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ADCAid to Dependent Children
ADCArea Defense Counsel (US military public defender)
ADCAutomatic Drip Coffee (maker)
ADCAlcohol and Drug Counselor (various organizations)
ADCAnalog-to-Digital Converter
ADCArt Directors Club
ADCApparent Diffusion Coefficient
ADCAnalog to Digital Conversion
ADCAnti-Discrimination Committee
ADCAmerican-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
ADCActive Directory Connector
ADCAntibody-Drug Conjugate
ADCApple Developer Connection (Apple Computer, Inc.)
ADCApplication Delivery Controller
ADCArizona Department of Corrections
ADCActive Descent Control (engine braking system)
ADCA Diffusion Coefficient
ADCArchitectural Design Concepts (various locations)
ADCAfrican Development Center (Minnesota)
ADCAdult Day Care
ADCAutomated Data Collection
ADCAttack Damage Carry (gaming)
ADCAlzheimer's Disease Center
ADCAluminum Die Casting (various organizations)
ADCApple Display Connector
ADCAir Data Computer
ADCAir Defense Command (Pakistan Air Force)
ADCAdvances in Distributed Computing
ADCAutomatic Data Capture
ADCAssessment and Development Centre (various locations)
ADCActive Desktop Calendar (software)
ADCAdobe Developer Connection (software)
ADCAgile Development Conference (computer development)
ADCAverage Daily Census
ADCAir Diffusion Council
ADCAIDS Dementia Complex
ADCAssociation Dentaire Canadienne (Canadian Dental Association)
ADCAdvanced Data Center (various locations)
ADCAlexandria Drafting Company (est. 1956; Washington, DC)
ADCAutomatic Distance Control
ADCAudio Digital Optical Cable
ADCAmerican Digital Cellular
ADCAdvanced Computations Department
ADCAutocad Design Center
ADCAirmatic Dual Control
ADCAdvanced Disk Catalog
ADCActive Damper Control
ADCAutomatic Document Control
ADCArq Discard
ADCAnalog to Digital Converter
ADCAdobe Device Central
ADCActive Differential Control
ADCApple Developer Connection
ADCAdaptive Caching
ADCAdo Data Control
ADCActive Dynamic Control
ADCAerospace Defense Command
ADCArchives of Diseases in Childhood (peer-reviewed journal)
ADCApplication Data Center
ADCActivity Data Collection
ADCAnti-Defamation Commission (B'nai B'rith)
ADCAdd With Carry
ADCAnti-Doping Commission (various organizations)
ADCAdvanced Disk Catalog (software)
ADCArt & Design Company
ADCAnnual Data Collection (various organizations)
ADCArea Development Council (various locations)
ADCAir Defense Command (obsolete)
ADCAfter-Death Communication
ADCAustralasian Database Conference
ADCAgricultural Development Corporation
ADCAcademic Development Center (various schools)
ADCAdult Degree Completion (various schools)
ADCAttended Donation Center
ADCAlternative Daily Cover (waste management)
ADCAutomatic Data Collection
ADCAshfield District Council (UK)
ADCAutoridade da Concorrência (Portuguese: Competition Authority)
ADCApplication Detection and Control (wireless communications)
ADCAdministration Center
ADCArea Distribution Center
ADCAssociation of Diving Contractors
ADCAqaba Development Corporation (Aqaba, Jordan)
ADCAcquisition, Development, and Construction
ADCAstronomy Data Center (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
ADCApplied Data Corporation (est. 1989)
ADCAccess Deficit Charge (telephone service)
ADCAnxiety Disorders Clinic (various locations)
ADCAssistant Division Commander
ADCAir Development Center
ADCAbyssinian Development Corporation
ADCArkansas Department of Corrections
ADCAssociation of Defense Communities (formerly National Association of Installation Developers)
ADCAdvanced Digital Communications
ADCAdventure Day Camp (various locations)
ADCAutomatic Defect Classification
ADCAsk Drunk Chara (anime)
ADCAssistant District Commissioner
ADCAdaptive Data Compression
ADCAIDS-Defining Cancer
ADCAddress Complete
ADCAir Defense Commander
ADCAgility Dog of Canada (Canadian canine agility title)
ADCAssistant Deputy Commandant (US Marine Corps)
ADCAdministrative Director of the Courts (various locations)
ADCAccess Data Corp. (various locations)
ADCAlternative Distribution Channel (banking)
ADCAcquisition, Design and Construction (various organizations)
ADCAIDS-Defining Condition
ADCArmidale Dumaresq Council (Australia)
ADCAdvanced Data Connector
ADCAmmunition Data Card
ADCAverage Drivers Club
ADCAustralian Dairy Corporation
ADCAalborg Danse Center (Danish recreational dance center)
ADCAdvanced Degree Candidate (education)
ADCAnimal Damage Control program
ADCAttitude Determination and Control
ADCAgricultural Development Council
ADCAdvanced Developers Conference (software development)
ADCAdvanced Development Center
ADCAutomated Distribution Center (various organizations)
ADCAssociated Designers of Canada
ADCAuthorized Design Center
ADCAcadia Divinity College (Nova Scotia, Canada)
ADCAtlantic Development Corporation (New Jersey)
ADCApplication Development Consultant
ADCAverage Daily Concentration
ADCAnimal Dental Care
ADCApparent Digestibility Coefficient
ADCAtmospheric Dispersion Compensator (astronomy)
ADCAjax Data Controls (open source project)
ADCArea Air Defense Commander
ADCAgnews Developmental Center (San Jose, CA)
ADCAdditional Collection (airlines)
ADCAfrican Diamond Council
ADCAustralian Database Conference
ADCAssociation of District Councils
ADCAlgebraic Diagrammatic Construction (Method)
ADCAcademic Deans Council (various schools)
ADCAmerica's Dumbest Criminals (TV show)
ADCApplied Data Communications
ADCAuthorized Derivative Classifier
ADCAdvanced Development Centers
ADCAir Defense Center
ADCAlliance pour les Droits des Créateurs (French: Alliance for the Rights of Creators; Canada)
ADCArea Damage Control
ADCAcoustic Device Countermeasure
ADCAffiliated Data Center
ADCAdaptive Dispersion Compensator
ADCAssistant Deputy Commissioner
ADCAirborne Digital Computer
ADCApple Distribution Center
ADCAutomobiles des Cimes (French car dealership)
ADCAmiante Diagnostic Conseil (French: Asbestos Diagnosis CounciI; consulting firm)
ADCAdvanced Data Controller
ADCAverage Daily Commission (finance)
ADCAtlanta Distribution Center
ADCAmerican Derringer Corp.
