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Related to radio receiver: Best Buy, stereo receiver, Radio Shack
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RAORadio Receiver (US Navy)
RAORegulated Activities Order
RAORechtsanwaltsordnung (German: Lawyers' Act; Austria)
RAORight Anterior Oblique (Radiologic Term)
RAORecurrent Airway Obstruction
RAORetiree Activities Office
RAOResearch and Advocacy Organization
RAORetinal Artery Occlusion
RAOResponse Action Outcome (Massachusetts and New Jersey)
RAORecent African Origin (paleoanthropology)
RAORéponse À Appel d'Offres (French: Tender Response)
RAOResearch Administration Officer (Australia)
RAORace across Oregon (bicycling)
RAORussian Archives Online
RAORibeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Airport Code)
RAOResearch Analysis Office
RAORemedial Action Objective
RAOResponse Amplitude Operator (mechanical engineering)
RAORoyal Army of Oman
RAORegional Accounting Office
RAORegistration Authority Operator
RAORecherche Assistée par Ordinateur (French: Computer Assisted Research)
RAORassemblement des Astrologues Occidentaux (French: Gathering of Western Astrologers)
RAORegional Aviation Officer (US Forest Service position)
RAOResident Arts Organization (various locations)
RAOReadAllOver (image file format)
RAOResource Analysis Office
RAORead As One
RAORéflexion Assistée par Ordinateur (French: Computer Assisted Puzzle)
RAORhône Alpes Orchidées (French: Rhone Alps Orchids; est. 1987)
RAORight Ascension Offset
RAORegimental Administration Office (BATUS)
RAORegimental Activities Officer
RAOResidential Actions Office (US military)
RAOResident Agent Office
RAORating Assignment Office (US Navy)
RAORhône Alpes Outillage (French: Rhone Alps Tools)
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References in periodicals archive ?
The market for OEM quality HD Radio chipsets is growing rapidly with the increasing introduction of more and more car platforms offering HD Radio receivers as standard or options in vehicles."
has introduced its new multimedia radio receiver. The new radio features MP3, secure digital card compatibility, voice notes recorder, auxiliary jack and Bluetooth -- all in a compact single DIN package.
Simply place the radio receiver by the TV, put the headset on and you're away.
Control is via a built-in radio receiver that interfaces with a Power Access-supplied remote control or options such as ECU, sip, puff, or others.
Best Buy: Delphi Roady 2 XM Satellite Radio Receiver, $99.99
At the same time he hired two student engineers to help him design a radio receiver that could be sold at a low price.
The Elite Miracle-One linear gate operator from Chamberlain Professional Products of Elmhurst, Illinois, has been improved to include a prewired Chamberlain Security+ radio receiver in every control box, as well as an external alarm reset button and an extended wiring kit on all dual gate operator packages.
The move comes as American satellite radio broadcaster XM Satellite are to begin offering a radio receiver that lets listeners pause and rewind live radio broadcasts.
Delphi, a pioneer of in-vehicle entertainment and XM Radio (NASDAQ:XMSR), America's leading satellite radio service teamed to bring the Delphi XM SKYFi satellite radio receiver to market late last year.
Instead of having a tube and tiny camera put down their throats, patients swallow the pounds 400 capsule, clip a radio receiver on their belt and then return to hospital eight hours later.
Listeners use a specially tuned SCA radio receiver or the WUSF-TV SAP option.