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Related to Torr: torrid
TorrTorricelli (unit of pressure equal to 1/760 atmosphere)
TorrTake-Off Run Required
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Pressure inside vacuum chamber was set up 4.05E-4 Torr. Experimental data and estimated values are shown at table 6.
The relationship of reaction rate constants and branching ratios of reaction channels with pressure 1~7600 Torr at 293 K are shown in Figures 3(a) and 3(b).
Figure 1 shows the surface morphologies for the diamond films grown on Si substrate at microwave power of 700 W, C[H.sub.4]/[H.sub.2] concentration ratio of 8%, and deposition pressures of 20, 40, 60, and 80 Torr, respectively.
They offer people a hug who later realise their valuables have gone POLICE CHIEF SIMON TORR were
MANAMA: A Bahraini woman sustained serious injury after an iron rod struck her forehead during an illegal demonstration in Daih yesterday, reports REBECCA TORR. More than 50 people participated in the illegal procession, which involved rioting, vandalism and hurling of iron rods, announced the Northern Governorate Police district head.
Ephedra trifurca Torr., 5622 TEX; 7044 ANSM, BRIT, TEX; 7056 ANSM, TEX; (TEX 142088, 142104).
Estelle, who remains a true daughter of Goa despite living in Delhi, decided to subject our vademecum to the acid test: wherever we went to eat she asked for torr, a typical Goan accompaniment consisting of green mango slivers pickled in brine.