VIIPVisualization, Imaging and Image Processing
VIIPVOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Innovation and Interoperability Program
VIIPVisual Impairment Intracranial Pressure Syndrome (astronaut eye problem)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Chang, "Fast digital image inpainting," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP '01), pp.
A team of researchers now reports their observations on inhalation exposure through the use of nanotechnology-enabled and non-nanoenabled ("regular") cosmetic powders VIIP 120(6)885-892; Nazarenko et all.
Of Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 2005), ACTA PRESS, 666-673.
The Swedish high-technology group Saab AB said today (2 December) that its subsidiary Saab Training LLC and the US component manufacturer Tec-Masters Inc had won a contract for the production of a vehicle instrumentation interface package (VIIP) through the US Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI).