Information systems research on smart services receives numerous contributions that result from joint research projects. Such projects bring together researchers from academia and industry; both conducting applied research while developing marketable services. This paper contributes a conceptual meta- framework, which represents and describes joint research projects in service research based on the integration of previous conceptualizations. It combines the service marketing perspective of new service development (NSD) with the industry-academic collaboration perspective of action design research (ADR). The framework provides the entire IS community with a better understanding how joint research projects are conducted. Researchers that work in such projects can adopt the framework concepts and organize their projects accordingly. To demonstrate the framework’s application, we use the case of the development of a smart service in electric vehicle domain.
Recommended Citation
Matzner, Martin; Plenter, Florian; Chasin, Friedrich; and Betzing, Jan Hendrik, "New Service Development Through Action Design Research in Joint Research Projects" (2018). Research Papers. 110.