_ _ | | (_) _ __ ___ __| | __ _ _ __ _ | '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` | '_ \| | | | | | | | (_| | (_| | |_) | | |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__,_| .__/|_| | | |_| mdapi is a small API exposing the metadata contained in different RPM repositories. mdapi has access to the metadata of the different Fedora repositories and will serve you the most recent information available, from updates-testing, if there is nothing in updates-testing, it will look for information from the updates repository and if there is still nothing, it will look for information in the releases repository. If you query for a non-existing branch (for example: f14), it will return a 400 error. If you query for a non-existing package (for example: foo), it will return a 404 error. For any other error, it should return a 500 error. If you see those and it is not transient, please inform an admin. USAGE ===== List all branches ----------------- The list of all branches for which mdapi contains information can be found at: /branches /branches Note: The src_* branches refer to the source repositories metadata, they will thus return you information about the source package. So to find the BuildRequires of a package, check its requires provided in its information against in a src_* branch. Retrieve information about a package ------------------------------------ You can retrieve information about a specific package on a specific branch by querying: /{branch}/pkg/{package name} So for example, for the kernel in rawhide: /rawhide/pkg/kernel You can also retrieve information about a specific package on a specific branch via the name of its source package by querying: /{branch}/srcpkg/{package name} So for example, for the python-natsort in rawhide that only exists as src.rpm: /rawhide/srcpkg/python-natsort Retrieve the list of files in a package --------------------------------------- You can retrieve the list of files present in the specific package on a specific branch by querying: /{branch}/files/{package name} So for example, for the kernel-core in rawhide: /rawhide/files/kernel-core Retrieve the changelog of a package ----------------------------------- You can retrieve the changelog of a specific package on a specific branch by querying: /{branch}/{package name} So for example, for the kernel in rawhide: /rawhide/changelog/kernel Retrieve the packages having a specific property ------------------------------------------------ You can retrieve the list of packages having a specific property. These properties can be any of: requires, provides, obsoletes, conflicts, enhances, recommends, suggests, supplements. /{property}/{package name} For example to retrieve the list of packages that require a specific package: /requires/{package name} Few examples: packages requiring R in rawhide: /rawhide/requires/R To see what R itself requires, check its information using: /rawhide/pkg/R packages providing perl(SetupLog) in rawhide: /rawhide/provides/perl(SetupLog) packages obsoleting cabal2spec in rawhide: rawhide/obsoletes/cabal2spec packages conflicting with mariadb in rawhide: rawhide/conflicts/mariadb packages enhancing httpd in rawhide: rawhide/enhances/httpd packages recommending flac in rawhide: rawhide/recommends/flac packages suggesting R-tools in rawhide: rawhide/suggests/R-tools packages supplementing `(hunspell and langpacks-fr)` in rawhide: rawhide/supplements/(hunspell and langpacks-fr) |‾| | | |‾|/‾‾˙ |‾'‾‾\|‾'‾‾\|‾| |‾| |‾| | | (‾| | |‾) | |‾) | | | | | | | |\ ‾, | ,‾ /| ,‾ / \ ‾ , ‾, | ‾ ‾‾ ‾ ‾ ‾‾ | |‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾ ‾ (‾) | | ‾ ‾ © 2015-2022 - Red Hat, Inc. - GPLv3+ - Sources: https://github.com/fedora-infra/mdapi/