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Acronym | Definition |
ADC | Aid to Dependent Children |
ADC | Area Defense Counsel (US military public defender) |
ADC | Automatic Drip Coffee (maker) |
ADC | Alcohol and Drug Counselor (various organizations) |
ADC | Analog-to-Digital Converter |
ADC | Art Directors Club |
ADC | Apparent Diffusion Coefficient |
ADC | Analog to Digital Conversion |
ADC | Anti-Discrimination Committee |
ADC | American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee |
ADC | Active Directory Connector |
ADC | Antibody-Drug Conjugate |
ADC | Apple Developer Connection (Apple Computer, Inc.) |
ADC | Application Delivery Controller |
ADC | Arizona Department of Corrections |
ADC | Active Descent Control (engine braking system) |
ADC | A Diffusion Coefficient |
ADC | Architectural Design Concepts (various locations) |
ADC | African Development Center (Minnesota) |
ADC | Adult Day Care |
ADC | Automated Data Collection |
ADC | Attack Damage Carry (gaming) |
ADC | Alzheimer's Disease Center |
ADC | Aluminum Die Casting (various organizations) |
ADC | Apple Display Connector |
ADC | Aide-De-Camp |
ADC | Air Data Computer |
ADC | Air Defense Command (Pakistan Air Force) |
ADC | Advances in Distributed Computing |
ADC | Automatic Data Capture |
ADC | Assessment and Development Centre (various locations) |
ADC | Active Desktop Calendar (software) |
ADC | Adobe Developer Connection (software) |
ADC | Agile Development Conference (computer development) |
ADC | Average Daily Census |
ADC | Air Diffusion Council |
ADC | AIDS Dementia Complex |
ADC | Association Dentaire Canadienne (Canadian Dental Association) |
ADC | Advanced Data Center (various locations) |
ADC | Alexandria Drafting Company (est. 1956; Washington, DC) |
ADC | Automatic Distance Control |
ADC | Audio Digital Optical Cable |
ADC | American Digital Cellular |
ADC | Advanced Computations Department |
ADC | Autocad Design Center |
ADC | Airmatic Dual Control |
ADC | Advanced Disk Catalog |
ADC | Active Damper Control |
ADC | Automatic Document Control |
ADC | Arq Discard |
ADC | Analog to Digital Converter |
ADC | Adobe Device Central |
ADC | Active Differential Control |
ADC | Apple Developer Connection |
ADC | Adaptive Caching |
ADC | Ado Data Control |
ADC | Active Dynamic Control |
ADC | Aerospace Defense Command |
ADC | Archives of Diseases in Childhood (peer-reviewed journal) |
ADC | Application Data Center |
ADC | Activity Data Collection |
ADC | Anti-Defamation Commission (B'nai B'rith) |
ADC | Add With Carry |
ADC | Anti-Doping Commission (various organizations) |
ADC | Advanced Disk Catalog (software) |
ADC | Art & Design Company |
ADC | Annual Data Collection (various organizations) |
ADC | Area Development Council (various locations) |
ADC | Air Defense Command (obsolete) |
ADC | After-Death Communication |
ADC | Australasian Database Conference |
ADC | Agricultural Development Corporation |
ADC | Academic Development Center (various schools) |
ADC | Adult Degree Completion (various schools) |
ADC | Attended Donation Center |
ADC | Alternative Daily Cover (waste management) |
ADC | Automatic Data Collection |
ADC | Ashfield District Council (UK) |
ADC | Autoridade da Concorrência (Portuguese: Competition Authority) |
ADC | Application Detection and Control (wireless communications) |
ADC | Administration Center |
ADC | Area Distribution Center |
ADC | Association of Diving Contractors |
ADC | Aqaba Development Corporation (Aqaba, Jordan) |
ADC | Acquisition, Development, and Construction |
ADC | Astronomy Data Center (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) |
ADC | Applied Data Corporation (est. 1989) |
ADC | Access Deficit Charge (telephone service) |
ADC | Anxiety Disorders Clinic (various locations) |
ADC | Assistant Division Commander |
ADC | Air Development Center |
ADC | Abyssinian Development Corporation |
ADC | Arkansas Department of Corrections |
ADC | Association of Defense Communities (formerly National Association of Installation Developers) |
ADC | Advanced Digital Communications |
ADC | Adventure Day Camp (various locations) |
ADC | Automatic Defect Classification |
ADC | Ask Drunk Chara (anime) |
ADC | Assistant District Commissioner |
ADC | Adaptive Data Compression |
ADC | AIDS-Defining Cancer |
ADC | Address Complete |
ADC | Air Defense Commander |
ADC | Agility Dog of Canada (Canadian canine agility title) |
ADC | Assistant Deputy Commandant (US Marine Corps) |
ADC | Administrative Director of the Courts (various locations) |
ADC | Access Data Corp. (various locations) |
ADC | Alternative Distribution Channel (banking) |
ADC | Acquisition, Design and Construction (various organizations) |
ADC | AIDS-Defining Condition |
ADC | Armidale Dumaresq Council (Australia) |
ADC | Advanced Data Connector |
ADC | Ammunition Data Card |
ADC | Average Drivers Club |
ADC | Australian Dairy Corporation |
ADC | Aalborg Danse Center (Danish recreational dance center) |
