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References in periodicals archive ?
Remind students that they are required to show that they understand foreground, middle ground and background and therefore must have their largest image in the front of their box.
Originally founded in 1988, Middle Ground Theatre are among the best-established touring companies in the country.
"Also, what exactly is the middle ground between the divinely mandated and manmade?" another questioned.
"We live in a world of conservatives and liberals," stated Marny Laseau, Magik Browneez founder, "but there has to be middle ground. Without middle ground, or more importantly, the desire to find middle ground, we fail as a race."
However, in this fall's battle over the government shutdown and the debt ceiling, he made little effort to fashion a middle ground. Whereas once he dismissed talk of red and blue America, President Obama now sees this divide as a central and irreconcilable fixture of American life.
What follows is a middle ground that became clearer after the arrival of missionaries in 1814, resulting in the Pakeha hegemony and mono-culturalism, which was enabled by the Treaty of Waitangi (1840), and gained strength from the 1860s.
This critically acclaimed production from Middle Ground Production Company features a lavish set and a specially composed musical score.
New Delhi, Jan 23 ( ANI ): Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh has said that India must chalk out a middle ground for the continuous development of the tribals for rooting out the Maoist menace that is gripping the country.
The middle ground faded from historical memory in part because the images of the vanishing Indian and sturdy pioneer proved politically useful and commercially profitable.
Now he's in middle-aged he's hit that middle ground of slow-turning synth turgidity.
Abortion and the Moral Significance of Merely Possible Persons: Finding Middle Ground in Hard Cases.
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