Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) English program "The Pulse" interviews Bruce Aylward, WHO Assistant Director-General through a video call, talking about Taiwan's anti-epidemic efforts being recognized by the European Union. During the interview, "The Pulse" reporter asks whether the WHO would reconsider Taiwan's membership in the WHO. At this, Aylward flinches in disgust but remains silent. When the interviewer finally asks if he is still there, Aylward asserts he could not hear the question clearly. The reporter offers to repeat the question, but Aylward interrupts to suggest she move on. The reporter then suggests talking about the situation in Taiwan at which point Aylward disconnects the video call.
The Pulse reporter then contacts Aylward via video call again, expressing a desire to receive comment on Taiwan’s anti-epidemic performance. Aylward insists on framing the question in terms of China's overall response and he repeats that regions in China have performed very well. Aylward then thanks the reporter for The Pulse’s invitation to speak and wishes Hong Kong success in fighting the epidemic.