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SERVESecure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment
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SERVESouth Eastern Regional Vision for Education
SERVESchool Enrichment Resource Volunteers in Education (Florida)
SERVEServing Emergency Relief and Vocational Enterprise
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References in classic literature ?
Michael, out of love, would serve Steward, but Michael lorded it over the kinky-head.
"Ay, marry," said the messenger, "thou art a brave lad; but our good Sheriff hath offered fourscore angels of bright gold to whosoever shall serve the warrant upon Robin Hood; though little good will it do."
Could I but meet this same Robin Hood I would serve it upon his dainty body, and if he minded it not I would beat him till every one of his ribs would cry Amen.
Fourscore bright angels hath the Sheriff promised me if I serve the warrant upon the knave's body, and ten of them will I give to thee if thou showest me him."
"No man shall see my warrant till I serve it upon yon fellow's own body."
"Now, ill betide thee, traitor staff," cried Robin, as it fell from his hands; "a foul stick art thou to serve me thus in mine hour of need."
I will serve on board your vessels, because you do me the honor to take me with you; but I shall there serve a more powerful master than the king: I shall serve God!"
The more loosely you serve, the bigger the serving diameter and the weaker it will be.
The serve also sets the tone for the ensuing rally and says something critical about a player.
The units of analysis included recording the occurrences of successful and unsuccessful serves, points scored (i.e., the results of the serve), time between serves, total timeouts for each team, and the velocity of each serve.
It is generally assumed that the growth and concentration of Latino students at an institution will trigger efforts by the institution to adapt its practices to better serve the Latino students enrolled, and that alone makes these institutions Hispanic "serving." In fact, the federal definition of a Hispanic-serving institution (HSI) is predicated on the concentrated enrollment of Latino students, rather than on a specific mission to serve these students (as with historically Black colleges and universities and tribal colleges and universities for their respective populations).