�スT�ス�ス�ス�ス�スヒゑソス|�スf�ス�ス�スツ一覧| @5channel_net|UPLIFT|UPLIFT�ス�ス�スO�スC�ス�ス|�スヌんぐゑソスV�スX�スe�ス�ス|

games8 KANBAN Image

Video Games

This board is for discussion of video games.
Please note that this board is meant to be in English. It is open to posting from all countries.


�スナ終�スX�スV�ス�ス�ス�ス�スF2023/10/01 01:02:09

�ス{�ス�ス�スフ托ソス�ス�ス�スe�ス�ス�スF 0�ス@�ス�ス�スハ: 822/1,032

�ス�ス�ス�ス�ス�ス�ス闢奇ソスe�ス�ス�スF 0�ス@�ス�ス�スハ: 822/1,032



games8 for itest by QR Code


�スX�ス�ス�スb�スh�スS�ス齬暦ソスヘゑソス�ス�ス�ス�ス �ス゚具ソス�ス�ス�スO�ス齬暦ソスヘゑソス�ス�ス�ス�ス

1: Nan-J games (102)

2: What strength!! (3)

3: [IMPORTANT!] Regarding HTTP Error 451 (1)

4: Welcome to the new 'games8' board! (1)

5: Test [�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (46)

6: Diablo 4 yatteru (3)

7: Super Mario/SuMari (2)

8: What do you think about Silent Hill? [�ス�ス�スf�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (3)

9: English/Japanese dictionary for video game fags [�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (40)

10: Mikado Game Center Europe -Gracias- (8)

11: Does anyone play Apex Legends? (4)

12: Mikado Game Center Ikebukuro (11)

13: You can't learn Japanese [�ス�ス�スf�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (19)

14: The Cult Guru Was Finally Executed. (16)

15: Mikado Game Center Takada no Baba (8)

16: yuri geemu [�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (19)


18: I wanna be famous indie dev in japan. (2)

19: Learn Japanese. Learn English. (1)

20: ܐWWWWWܐ‎ (2)

21: Switch is fuck poor machine :( (4)

22: is Ape Escape Racist game? (2)

23: Mikado Game Center AmiPara-Hiroshima (24)

24: Mikado Game Center Hoshigari Monogatari (8)

25: Fuck off Nintendo (8)

26: 3rd party games cant sell for Nintendo hard (1)

27: Pokemon thread [�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (25)

28: Kochiya Sanae Mom''Kochiya!time to eat'!'�ス@Cooked Kochiya what? (1)

29: Console Wars thread [�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (48)

30: Neptunia thread [�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (41)

31: Touhou Project General [�ス�ス�スf�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (6)

32: Fuck whoever linked 2ch globally on 8ch [�ス�ス�スf�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (15)

33: Japan vidya [�ス�ス�スf�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (13)

34: ayy [�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (27)


36: z (1)

37: Desolate City: The Bloody Dawn (1)

38: Nintendo censoring games IN JAPAN [�ス�ス�スf�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (2)

39: GE Thread [�ス�ス�スf�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (10)

40: Touhou thread [�ス�ス�スf�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net (13)

41: �ス�ス 5�ス�ス�ス�ス�スヒるか�ス�スV�ス�ス�ス�ス�ス�ス�スm�ス轤ケ�スナゑソス (7)

42: �ス�ス UPLIFT �スv�ス�ス�ス~�スA�ス�ス�スE�スT�ス[�スr�スX�スフゑソス�スm�ス轤ケ (2)


�スX�ス�ス�スb�スh�スS�ス齬暦ソスヘゑソス�ス�ス�ス�ス �ス゚具ソス�ス�ス�スO�ス齬暦ソスヘゑソス�ス�ス�ス�ス

�ス�ス �スO �ス�ス �スV

Nan-J games

1 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2018/08/01(Wed) 15:28:45.03
sureo mainichi sodatetaro�スI
93 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2018/10/30(Tue) 00:53:13.65
94 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2018/11/18(Sun) 00:38:26.52
95 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2019/01/08(Tue) 16:22:25.52
96 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2022/04/21(Thu) 12:36:47.09

