Fever Ambassador Program Fever Ambassador Program

Attend events for free & earn money sharing your content Attend events for free & earn money sharing your content

+10K followers required

Your Benefits

  • Get a monthly Fever Credit Voucher
    Redeemable for tickets to discover the best events in your city & create content.
  • Earn commissions & monetize your content
    Generate a new income stream and earn a 6% commission on each sale through your ambassador link.
  • Enjoy additional exclusive perks
    Social media awareness, exclusive discounts & alternative partnership opportunities.
Apply now

Monthly Requirements

  • 1

    Attend Fever events & create high-quality local content.
  • 2

    Post at least one monthly video in Instagram Reels or Tik Tok.
  • 3

    Use the hashtag #FeverAmbassador and tag Fever’s accounts in your posts. 
  • 4

    Share your ambassador link and earn commissions for each Fever plan sale.

Become a Fever Ambassador

Submit your application now and start enjoying the best activities available in your city! Apply now


Who can become a Fever Ambassador?

If you meet the following requirements, we can’t wait to have you onboard:

  • You are an influencer or content creator who provides local entertainment recommendations.

  • You have at least 10.000 followers on Instagram or TikTok and own an engaged audience in your city.

  • You are a sales-driven person, willing to earn commissions from the sale of Fever events.

If you do not meet these requirements or you only want to attend a specific event in exchange for social media promotion (no credit voucher, sales commission, or additional benefits included) join the Influencer Community database.

What are the next steps after submitting my application?

We are expanding our program, and we'll soon be reaching your city. If it is available in your city, you will be required to connect your main social media accounts to our influencer relations platform. If it is still not available, no worries! Your application will be assessed upon opening.

Here are the next steps:

1. We will review your application, and if your profile meets our criteria, expect acceptance within a few days.

2. You will receive our Welcome email with everything you need to know to kickstart your journey as a Fever Ambassador (Fever Credit Voucher and Ambassador Link included).

3. Start attending the best events in your city for FREE! Share your content, and monetize your entertainment.

How much is my Fever credit voucher worth?
The value of your Fever Credit Voucher is determined based on an analysis of the social media profiles you connected to our influencer marketing platform, considering the engagement you aim to bring to the program through your content.
How’s the monthly workflow?
Monthly, we'll renew your Fever Credit Voucher, provide personalized recommendations for the best plans in your city, and inform you about additional benefits. In return, you're required to post at least one Instagram Reel or TikTok video referencing Fever and our top-rated events.
How will I track my earnings?
You can track your earnings through our influencer marketing platform. Your personal dashboard allows real-time tracking of conversions and payments.
Where can I share my ambassador link?
Your ambassador link can be shared across all your social networks, including Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, or Snapchat. Utilize direct messages when followers inquire privately about attended experiences and monetize personal recommendations. In group chats, share your unique ambassador link through platforms like Whatsapp, iMessage, or Telegram and reach niche audiences.
If I have a blog or website that I professionally monetize, can I join the Fever Ambassador Program?
The Fever Ambassador Program is tailored for influencers and content creators with a social media presence. If you own a professional media company, blog, or website and wish to generate revenue with Fever experiences, apply to the Fever Affiliate Program instead.

For any questions about the Fever Ambassador Program, or more information regarding how you can collaborate with Fever, please contact:

[email protected]