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References in periodicals archive ?
"The USS Ward accelerated to bear down on the submarine.
USS MADDOX DESTROYER (DD-731, DD-622, DD-168) September 14, 2014, Baton Rouge, LA.
USS HAWAII (SSN 776)--Due June 2014 (Scheduling message received from command)
USS United States was commissioned on July 11, 1797, and its greatest battle was fought on Oct.
The USS New Orleans suffered a ruptured fuel tank, and divers have determined that the resulting hole is approximately 16 by 18 feet in size.
But when the scrap steel was delivered for the bow stem casting for the USS New York, Chavers felt there was something different this time around.
USS Princeton CV/CVA/CVS-37, LPH-5: Bob Butler (563) 259-8219;
and finished at 5 or 6 p.m., we would only have time to sell 350 cars a day," says USS president Futoshi Hattori.
On February 6, [is greater than] 60 crew members reported to the USS Arkansas medical department with respiratory symptoms; the 16 most symptomatic patients underwent a complete medical examination and additional laboratory testing.
In one of the more gripping incidents detailed in the book, the USS Seawolf was on the bottom of the desolate Siberian Sea of Okhotsk, tapping undersea telephone cables, when a powerful storm threatened to bury her in the seabed.