Se Pintel bið ūtera sceap ƿeres mannes. Hit bið cinnanlic, intromittent organ þe ēac þegnað sēo hland pīpe.
Mennisc Bodiglār
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Hlottes
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Ƿyrt pinteles (radix): Hit bið þone fæsted hlot, hæbbende þæs bulb pinteles in þǣm middan and þæs crus pinteles, ān on ǣghƿæðer sīde of the bulb. Hit ligð innan þæm superficial perineal pohan.
- Bodig pinteles (corpus): Hit hæfð tū oferborda: bæclic (posterosuperior in þǣm rǣred pintele), and ƿamblic oþþe hlandpæðlic (facing dūn and bæc in þǣm āslǣp pintele). Þæt ƿamblic oferbord bið mearciende æt grōfe in sīdlic ƿege.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Se pintel bið geƿorht þrēora columnena ƿebbes: tƿā corpora cavernosa legdeþ nēahst tō ōþer on þǣre bæclic sīde and ān corpus spongiosum ligð betƿēgen hīe on þǣre ƿamblic sīde.
Se īecende and bulbous-shaped ende þæs sƿammlices bodiges sciepð þæs hēafod pinteles, þe āƿreðað þæt filmen, oþþe prepuce, þe āslæccende fald hȳde þe in ūpƿeaxen men āndfærð cann tō sƿeotolian þǣm hēafod. Se rūm on þǣm undersīd þæs pinteles, hƿǣr þǣm filmene bið gefæstnod, bið clipiende se hæft, oþþe frenulum. Se æppled staðol þæs hēafod bið clipiende þone corōna. Se perineal sēam bið þā bemearcod līne andlang þǣre undersīdan þæs pinteles.
Se hlandpæð, þe bið þæt latost hlot þǣre hlandlic pīpe, færð ofer þǣm sƿammlicum bodige, and his geat, cnāƿen sƿā þæt ūtera hlandlic geat, ligð on þǣm ende þæs hēafdes pinteles. Hit bið þurhgang ǣgðer æfter hlande and æfter þǣm āndhladanung sǣdes. Sǣdu sind gemacod in þǣm beallucum and gadered in þǣre gefæstnod sǣdloppan. Āmang āndhladanung, sǣdu sind ƿrecen ūp þǣre sǣdhlædre, tƿā pīpe þe lǣdð ofer and behindan þǣre blǣdran. Ƿǣtan sind īeced fram þǣre sǣdlicum blǣdrum and sēo sǣdhlæder iernð intō þǣre āndhladanlic pīpan, þe geǣnð se hlandpæð innan the prostate gland.
Se sēam bið þæt ansīene grōfe betƿēgen þǣm sīdlic healfum þæs pinteles, sēonde on þǣre ƿamblicre oþþe undersīdan þæs pinteles, farende fram þǣm meatus (geat hlandpæðes) ofer þǣm belge tō þǣre pyndinge (rūm betƿēgen belg and ærsþyrel).
Se mennisc pintel bið ungelīc þæs mǣst ōþer sycedēora, sƿā hit næfð baculum, oþþe ūplanglic bān, ac trēoƿð ǣghƿæs on sƿellung mid blōde tō fācianne his ūplang tōstandung. Hit cann ne bið ābrigdeþ intō þǣm lescan, and hit bið stōror þanne gemǣnelic in þǣm dēorlic cyningdōm in proportion to body mass.
Līffrōdlic nota þæs pinteles
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Pintel ƿeaxung and puberty
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]On ingāngende puberty, se pintel, belg and beallucas sceal beginneþ tō āndƿræppanne. Āmang the process, pubic hǣr ƿeaxð ābufan and ymbe þǣm pintele. A large-scale study assessing penis size in thousands of 17–19 year old males found no difference in average penis size between 17 year olds and 19 year olds. Fram þis, hit cann bið lūcen þe ƿeaxung þæs pinteles bið gemǣnelic geænded ne lator þonne gear 17, and ācumendlīce ǣror.[1]
Gemānalic homology
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Heafodgewrit: List of homologues of the human reproductive system
In scort, þēos bið cnāƿen līste of sex organs þe evolve fram þǣm gelīc ƿebb in ƿīfum and ƿerum.
