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Vorlage:Lunar crater data

Us der alemannische Wikipedia, der freie Dialäkt-Enzyklopedy
Koordinate {{{latitude}}}° {{{N_or_S}}} {{{longitude}}}° {{{E_or_W}}}
Durmesser {{{diameter}}}
Diefi {{{depth}}}
Co-Längi   {{{colong}}}° bi Sunneufgang
Nammensgäber {{{eponym}}}

This template is used on the lunar crater pages to display common information. It can be used as follows:

 {{Lunar crater data |
   latitude  = ##.# |
   N_or_S    = N/S |
   longitude = ##.# |
   E_or_W    = E/W |
   diameter  = ## km |
   depth     = #.# km |
   colong    = ### }}

See also {{Lunar crater data image}}.