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Related to GAGE: gauge
GAGEGlobal Atmospheric Gases Experiment
GAGEGrowth Alliance for Greater Evansville (est. 2007; Evansville, IN)
GAGEGround Avoidance Ground Escape (self-defense course)
GAGEGreat American Gymnastic Express (Blue Springs, MO)
GAGEGermantown Avenue, Gotta Eat (rapper Chaz Scott)
GAGEGelatin Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
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Before self-temperature-compensating gages became readily available, it was common practice to use a compensating gage to offset the extraneous errors generated by another gage (the measuring gage).
TMDE puts the gages in sealed bags to protect them from dust, corrosion and wear.
Gage quit the Times in 1980, and the family remained in Athens while he researched the imprisonment, torture and execution of his mother at the hands of Communist guerillas in 1948.
Because the gage is wireless, the new M1 Wave Sweep Gage relieves operators of twisted cables that result in early failure through cord breakage, and eliminates all their maintenance costs.
When the double-stranded RNA connects with this protein, Gage says, a role reversal occurs: The protein triggers the same genes it once silenced.
Dorsey acquired much of Standard Gage's specialized tooling and machinery at auction and subsequently hired several key former Standard Gage employees.
According to press materials, Gage, who grew up in suburban LA.
Gage Manager has two major areas of functionality: calibration and Gage R&R.
I was equally sure I could turn this business around and watch my retirement funds grow handsomely," Gage says.
Repeatability error is the variation of repeated measurements taken by one inspector using a single gage. Repeatability error will be large if the measurement increments are large compared to the part tolerance.
Clean and lube gages. A dirty or rusty gage won't give an accurate reading.