Þæt hēafod þæs pinteles bið gelīc þǣm clitoral hēafde; þæt bodig hol sind gelīc þǣm bodige of the clitoris; þæt sƿammlic bodig bið gelīc to the vestibular bulbs bineoþan the labia minora; the belg, gelīc to the labia minora and labia majora; and þæt filmen, gelīc to the clitoral hōd. Se sēam ne bið bestandende in ƿīfum, ac þær, sēo tƿā healfe ne sind bunden.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Heafodgewrit: Ūplangung
Ūplangung bið þæs stīfianung and rīsanung þæs pinteles, þe gelimpð āmang gemānalic āƿreccanung, þēah hit cann ēac limpan in ungemānalic forcumungs. The primary physiological mechanism that brings about erection is the autonomic dilation of arteries supplying blood to the penis, which allows more blood to fill the three spongy erectile tissue chambers in the penis, causing it to lengthen and stiffen. The now-engorged erectile tissue presses against and constricts the veins that carry blood away from the penis. More blood enters than leaves the penis until an equilibrium is reached where an equal volume of blood flows into the dilated arteries and out of the constricted veins; a constant erectile size is achieved at this equilibrium.
Erection facilitates sexual intercourse though it is not essential for various other sexual activities.
Ūplangung angel
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Þēah manig ūplang pintele ligað ūp, hit bið gemǣne and regollic for þǣm ūplangum pintele tō licganne nēahlic lēadrihtlic ūp oþþe nēahlic lēadrihtlic dūne oþþe licgrihtlic anforngean, eall hōnende on þǣre spanne þæs spannlices ƿebbendes þe gehæfð hit in stæle.
The following table shows how common various erection angles are for a standing male, out of a sample of 1,564 males aged 20 through 69. In the table, zero degrees is pointing straight up against the abdomen, 90 degrees is horizontal and pointing straight forward, while 180 degrees would be pointing straight down to the feet. An upward pointing angle is most common.[2]
angle (º) from vertically upwards |
Percent of males |
0–30 | 5 |
30–60 | 30 |
60–85 | 31 |
85–95 | 10 |
95–120 | 20 |
120–180 | 5 |
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Heafodgewrit: Āndhladanung
Āndhladanung bið sēo ūtƿeorpung sǣdes fram þǣm pintele, and bið oft gefērscipod mid orgasm. Līne seonulīrlices contractions bǣrð sǣd, nimende ƿerlic gemānacellas cnāƿen sƿā sǣdcellas oþþe spermatozoa, fram þǣm pintele. Hit oft bið folgung gemānalices āƿreccung, þe mæg geinnian prostate āƿreccung. Rarely, it is due to prostatic disease. Āndhladanung mæg limpan hisselflic āmang slǣpe (cnāƿen sƿā nihtlic floƿing oþþe ƿǣt sƿefn). Anejaculation is the condition of being unable to ejaculate.
Ejaculation has two phases: emission and ejaculation proper. The emission phase of the ejaculatory reflex is under control of the sympathetic nervous system, while the ejaculatory phase is under control of a spinal reflex at the level of the spinal nerves S2–4 via the pudendal nerve. A refractory period succeeds the ejaculation, and sexual stimulation precedes it.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- ↑ Ponchietti R, Mondaini N, Bonafè M, Di Loro F, Biscioni S, Masieri L (February 2001). "Penile length and circumference: a study on 3,300 young Italian males". European Urology 39 (2): 183–6. doi:10.1159/000052434. PMID 11223678.
- ↑ Sparling J (1997). "Penile erections: shape, angle, and length". Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 23 (3): 195–207. doi:10.1080/00926239708403924. PMID 9292834.