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References in periodicals archive ?
Obama returned to the theme in a later speech at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg.
Winn III, Skylar Winn, Cameron Winn and Joshua D'Amico; a brother, Charles Parmenter, of Copperas Cove, Texas; two sisters, Beverly Porter of Warrensburg, N.Y., and Gail Cooper of Marlboro; several nieces and nephews.
The institute is coordinated by the Missouri Center for Career Education (MCCE) at the University of Central Missouri (UCM) in Warrensburg, and sponsored by the DESE Office of College and Career Readiness in cooperation with MoACTE.
She taught 34 years in Missouri, 31 years at Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg, where she taught voice, music literature, accompanying, and related subjects.
She graduated as valedictorian from Warrensburg High School in Warrensburg, Mo in 1941.
Dominic Hartley and Emily Lewis, both 21, were on their summer break from Swansea Metropolitan University when they were hit by a Ford Escape driven by Peter Goldblatt in Warrensburg, New York, on June 24.
Pleasant, Iowa, DVD/VHS grand prize donated by High Yield Productions; Alice Abbott, Ridgeway, Iowa, Craig Babington, Revere, Mo., Don Collett, Warrensburg, Mo., Carolyn English, Bushnell, Ill., Dave Groth, Athens, III., Frank Roth IV, Hawk Point, Mo., Becky Terpening, Kirkwood, Ill., and Darrel Wrider, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, DVDs donated by High Yield Productions.
Dominic Hartley and Emily Lewis, both 21, were killed in Warrensburg, New York, on Thursday night when a car veered off the road.