Apply to SDSU

Undergraduate Admissions

International Students

Veterans & Service Members

Graduate Students

Adult Learners
The California State University (CSU) System
San Diego State University (SDSU) is an R1 institution and one of 23 universities in the California State University system. When you are applying for admission to SDSU through Cal State Apply, you are using the California State University common application.
Lower Division and Upper Division
These terms refer to both courses and students. Lower-division courses are at the 100 or 200 level, and upper-division courses are at the 300, 400 or 500 level. Lower-division students (also known as underclassmen) have completed less than 60 semester units and are usually first-years and sophomores. Upper-division students (also known as upperclassmen) have completed 60 units or more and are usually juniors and seniors. SDSU accepts transfer applications from upper-division students only.
California Residency
Under California law, most out-of-state students cannot establish residency to waive nonresident tuition at SDSU. You must prove that you have moved to California for reasons other than your education. Learn about California residency for tuition purposes.