Some of the common species include eared grebe, American avocet,
western sandpiper, horned lark, side-blotched lizard, California gull and red-necked phalarope.
Locally a Semipalmated Sandpiper, touted by some to be a rarer
Western Sandpiper, was still off Hoylake last weekend and with so many birders there searching, a White-rumped Sandpiper was also discovered.
In 2006 and 2007, 1,050 shorebirds (
Western Sandpiper, Calidris mauri, and Least Sandpiper, C.
Teresa Deeley (Kilkenny Watercolour) 64.1; Alex Franklin (Rosa Galicia) 62.7; Christine Redman (Sinead) 60.5; Jackie Pack (Bally Showstopper) 60.0; Claire Lewis (
Western Sandpiper) 59.1.
Fitness components of avian migration: a dynamic model of
Western Sandpiper migration.
Western Sandpiper (Calidnis mauri).- This species, which is remarkably rare in the Calumet region, has been recorded four times near Roxanna Pond and the adjacent Hammond Sanitary District Reach.
While the onset of dunlin and phalarope staging may be advancing,
western sandpiper staging may be delayed relative to that previously reported.
The fact that 1 isolate from a juvenile
Western sandpiper sampled far from human settlements on the tundra had resistance to cefadroxil, cefuroxime, and cefpodoxime, a resistance pattern commonly seen in clinical isolates, supports the theory of introduction by migration and transfer of bacteria between birds.
A variety of other Arctic breeders, such as the
western sandpiper (Calidris mauri) and the pectoral sandpiper (C.
Western sandpiper (Calidris mauri): This species breeds primarily on the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, and is thought to be a rare breeder on the Coastal Plain (Gabrielson and Lincoln, 1959; Johnson and Herter, 1989).
This project will help protect
Western sandpipers and other species through research and the development of a conservation plan that will guide future efforts, including addressing pollution from plastics.
2004: Evidence for sexual partitioning of foraging mode in
western sandpipers (Calidris mauri) during migration.