97 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2022/05/01(Sun) 07:58:52.71
Up to date Infomation
<meta property="fb:ypp_id" content="XXX">
<meta name="description" content="Be sure to put an "I" in the text.">
<meta name="keywords" content="Google[The word you want to enter] ,Google ,Google ,Google�スE�スE�スE�スE�スE�スE�スE�スE�スE�スE�スE�スE">

If you keep earning
you can earn millions to tens of billions of dollars because it is information that no one knows
so "including access fees"please.
I wish you a happy time.

SWIFT code / BIC / routing number�スFRIKBJPJT
Beneficiary Bank Name�スFTHE HOKURIKU BANK, LTD.
Beneficiary Bank Branch�スFTomakomai BRANCH
Beneficiary Bank Address�スF2-6-22 ,Nishiki-cho ,Tomakomai-shi ,Hokkaido JAPAN 053-0023
Recipient Name�スFOsamu Hasegawa
Recipient Address�スF3-18-17 kOYO-CHO ,tOMAKOMAI-SHI ,hOKKAIDO JAPAN 053-0811
Recipient Phone Number�スF+81 80-4040-8276
Recipient Account Number / IBAN�スF523-6066889

I watch it every day.
98 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2022/08/16(Tue) 23:37:03.09
krunker is good
99 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2022/10/03(Mon) 01:47:07.55
100 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2023/10/10(Tue) 20:27:14.72
101 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2024/01/22(Mon) 09:16:46.55
My mother whom I who might cry to me much lower as the man who knew what I avoided as a member of society am made a fool of by a woman, and TV is done as a member of society to a person of JGBT below as TV takes this up, and pride is injured in the mysterious group, and mother was doing for fear of them until it is in these days when it shed tears that I tell mother who might not speak such a thing that there might not be breath when I contact with the person who was not able to appear in the true public that is the person who looked such as the lion writing a novel with this which is this which I feel very hard, and lived in front of mother, and oneself is seen so in mother when I know mother who was not able to meet a family until it is to a human being proper as an unpleasant member of society when sympathized with from the circumference is so
There was not the help
I support that contact me if is good, and maemukito@yahoo.co.jp you do that got the face which took from the parent when the face is prohibited fixed, and is small, but when give money, and it may be possible, it, please try the thing which I want hard because it is necessary, and I live with effort, too; with effort with effort

People who looked such as the lion which people such as the lion cannot enter all, and a face was writing the truth novel that their existence contributes to the fact that social Japan such as China and Korea is different from China and Korea without the significant existence that is people who any existence is writing a novel in it that a face let people such as the lion join it in Japan, and look similar contribute to the fact
102 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2025/02/06(Thu) 14:09:43.88

�スS�ス�ス�スヌゑソス �スナ新50 1-100 �ス�ス�スフ板の趣ソスネス�ス�ス�スb�スh�ス齬� �ス�ス�ス�ス�ス[�スh


�ス�ス�スO�スF E-mail�スF

�ス�ス �スO �ス�ス �スV

What strength!!

1 �ス�ス�スO�スFExtension �ス�ス 2019/12/29(Sun) 20:35:26.68
But don't forget there are many guys
like you all over the world.
2 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2023/01/19(Thu) 17:49:11.95
3 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2024/08/24(Sat) 03:13:04.78
I thought that is fluent lew by men

�スS�ス�ス�スヌゑソス �スナ新50 1-100 �ス�ス�スフ板の趣ソスネス�ス�ス�スb�スh�ス齬� �ス�ス�ス�ス�ス[�スh


�ス�ス�スO�スF E-mail�スF

�ス�ス �スO �ス�ス �スV

[IMPORTANT!] Regarding HTTP Error 451

1 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2023/12/04(Mon) 09:59:50.43
Recently, 5ch has been under attack by scripters and spammers. As a counter measure, (and because 5ch management is too retarded to put a CAPTCHA on this site) non-Japanese IPs can no longer post on any board on this site.
Which means boards made for foreigners such as dejima and the embassy ("8") boards have been now rendered useless.

