Nightwish biþ fēowerlēode Finnisc stīele trūþhlōþ þæs naman on Englisce Nihtwȳsc is. Hīe onstealdon þone hlōþ on 1996 in þǣm tūne Kitees, Finnlandes. Man dēmaþ þæt Nihtwysc is ān þāra hlōðum þe begunnon samodsūndlīċe stīele þǣm ende þāra 1990s. Þēah hīe sind grēat in hiera ēðle siþþan ālīesung hiera fyrst ānsanges, "The Carpenter" (1997) and fyrst CD Angels Fall First, hīe ne gietaþ geondworuld mǣrnessee oþ sēo ālīesung þāra CDs Oceanborn, Wishmaster, and Century Child, ālīesed in 1998, 2000, and 2002. Hīe ċīepodon mā þonne 4,000,000 CDs and DVDs woruldwīde.[1]