ADCAlianza Democrática Campesina (Spanish: Peasant Democracy Alliance; El Salvador)
ADCAdvanced Distributing Company (Denver, CO)
ADCAssociation pour la Defense des Droits des Consommateurs (French: Association for the Defense of Consumer Rights)
ADCAssociation of Defense Counsel of Northern California and Nevada
ADCAerodrome Controller
ADCAlberta District Council (Directors Guild of Canada)
ADCAudio Development Company
ADCAssociazione Italiana Dottori Commercialisti (Italian: Italian Association of Chartered Accountants)
ADCProgram Against Digital Counterfeiting of Currency
ADCAsynchronous Data Channel
ADCArboretum de Chèvreloup (French arboretum)
ADCAfter Date of Contract
ADCAssistant Director of Ceremonies (Masonic)
ADCAutomatic Drip Coffeemaker
ADCAlliance for Democracy and Change (Tuareg rebel group, Mali)
ADCAmateur Dramatics Club (Cambridge University)
ADCAssistant Deputy Comptroller (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, US Treasury Department)
ADCAsynchronous Data Communications
ADCAdvanced Developing Country
ADCActive Duty Commitment
ADCAnti-Diluvian Chronicles (My Dying Bride album)
ADCAssignment Data Card
ADCAir Direction Controller
ADCActive Document Container
ADCAssistant District Coordinator
ADCApplied Degree Council
ADCAlaska Deaf Council
ADCAlternate Data Center (various locations)
ADCAdministrative Data Center
ADCChief Aviation Machinist Mate
ADCAnalog Detection Circuit
ADCAir Defense Clearance (aviation/military)
ADCAllison Data Corporation
ADCApplied Direct Cost
ADCAssociação Desportiva do Carregado (Portuguese: Sports Association of Carregado; Carregado, Portugal)
ADCAnalog-Digital Combiner
ADCAtomic Demolition Charge
ADCAircrew Ditching Course
ADCArmed Drill Commander (ROTC)
ADCArchitecture Design Contractor
ADCActive Dual Consumers
ADCAutomatic Deviation Control
ADCAtmospheric Dioxin Concentration
ADCAnalysis Date Concentrator
ADCAutomatic Data Controller
ADCAxially Displaced Cassegrain (antenna)
ADCAssistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations
ADCAnodal Duration Contraction
ADCAntwerp Diamond Center (Antwerp, Belgium)
ADCAsociación de Damas Colombianas (Colombian Ladies' Association, Guatemala)
ADCAutomated Document Control
ADCAircraft Directive Configuration
ADCAir Area Defense Coordinator
ADCAcoustic Display Console
ADCAircrew Dry Coveralls (US Coast Guard)
ADCApplication Deployment Checklist
ADCAircraft Damping Composite
ADCAgile Devlopment Center (US Army)
ADCAircraft Delivery Center (Airbus)
ADCArte del Corpo (Italian tattoo website)
ADCAndrew Dale Consulting (Sudbury, ON, Canada)
ADCAndrogen Disrupting Chemical
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References in periodicals archive ?
He had served as aide-de-camp to General Sir John Moore in the Peninsular War and was one of the four officers who carried the body of their commander, killed in the Battle of Corunna, to its burial spot.
Nearly two years later, on January 20, 1863, Fred Gray was also appointed as an aide-de-camp under the command of General Wool, who had been recently transferred to New York to take command of the Department of the East.
Tyler Branham with the Bronze Star Medal for his "exceptionally meritorious service as Aide-de-Camp to the Deputy Commander for Regional Support and Logistics Officer in-Charge, Regional Support Command-Capital, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan and Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan, from August 2010 to August 2011." Along with the Bronze Star Medal, Lt.
LAHORE, June 17 -- Brigadier Adnan, a former aide-de-camp (ADC) to ex-president General (r) Pervez Musharraf, has been appointed as Military Secretary (MS) to President Asif Ali Zardari, a private TV channel reported on Wednesday.
Last year, he was made Air Aide-de-Camp to the Queen.
Wood, current aide-de-camp to Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command's commanding general, has been deployed for three of his six years of service.
After this he became an aide-de-camp to Lord Mountbatten and the bulk of the text is devoted to these momentous years.
Sladen was aide-de-camp to General Oliver Otis Howard in the small party that entered the stronghold of legendary Chiricahua Apache chief Cochise in the foothills of Arizona's Dragoon Mountains; their purpose was to end the 12-year war between the tribe and the US government.
When World War II broke out, Mayhall was as an ordinary soldier among hundreds of others with the 90th Infantry Division, and advanced to the position of Captain, becoming the aide-de-camp to General William Weaver taking part in numerous battles including the crossing of the Moselle and Roer Rivers, and fighting as the company commander in assausts aginst the Maginot Line.
The son of a Union Quartermaster General, John Meigs official correspondence reveals what his duties were like as a military engineer and aide-de-camp to Union generals.