If you wish to post, you can try using Tuxler with the residential VPN mode. You can also try SoftEther VPN Gate and try multiple Japanese IPs until you find one that isn't already banned.
If you wish to have a good experience on 5ch just like that of an ordinary 5ch user that lives in Japan, your only choice is to buy UPLIFT, though.
I don't think most people will want to give money to the terrible owners of this site though.

�スS�ス�ス�スヌゑソス �スナ新50 1-100 �ス�ス�スフ板の趣ソスネス�ス�ス�スb�スh�ス齬� �ス�ス�ス�ス�ス[�スh


�ス�ス�スO�スF E-mail�スF

�ス�ス �スO �ス�ス �スV

Welcome to the new 'games8' board!

1 �ス�ス�スO�スFBoard maker �ス�ス�ス�ス 2023/10/01(�ス�ス) 04:10:22.00 ID:automakeR
Welcome to the new 'games8' board!
Let's enjoy!

�スS�ス�ス�スヌゑソス �スナ新50 1-100 �ス�ス�スフ板の趣ソスネス�ス�ス�スb�スh�ス齬� �ス�ス�ス�ス�ス[�スh


�ス�ス�スO�スF E-mail�スF

�ス�ス �スO �ス�ス �スV

Test [�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net

1 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2015/01/12(Mon) 15:52:24.10
Testing New thread
37 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2016/04/03(Sun) 01:43:58.95
TOKYO 098968-3332
38 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2016/07/10(Sun) 19:51:31.50
39 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2016/07/20(Wed) 07:30:02.74
40 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2017/02/16(Thu) 16:32:46.09
wat game is this
41 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2017/02/16(Thu) 23:54:41.93
42 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2017/02/17(Fri) 06:02:19.69
ayyy this dank as hell dawg
43 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2017/02/17(Fri) 07:18:56.55
Am I japanese now?
44 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2017/02/17(Fri) 10:09:30.08
45 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2018/11/18(Sun) 00:40:52.64
46 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2023/09/30(Sat) 23:30:36.99

�スS�ス�ス�スヌゑソス �スナ新50 1-100 �ス�ス�スフ板の趣ソスネス�ス�ス�スb�スh�ス齬� �ス�ス�ス�ス�ス[�スh


�ス�ス�スO�スF E-mail�スF

�ス�ス �スO �ス�ス �スV

Diablo 4 yatteru

1 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2023/06/07(Wed) 03:28:00.44
2 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2023/06/07(Wed) 04:31:17.60
3 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2023/07/01(Sat) 12:32:29.60

�スS�ス�ス�スヌゑソス �スナ新50 1-100 �ス�ス�スフ板の趣ソスネス�ス�ス�スb�スh�ス齬� �ス�ス�ス�ス�ス[�スh


�ス�ス�スO�スF E-mail�スF

�ス�ス �スO �ス�ス �スV

Super Mario/SuMari

1 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2019/09/28(Sat) 05:46:45.24
What is the worldbuilding like in Mario?
We know that there is the Mushroom Kingdom, where toads/kinoko live, and the human-looking Peach is the Princess
And the Koopa Kingdom where turtle-like people (troopas/nokonoko, lakitus/jugem, hammer bros, etc) ruled by Bowser Koopa, who looks like a dragon turtle.
There are also good koopas, some toad chancellor in Mushroom Kingdom, and other Kigdoms like Sarasaland, the 7 lands in SMB3 and Bean Bean; as we see in RPGs and other games
There are also stars that are sometimes like gods, lie in Paper Mario 1, and stars which appear innanimate, like starman power-up and the ones in 64, Sunshine and Galaxy. Some like Geno are like Angels or demigods.
So what else is in the world of Mario? From what is seen in games and from what can be speculated
2 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2023/06/26(Mon) 09:51:10.93
Math please.

