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Related to TRACE: Traceroute, Trace route
TRACETransition Region and Coronal Explorer
TRACETrade Reporting and Compliance Engine
TRACETracking and Communications (extraterrestrial)
TRACETeaching Resources and Continuing Education
TRACETransport and Atmospheric Chemistry Near the Equator
TRACEThreat Research And Content Engineering (Marshal Ltd)
TRACETransitional Region and Coronal Explorer
TRACETarget Responsibility for Alcohol Connected Emergencies
TRACETraffic Accident Causation in Europe
TRACETotal Risk Assessing Cost Estimate
TRACETransaction Reporting and Compliance Engine
TRACETime Reservation using Adaptive Control for Energy Efficiency
TRACETask Reporting And Current Evaluation
TRACETaxing and Routing of Aircraft Coordinating Equipment
TRACETrans-Regional Academic Credentials Evaluation (Database)
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References in classic literature ?
"The method which traces the criminal by means of the tracks of his footsteps is altogether primitive.
Like the least intelligent of detectives I went on blindly over the traces of footprints which told me just no more than they could.
Plans for the winter Salmon River Abundance of salmon west of the mountains New arrangements Caches Cerre's detachment Movements in Fontenelle's camp Departure of the Blackfeet Their fortunes Wind Mountain streams Buckeye, the Delaware hunter, and the grizzly bear Bones of murdered travellers Visit to Pierre's Hole Traces of the battle Nez Perce Indians Arrival at Salmon River
All traces of the caches were then carefully obliterated.
What would be the result if he roused new hopes by resuming the effort to trace Miss Silvester, and if he lost the trace a second time?
I am ignorant if these remarks are new, or if they will be confirmed by closer examination ; but I think, that, on a hasty observation, Coningsburgh offers means of curious study to those who may wish to trace the history of architecture back to the times preceding the Norman Conquest.
`I looked about me to see if any traces of animal life remained.
We must discover her by personal description -- we can trace her in no other way.
Doth the man who recognizes in his own heart no traces of avarice or ambition, conclude, therefore, that there are no such passions in human nature?
It was therefore necessary, before everything else, and at all risks, that I should cause all traces of the past to disappear -- that I should destroy every material vestige; too much reality would always remain in my recollection.
The reason why women are so prominent is obvious: since most families and tribes claimed to be descended from a god, the only safe clue to their origin was through a mortal woman beloved by that god; and it has also been pointed out that `mutterrecht' still left its traces in northern Greece in historical times.
The toil of the traces seemed the supreme expression of their being, and all that they lived for and the only thing in which they took delight.