

Desarrollo de software

Mountain View, CA 34.048.366 seguidores

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A problem isn't truly solved until it's solved for all. Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. Bring your insight, imagination and a healthy disregard for the impossible. Bring everything that makes you unique. Together, we can build for everyone. Check out our career opportunities at

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Desarrollo de software
Tamaño de la empresa
Más de 10.001 empleados
Mountain View, CA
Empresa pública
search, ads, mobile, android, online video, apps, machine learning, virtual reality, cloud, hardware, artificial intelligence, youtube y software


Empleados en Google


  • Ver la página de empresa de Google, gráfico

    34.048.366 seguidores

    Meet Anjali: a computer science student and software engineering intern on our NotebookLM team. “NotebookLM is an AI-powered learning assistant that allows users to upload and interact with their own sources,” Anjali explained. “Over the summer, I worked to add support for file formats such as image-based PDFs.” For Anjali, this work was so valuable because it was easy to feel the impact. “Google has shaped my education since I was in elementary school — whether it was searching for information on Google Search, working on homework on Google Drive, or submitting my work on Google Classroom. With Artificial Intelligence changing the way students are interacting with our education, I wanted to contribute to a product that is harnessing the power of AI to benefit both students and educators.” Thank you for your contributions to #LifeatGoogle, Anjali!

    • Anjali at Google's Mountain View HQ
    • Anjali outside of Google's NYC office
  • Ver la página de empresa de Google, gráfico

    34.048.366 seguidores

    Meet Abdullah Ahmed: a medical student and software engineering intern bridging his passion for computer science, mathematics, and medicine. Over the past few months, Abdullah has been interning on our Google Health AI team, where he’s focused on helping clinicians responsibly use AI. “My current work involves developing tools to help physicians grasp the intricate evolution of a patient’s medical condition, and ensuring our models prioritize clinical safety in every application,” Abdullah explained. Abdullah’s journey to his internship was marked by a diverse range of interests and motivations. “After studying computer science in undergrad, I decided to pursue an MD because I was drawn to medicine's direct impact on people's lives, and I wanted to apply my analytical skills to complex human challenges.” For anyone interested in following a similar path, Abdullah recommends being open to exploring all of your passions. “Combining computer science and medicine has helped me think outside the box, especially when tackling tough challenges in healthcare. I believe exploring diverse interests, even if seemingly unrelated, is so powerful.”

    • Abdullah posing with an Android figurine and intern hat
    • Abdullah posing at Google's Mountain View HQ
    • Abdullah posing in front of Google Health sign
    • Abdullah riding Google bike
  • Ver la página de empresa de Google, gráfico

    34.048.366 seguidores

    Heriberto, a software engineer manager on the Education Team in Mexico City, is always on the lookout for top talent to join his team. “We’re looking for engineers who bring fresh ideas from all areas, including information retrieval, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking and data storage, security, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, UI design, and mobile – the list goes on and is growing every day,” he says. His advice for candidates? Be open-minded and be yourself. Ready to join #LifeAtGoogle in Mexico City? Apply today →

    • Heriberto smiling in front of the colorful NYC Google sign.
    • Heriberto smiling with a Googler inside a green room.
  • Ver la página de empresa de Google, gráfico

    34.048.366 seguidores

    Meet Adán Flores Ramírez: a software engineering intern at Google originally from San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Although Adán’s “journey to Google was paved with hard work and relentless effort,” he still felt imposter syndrome once he arrived. “At first, landing at Google as an intern felt surreal. Suddenly, I was surrounded by talented people from all over the world. I felt like I had to prove myself and be a perfectionist, even when I was just ramping up.” Now at the end of his internship, after a summer on the Vertex AI Search team, Adán shared his top tips for tackling imposter syndrome!

    • A Google intern’s tips for tackling imposter syndrome
    • - Talk it out: Don't bottle up your feelings! Talk to someone you trust — fellow interns, employees, mentors. I discovered that many of us were feeling lost, especially at the beginning. You're not alone!
- Run your own race: It’s easy to get caught comparing yourself to others. However, you should focus on your own journey, progress, and strengths. Everyone has different skills — only compare yourself to who you were yesterday.
- Feedback is your friend: Seek feedback from managers, mentors, and colleagues. Their years of experience can be a great guidance to help stay on track and highlight your achievements. 
- It’s a marathon, not a sprint: My host told me that mantra the first time I opened up to talk about feeling behind. Big projects take time. Focus on consistent progress, not overnight perfection. Celebrate small wins, learn from setbacks, and have a great time.
  • Ver la página de empresa de Google, gráfico

    34.048.366 seguidores

    Megan Lai — a STEP intern who recently wrapped up her Google internship — has long been interested in exploring ethical uses of artificial intelligence. At school, she focuses on AI uses for business, and her internship this summer offered the chance to put her learnings into practice. “I chose to apply to Google’s STEP internship because of the technical training and experience that it provides freshmen. While everything I’ve learned in class has been important, this internship has provided me with critical experiences with code development, testing, design reviews, and documentation.” Megan spent her summer interning on the Google TV team. “I was working on a generative AI-assisted interactive system on Google TV that allows users to create a highly customized content discovery journey. More specifically, my project was to integrate live TV search capabilities into the platform.” In addition to the skill-building opportunities, Megan enjoyed meeting new people throughout her time at Google. “My team was so supportive and welcoming. We went to lunch together everyday, and I got to know a lot about what they do and their backgrounds. My favorite memories are Boba Thursdays and Poker games with my team.” Good luck with the upcoming school year Megan!

    • Megan at Google's San Francisco office
    • Megan posing in front of Google logo
    • Megan posing in front of YouTube logo
  • Ver la página de empresa de Google, gráfico

    34.048.366 seguidores

    Meet Sabrina, a staff hardware engineer at Google who joined our Quantum AI team after working in the industry and presenting at conferences on qubit calibration research. On a daily basis, Sabrina is “working with researchers, writing software infrastructure, and running a whole lot of experiments” to optimize Google’s superconducting qubit quantum processors. Her advice for someone interested in pursuing similar work? “Try to learn more about the effort as a whole,” she says. “There may be roles and positions that are already well-suited to your skill set, whether that be software engineering, semiconductor fabrication, or computational chemistry.” Find the right role for you today →

    • Sabrina holding a mic standing on stage presenting Quantum AI research.
    • Sabrina holding a white dog outside.
    • Sabrina and another Googler in blue t-shirts in front of a Google sign.
    • Sabrina sitting in dry grass outside.
    • Sabrina holding a mic standing on stage presenting Quantum AI research.

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