�スS�ス�ス�スヌゑソス �スナ新50 1-100 �ス�ス�スフ板の趣ソスネス�ス�ス�スb�スh�ス齬� �ス�ス�ス�ス�ス[�スh


�ス�ス�スO�スF E-mail�スF

�ス�ス �スO �ス�ス �スV

What do you think about Silent Hill? [�ス�ス�スf�ス]�スレ禁止]©5ch.net

1 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2017/02/22(Wed) 04:12:09.85
Silent Hill 1,2 and 3 are best things that happened to gaming industry since 1999...
I just cannot stop playing this shit.
I am currently finishing 3 part, and going for 4...
After 4 i am not going to play because japs are not involved anymore and konami is motherfucker.
Btw Silent Hill 1 is emulator only, Silent Hill 2 is unplayable without hacks,
and Silent Hill 3 and 4 are okay i guess.

Tips for Silent Hill 2: If you have strong enough PC to run emulator, then go for it.
Otherwise[i prefer PC] you have to disable all cpu cores and leave one.
I know how to do this on linux and i dont know how to do that on win. So disable all cores, just leave one working!
That will prevent sound from looping and cutscenes wont freeze.
2 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2017/02/22(Wed) 04:15:55.80
and btw, i think you should do it for Silent Hill 3 also, two cores are enough, rest needs to be disabled.
3 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2023/01/22(Sun) 18:01:22.46

�スS�ス�ス�スヌゑソス �スナ新50 1-100 �ス�ス�スフ板の趣ソスネス�ス�ス�スb�スh�ス齬� �ス�ス�ス�ス�ス[�スh


�ス�ス�スO�スF E-mail�スF

�ス�ス �スO �ス�ス �スV

English/Japanese dictionary for video game fags [�ス]�スレ禁止]©2ch.net

1 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2015/01/16(Fri) 15:23:19.95
vidya game => video game
31 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2016/04/27(Wed) 11:59:47.25
fag >>30
32 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2016/06/28(Tue) 06:05:24.00
Check mah dubs bebe
33 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2016/06/28(Tue) 06:20:11.95
ok now check mah dubs
34 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2016/09/11(Sun) 22:41:28.59
The secret of Blue Print.
35 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2017/02/17(Fri) 03:22:08.98
English? What do you mean? Is he a volunteer?
36 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2017/02/22(Wed) 00:02:58.63
37 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2018/11/18(Sun) 00:39:42.86
38 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2021/02/17(Wed) 11:20:12.95 2BP(1000)

I english like a england!
39 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2022/12/29(Thu) 16:34:19.36
40 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2023/01/22(Sun) 12:47:42.58

�スS�ス�ス�スヌゑソス �スナ新50 1-100 �ス�ス�スフ板の趣ソスネス�ス�ス�スb�スh�ス齬� �ス�ス�ス�ス�ス[�スh


�ス�ス�スO�スF E-mail�スF

�ス�ス �スO �ス�ス �スV

Mikado Game Center Europe -Gracias-

1 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2020/03/24(Tue) 22:10:41.56
sateto dousurukana
2 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2020/03/25(Wed) 00:33:05.26
korona de enki zannen dana-
3 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2020/03/25(Wed) 19:22:51.00
next year ni open shimasu
4 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2020/03/26(Thu) 00:27:13.88
timing saiaku
5 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2020/03/26(Thu) 12:08:59.08
yamaguchi member
6 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2020/04/01(Wed) 10:51:31.23
yureru paiotsu
7 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2020/06/20(Sat) 07:31:27.65
8 �ス�ス�スO�スFAnonymous 2023/01/21(Sat) 12:06:49.21

�スS�ス�ス�スヌゑソス �スナ新50 1-100 �ス�ス�スフ板の趣ソスネス�ス�ス�スb�スh�ス齬� �ス�ス�ス�ス�ス[�スh


�ス�ス�スO�スF E-mail�スF


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�スT�ス�ス�ス�ス�スヒゑソス BBS.CGI - 2025/03/28 10:56:35 JST

last modified at 2025/03/29 11:04:08 JST