TSELTransport SELector
TSELThe Sporting Exchange Limited (sports betting)
TSELTentative Safe Exposure Level
TSELThe Sociologically Examined Life
TSELTechnology and Semiconductor Equipment Leasing (various locations)
TSELTransportation Safety and Emergency Lighting (Canada)
TSELThe Sporting Exchange Ltd. (UK)
TSELThe Sunshine Environment Link (website)
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References in periodicals archive ?
e is also scheduled to give a one-day teaching on the Four Empowerments of Guru Pema Thoe Treng Tsel at the Phuntsoling Tibetan Settlement.
Finally, although the presentation of Dostoevsky's critique of reason is persuasive enough, it is a shame not to see a few words on the other side of the argument: that Dostoevsky was by no means an advocate of irrationalism or mysticism, but believed in the value of tsel 'nost', or the holistic integration of man's cognitive faculties, both rational and spiritual.
BETFAIR are on the brink of becoming one-fifth Japanese owned, after the board of parent company the Sporting Exchange Limited (TSEL) yesterday signed an agreement with the Tokyo-based Softbank Group, one of Japan's biggest and oldest-established international internet investors, writes Howard Wright.
Although countless trails seem to extend into the barren lands, the elders say that the Denesoline traditionally followed four main routes: Tath a Deze, Des Delgahi Deze, Des Tsel Che Deze, and Desnethche (Parlee et al., 2001) (Fig.
xxi), and TSEL Talk (Toronto) should read TESL Talk (p.
Karimov, Nasha tsel': svobodnaia i protsvetaiushchaia rodina (Tashkent: Uzbekiston, 1994).
_____' Nasha tsel' svobodnaia i protsvetaiuschchaia rodma [Our Goal: A Free and Prospering Homeland], Uzbekiston, Tashkent, 1994.
The short-lived plant provided the shade of Jonah's sukka, and it is that shade or shadow - the same Hebrew word, tsel, is used for both - that Eybescheutz compares to the brevity of human life.
For "concrete" and "integral," Shpet refers to Vladimir Solov'cv's Filosofikie nachala tsel 'nogo znaniia (1877), to S.
E Dodonov, "'A tsel" ta, chtoby pokazat'sia narodu velikim chelovekom': Politsiia i soramiki ob I.