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VERLVitelline Envelope Receptor for Lysin (genetics)
VERLVacuum Evaporation on Running Liquid (chemistry)
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However, comparison of the structures conclusively demonstrates that ZP2 and VERL repeats share a common 3D architecture", says Luca Jovine, Professor of Structural Biology at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition and the Center for Innovative Medicine at Karolinska Institutet.
As Dakotah observes the Wyoming landscape as she returns to Verl and Bonita's ranch after her deployment, she muses:
Brummer, Arnd (Hrsg.) (2009), Vom Gebet zur Demo: 1989--die friedliche Revolution begann in den Kirchen, Frankfurt am Main: Hansisches Dr.--und Verl.--Haus.
Frankfurt am Main: MVB Marketing- und Verl.-Service des Buchhandels, Bd.
Verl, "Semi-active damping of drive systems," JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control, vol.
The two factories in East- Westphalian Verl are among the most modern and efficient manufacturing sites for kitchen furniture in all of Europe.
Some researchers measured the spindle and feed motor current to estimate the static torque and thrust, in order to detect tool condition (PAL et al., 2009; SEVILLA-CAMACHO et al., 2010; VERL et al., 2009).
Under the deal, the name of the carrier will be changed to Alas Aviation Corp and application will be made to change its common stock ticker symbol from VERL to ALAS.
Two of the best-characterized gamete recognition systems studied thus far are the sperm-egg binding proteins, bindin and EBR1 (the egg bindin receptor protein-1) in sea urchins, and the lysin and VERL (the egg vitelline envelope receptor for lysin) proteins in abalone and other gastropods (see reviews by Kresge et al., 2001; Swanson and Vacquier, 2002a; Clark et al., 2006; Turner and Hoekstra, 2008; Palumbi, 2009).
21--3; or Gerd Hallenberger, 'Fernsehformate und internationaler Formathandel', in Hans-Bredow-Institut fur Medienforschung an der Universitat Hamburg (ed.), Internationales Handbuch Medien, Nomos Verl.-Ges., 2009, pp.
After its founding at the end of 1929, Sagar's first film to be released in early 1930 was Veer na Verl Conqueror directed by Moti Gidwani with Vithal in the lead.