum & Poe co-founder Jeff Poe discusses his recent decision to step back from the gallery, after 30 years helping put LA on the map as an art city.
Listen as Jeff gets candid about his experiences building @blumandpoe amidst the art world’s evolution from an insider’s club to an international corporate industry.
In this clip, Jeff describes how the art world has lost its old rules in the wake of that explosion, saying “Criticism is out the fucking door. Nobody gives a shit or reads. Artists have careers that last five months, six months. You’ve got the “Long Museum” (in China) selling at auction.”
Jeff also offers his advice on choosing a role in the art world, dealing with misbehaving artists, and keeping up with the competition in the art world’s new corporate era. Head to the link in our bio or search for The Baer Faxt wherever you get your podcasts to listen now. #TBFPodcast #TheBaerFaxt
“You’re lactating, you can’t be my business partner”
「そんなんじゃねえだろ!Fuck You!」
The Chronicle of a Death Foretold (3).
The slow death together with a deceased French art worker Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita レオナール・嗣治・フジタ.
How can we understand the decision, the inner causalities in the profession of an art dealer specialising in contemporary art, when he has to sell paintings that are almost 100 years old at his art fair booth? And then by a War Criminal, namely Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita, who discriminated against Jewish artists and Jewish art dealers?
Foujita, who purposely ignored that his Jewish friend Robert Desnos, who looked after, cared for Foujita’s wife Youki Foujita in Paris, was deported to a Nazi Concentration Camp and died there because he fought with the French Résistance.
An art dealer who wrongly declares, that the painting at his booth had been executed with oil.
See also:
2021年5月8日の認知症予防。「ロベール・デスノス、藤田嗣治、藤田ユキ、藤田君代。レジスタンス 対 戦争犯罪人。」
Dementia Prevention on 8th of May 2021. “Robert Desnos, Tsuguharu Foujita, Youki Foujita, Kimiyo Foujita. Résistance vs War Criminal.”
“You’re lactating, you can’t be my business partner”
「そんなんじゃねえだろ!Fuck You!」
The Chronicle of a Death Foretold (4).
The Art Newspaper from 26 February 2024, Mika Yoshitake about the relationship of Blum & Poe with American Art Flippers:
“Murakami has since parted ways with Blum, which could have played a role in his being glossed over by the show. The gallery might also be a victim of its own success, as Yoshitake says it was difficult to secure desired Murakami loans in their planning period of under a year. “We were trying to get works the gallery had shown in the past, but those owners had sold them.””
Blum should have asked me, as I have a whole bunch of Murakamis and Naras in my collection….
“You’re lactating, you can’t be my business partner”
「そんなんじゃねえだろ!Fuck You!」
The Chronicle of a Death Foretold (5).
Celebrating “BLUM 30 years” @ BLUM gallery Tokyo on the 20th of January 2024.
Thirty Years: Written with a Splash of Blood
January 20 – March 10, 2024
BLUM Gallery Tokyo
co-curated by Tim Blum and Mika Yoshitake
Opening reception: Saturday, January 20, 5–7pm
We were very much looking forward to the “BLUM 30 years” reception party on a Saturday evening at posh Omotesando, Harajuku. We had bought new nice shoes, put cool clothes on, and at the Aoyama Flower Market cheerfully kauften wir schöne Blumen für Herrn Blum.
What a disappointment.
Tim Blum wasn’t there.
No Mika Yoshitake.
No Paul Schimmel.
No Mami Kataoka.
No Nanjo Fumio.
No Ashley, no Yanagi.
No Japanese curator.
No Nara or Murakami either.
Compare Murakami’s statements proclaiming to the whole world:
1. Art world etiquette
2. A sense of honor
3. Learning the rules
Without the three things above, an artist cannot survive in the art world. I truly believe that this is what defines those who achieve success.
そういうのが無きゃ、アートの世界じゃやっていけない。 これ、完全なる定義って思ってます。
日本のアート界を駄目にした男? 不幸な村上隆、、、
The Man Who Ruined The Japanese Art World? An Unhappy MURAKAMI Takashi…
NARA Yoshitomo 奈良美智 expressed his feeling on the spot with his new work:「そんなんじゃねえだろ!Fuck You!」
Tokyo, 2024/1/21 奈良美智の新作「Fuck You!」 @ ブラム ギャラリー、東京
NARA Yoshitomo’s new work “Fuck You!” @ BLUM Gallery, Tokyo
Listen carefully, I’m a civilised person in Tokyo, capisci.
The Chronicle of a Death Foretold, very much indeed.
Tokyo-Basel, 28th of August 2024
Mario A 亜 真里男