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GUSTOGlobal Use of Strategies to Open Occluded Coronary Arteries (cardiology)
GUSTOGlobal Utilization of Streptokinase and Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Occluded Coronary Arteries
GUSTOGlobus Ubiquitous Supercomputing Testbed Organization
GUSTOGlasgow University Science and Technology Outreach
GUSTOGreece United Substitute Teachers Organization
GUSTOGuidance Utilizing Stable Timing Oscillator
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References in classic literature ?
inexcusable gusto; there is none other like it for me to tell; it is my one ewe-lamb in all these annals.
I had a Sullivan for him, too; and in another minute he was spread out on my sofa, stretching his cramped limbs with infinite gusto, a cigarette between his fingers, a yellow bumper at hand on the chest of his triumph and my tribulation.
There had been a steady young fellow, only son of a butcher in the next street, helping his father in business, with whom Winnie had been walking out with obvious gusto. He was dependent on his father, it is true; but the business was good, and his prospects excellent.
Haley's horse, which was a white one, and very fleet and spirited, appeared to enter into the spirit of the scene with great gusto; and having for his coursing ground a lawn of nearly half a mile in extent, gently sloping down on every side into indefinite woodland, he appeared to take infinite delight in seeing how near he could allow his pursuers to approach him, and then, when within a hand's breadth, whisk off with a start and a snort, like a mischievous beast as he was and career far down into some alley of the wood-lot.
I tell ye that when they got here they'd be jommlin' and jostlin' one another that way that it `ud be like a fight up on the ice in the old days, when we'd be at one another from daylight to dark, an' tryin' to tie up our cuts by the aurora borealis." This was evidently local pleasantry, for the old man cackled over it, and his cronies joined in with gusto.
I thought that die I would to see old Joe Bradshaw, who is an infidel and never darkens the door of a church, singing `Safe in the Arms of Jesus' with great gusto and fervor.
The old gentleman pronounced these aristocratic names with the greatest gusto. Whenever he met a great man he grovelled before him, and my-lorded him as only a free-born Briton can do.
He had the hypocrisy to represent a mourner: and previous to following with Hareton, he lifted the unfortunate child on to the table and muttered, with peculiar gusto, 'Now, my bonny lad, you are MINE!
Previously the Vice President of Sports and Entertainment at Oracle Hospitality, Don will leverage his diverse 20+ year background in hospitality technology sales to lead Gusto's revenue generating activities and marketing.