ADC | Advanced Degree Candidate (education) |
ADC | Animal Damage Control program |
ADC | Attitude Determination and Control |
ADC | Agricultural Development Council |
ADC | Advanced Developers Conference (software development) |
ADC | Advanced Development Center |
ADC | Automated Distribution Center (various organizations) |
ADC | Associated Designers of Canada |
ADC | Authorized Design Center |
ADC | Acadia Divinity College (Nova Scotia, Canada) |
ADC | Atlantic Development Corporation (New Jersey) |
ADC | Application Development Consultant |
ADC | Average Daily Concentration |
ADC | Animal Dental Care |
ADC | Apparent Digestibility Coefficient |
ADC | Atmospheric Dispersion Compensator (astronomy) |
ADC | Ajax Data Controls (open source project) |
ADC | Area Air Defense Commander |
ADC | Agnews Developmental Center (San Jose, CA) |
ADC | Additional Collection (airlines) |
ADC | African Diamond Council |
ADC | Australian Database Conference |
ADC | Association of District Councils |
ADC | Algebraic Diagrammatic Construction (Method) |
ADC | Academic Deans Council (various schools) |
ADC | America's Dumbest Criminals (TV show) |
ADC | Applied Data Communications |
ADC | Authorized Derivative Classifier |
ADC | Advanced Development Centers |
ADC | Air Defense Center |
ADC | Alliance pour les Droits des Créateurs (French: Alliance for the Rights of Creators; Canada) |
ADC | Area Damage Control |
ADC | Acoustic Device Countermeasure |
ADC | Affiliated Data Center |
ADC | Adaptive Dispersion Compensator |
ADC | Assistant Deputy Commissioner |
ADC | Airborne Digital Computer |
ADC | Apple Distribution Center |
ADC | Automobiles des Cimes (French car dealership) |
ADC | Amiante Diagnostic Conseil (French: Asbestos Diagnosis CounciI; consulting firm) |
ADC | Advanced Data Controller |
ADC | Average Daily Commission (finance) |
ADC | Alpha-Decarboxylase |
ADC | Atlanta Distribution Center |
ADC | American Derringer Corp. |
ADC | Alianza Democrática Campesina (Spanish: Peasant Democracy Alliance; El Salvador) |
ADC | Advanced Distributing Company (Denver, CO) |
ADC | Association pour la Defense des Droits des Consommateurs (French: Association for the Defense of Consumer Rights) |
ADC | Association of Defense Counsel of Northern California and Nevada |
ADC | Aerodrome Controller |
ADC | Alberta District Council (Directors Guild of Canada) |
ADC | Audio Development Company |
ADC | Associazione Italiana Dottori Commercialisti (Italian: Italian Association of Chartered Accountants) |
ADC | Program Against Digital Counterfeiting of Currency |
ADC | Asynchronous Data Channel |
ADC | Arboretum de Chèvreloup (French arboretum) |
ADC | After Date of Contract |
ADC | Assistant Director of Ceremonies (Masonic) |
ADC | Automatic Drip Coffeemaker |
ADC | Alliance for Democracy and Change (Tuareg rebel group, Mali) |
ADC | Amateur Dramatics Club (Cambridge University) |
ADC | Assistant Deputy Comptroller (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, US Treasury Department) |
ADC | Asynchronous Data Communications |
ADC | Advanced Developing Country |
ADC | Active Duty Commitment |
ADC | Anti-Diluvian Chronicles (My Dying Bride album) |
ADC | Assignment Data Card |
ADC | Air Direction Controller |
ADC | Active Document Container |
ADC | Assistant District Coordinator |
ADC | Applied Degree Council |
ADC | Alaska Deaf Council |
ADC | Alternate Data Center (various locations) |
ADC | Administrative Data Center |
ADC | Chief Aviation Machinist Mate |
ADC | Analog Detection Circuit |
ADC | Air Defense Clearance (aviation/military) |
ADC | Allison Data Corporation |
ADC | Applied Direct Cost |
ADC | Associação Desportiva do Carregado (Portuguese: Sports Association of Carregado; Carregado, Portugal) |
ADC | Analog-Digital Combiner |
ADC | Atomic Demolition Charge |
ADC | Aircrew Ditching Course |
ADC | Armed Drill Commander (ROTC) |
ADC | Architecture Design Contractor |
ADC | Active Dual Consumers |
ADC | Automatic Deviation Control |
ADC | Atmospheric Dioxin Concentration |
ADC | Analysis Date Concentrator |
ADC | Automatic Data Controller |
ADC | Axially Displaced Cassegrain (antenna) |
ADC | Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations |
ADC | Anodal Duration Contraction |
ADC | Antwerp Diamond Center (Antwerp, Belgium) |
ADC | Asociación de Damas Colombianas (Colombian Ladies' Association, Guatemala) |
ADC | Automated Document Control |
ADC | Aircraft Directive Configuration |
ADC | Air Area Defense Coordinator |
ADC | Acoustic Display Console |
ADC | Aircrew Dry Coveralls (US Coast Guard) |
ADC | Application Deployment Checklist |
ADC | Aircraft Damping Composite |
ADC | Agile Devlopment Center (US Army) |
ADC | Aircraft Delivery Center (Airbus) |
ADC | Arte del Corpo (Italian tattoo website) |
ADC | Andrew Dale Consulting (Sudbury, ON, Canada) |
ADC | Androgen Disrupting Chemical |
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