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Fram Wikipǣdian

Æðmlyft is gesceaft, þǣre tācen is O (sē is fram Crēcisc ὀξύς γενής) and þǣre motige rīm is 8. Hēo is full hefig on þǣm lyfthelme þǣre Eorðan - hūhƿega fīfta dǣl his is tƿiæðmlyft. Hēo ēaðe ƿendeþ tō gesceaftgadum mid nēan eallum ōðrum hēafodgesceaftum, hūru tō æðmlyftgadum. Æfter micelnesse is hēo sēo þridde gemǣnoste hēafodgesceaft æfter ƿætertimbre and sunnanlyfte on eallre þǣre ƿorulde, and sēo gemǣnoste hēafodgesceaft on þǣre Eorðan rinde - nēan is hēo healf hire.

Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan.